

affirm:[英 [əˈfɜ:m] 美 [əˈfɜ:rm] ]


过去式:affirmed;   过去分词:affirmed;   现在分词:affirming;

affirm 基本解释


及物/不及物动词断言,肯定; 证实,确实; [法]不经宣誓而庄严宣布; 承认

affirm 相关例句



1. He affirmed his love for her.


2. She was affirmed as a candidate.



3. He affirmed his loyalty to his country.



1. The witness affirmed to the facts.


affirm 网络解释

1. affirm

1. 肯定:所以本席在考虑2001年10月10日信函的整体和在相对可能性的平衡原则下认为华联未能证明双方/华联理解2001年10月10日信内有关出售的指称为可导致对方拒绝履行合约的违约行为. 假若这是可导致对方拒绝履行合约的违约行为,依据被告人的立埸,华联因坚持出货而已肯定(affirm)了004合约的有效和约束性. 166. 再者,有关2001年11月27

2. 断言:affiliate 联合,加入,加盟 | affirm 断言 | affix 黏上,贴上,附加

3. affirm:association for federal information resources management; 联邦信息资源管理协会(美国)

affirm 双语例句

1. Chinese edition assist game is versed in appoint secretary-general Liu Jie China affirm to media, total arrange of edition of new first quarter this year scent swims requirement net enterprise in the net You Zhongquan face executes real name attestation plan, and this program is effective it is the net swims prevent indulge one part of the system.



2. Chinese edition assist game is versed in appoint Hua Xiangji of secretary-general Liu Jie person affirm, total arrange of edition of new first quarter this year scent swims requirement net enterprise in the net You Zhongquan face executes real name attestation plan, and this program is effective it is the net swims prevent indulge one part of the system.


3. affirm的解释

3. I am always unconfident, and lack other's affirm, and can't see the future.


4. Some say it is from ancient Greece, some say from France, some say from England, China, Italy, Spain and so on. Actually all of the sayings are according to the fables, so it is very difficult to affirm.


5. affirm在线翻译

5. Thus, ecofeminism is also associated with earth based spiritualities that affirm women's closeness to the same, or the importance of Mother Earth as a living organism with which all life is intimately and inextricably connected, or that call for regenerative, nurturing, women-centred practices and theologies.


6. It is a process to determine and affirm the interest of sue and to guard substantively the reasonable society benefit. The process of litigation generating substantive law is countervailed by Constitution, fundamental concept of society and law occupation community and so on.


7. Be in when ultimate consumer Hagendasi after commodity of website choose and buy, type the address that needs deliver goods, the address can send a server automatically to undertake geographical encode matchs, amount to according to each booked haing roots this the deliver goods limits of the branch undertakes judging, at the same time will OK the address of deliver goods sends Hagendasi branch, in affirm consumer already was finished after paying, the flow that order of the electron that finish acknowledges.


8. You had better affirm repeatedly when beginning to optimize.



9. As national archivists and records managers with statutory responsibility for the information and indigenous knowledge in any medium. We affirm that reliable and anthentic records are the essential evidence of government activeties and obligations, and the rights and entitlements of citizens.


10. We not only affirm art merit, but also analyze in detail, and have right consensus guide.


11. Furthermore, the crisis management team earned high credits in some performance weight variables, such as overall performance, ability to have crisis solved, how much time spend and working procedures to solve the crisis. These findings undoubtedly affirm the importance of establishing a crisis management team in the sport facility.


12. Through inspection, affirm match with fact, it can be passed, 《goods exit harbor certificate》be taken back..


13. After the event, zhu Guanwei for kill a witness or accomplice, seal Zhu Xiaomei's mouth and bazoo with transparent and plastic adhesive plaster, what use Zhu Xiaomei of nylon rope entwine again is cervical, after till affirm Zhu Xiaomei, already dying, hide body conceal at bed bottom, change Zhu Xiaomei's body again after spur oneself building the bury in many meters 20 one deserted latrine pit.


14. affirm

14. But those who are in doubt before they affirm are they who incline to a life of good; and when they allow themselves to be bent to this by the Lord, then insofar as they think about these things, they affirm (AC 2568, emphasis added).


15. We plan to seek the adoption of new United Nations Security Council resolutions that would affirm Iraq's territorial integrity, ensure rapid delivery of humanitarian relief, and endorse an appropriate post-conflict administration for Iraq.



16. Accordingly we will affirm this aspect of the District Court's order.


17. Let him not quit his belief that a popgun is a popgun, though the ancient and honorable of the earth affirm it to be the crack of doom.


18. We desire, therefore, to affirm our faith and our resolve, and to make public our covenant.


19. Make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives a



20. And beautiful, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life.


affirm 词典解释

1. 断言;申明;坚持声称

If you affirm that something is true or that something exists, you state firmly and publicly that it is true or exists.


e.g. The House of Lords affirmed that the terms of a contract cannot be rewritten retrospectively.


e.g. ...a speech in which he affirmed a commitment to lower taxes...



The ministers issued an affirmation of their faith in the system.


2. 证实;确认

If an event affirms something, it shows that it is true or exists.


e.g. Everything I had accomplished seemed to affirm that opinion.



The high turnout was an affirmation of the importance that the voters attached to the election.

高投票率清楚地显示出选民们对选举的重视。affirm 单语例句

1. It " must affirm that the euro is an irreversible project and act in consequence ".

2. The Charter of the United Nations and many other UN documents affirm that sovereign states shoulder primary responsibility for protecting and promoting human rights.

3. Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will meet later Monday while Palestinians affirm the issue of the settlements will be the main topic to be discussed.

4. After the medical check, the physician put the official stamp on the certificate to affirm my healthy condition.

5. These findings affirm the outcome of past engagements that have motivated China as a stakeholder in the world system.

6. Frey testified from the witness stand twice Monday to affirm she had made the recordings, the AP reported.

7. " We affirm that it is imperative to break the vicious circle between banks and sovereigns, " said the leaders in a statement.

8. The judges of Beijing Municipal Second Intermediate Court said the case related to how to affirm the infringement responsibility of online shops.

9. It has yet to be seen whether the Beijing No 1 Intermediate Court will affirm or reverse the SIPO decision on the Pfizer patent.

10. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday during a visit to the Middle East that Musharraf must affirm that elections will take place.

affirm 英英释义


1. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts

e.g. his story confirmed my doubts

The evidence supports the defendant

Synonym: confirmcorroboratesustainsubstantiatesupport

2. to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true

e.g. Before God I swear I am innocent

Synonym: verifyassertavowaverswanswear

3. say yes to