

noticeable:[英 [ˈnəʊtɪsəbl] 美 [ˈnoʊtɪsəbl] ]


noticeable 基本解释

形容词显而易见的,明显的; 引人注目的,令人瞩目的; 显著的,重要的; 可以察觉的

noticeable 反义词



noticeable 相关例句


1. noticeable

1. The hole in your trousers is not noticeable.


2. noticeable什么意思

2. There is a noticeable coolness in his manner.


noticeable 网络解释

1. 明显的:而祖母绿属于第三类净度的有色宝石,即差不多全部的祖母绿都含有内含物. 评价的准则是用十倍放大镜和肉眼观察两种方法. (这种方法仅供参考,在实际交易中并不通用)VVS-肉眼不易看到内含物,在十倍放大镜下看到明显的(Noticeable)内含物.


2. 可觉察的:notice 觉察 | noticeable 可觉察的 | notion 观念

3. 显著的:notice 注意;通告 | noticeable 显著的 | notification number 公告号

4. 显明的:notice 通知 | noticeable 显明的 | noticeably 引人注目地

noticeable 双语例句


1. If the cataract is on the outer edge of the lens, no change in vision may be noticeable.


2. PROPERTIES:Dark stripes noticeable in the crose section.


3. The most noticeable feature of flomoxef resides in its excellent antistaphylococcal activity, improving one of disadvantages of the third - generation cephalosporins.


4. noticeable的翻译

4. This business card printing and membership card when, as the operator of the lack of quality control experience, resulting in a semi-finished products of the four-colour business card printing and membership card making, 20% of blue screen suites dot business card printing and membership card making color noticeable phenomena of light, the entire 印张 and quadrochromatic as compared to the color blue phase obviously inadequate, be found to the examination of semi-finished products products.


5. noticeable的解释

5. One is the electronic output production personnel work seriously or there is not enough to print, the exposure process for the manufacture of flat screen produced some unplanned, officers attached to the film making-check mode practice at the time of imposition of a bug, is often used to simply by virtue of the layout of text direction, and quick-fix determine the membrane surface (that is, generally speaking of membrane bound third, the print process does not have a timely check diacover film mistakes; 4 is business card printing and membership card manufacturing processes in the adjustment of the amount of ink, to meet field lines, text suites over saturated, that version, do not paste version, flat screen Panel, which is still a noticeable color light, paying the check printing quality and recognition, blind business card printing and membership card making the above business card printing and membership card making quality problems.


6. There was a noticeable eagerness to be seated, and at last the sainted goblets were filled, emptied, and refilled.


7. It is quiet noticeable that Chinese artists often show in their creation a need for legible imageries with distinct cultural connotations, which they develop into personalized symbols, such as masked figures, green dogs and red canna.


8. Tangent stress is relative with the depth and gradient of valley and tectonic stress. The thickness change of plastic zone in vertical direction is noticeable.


9. Tangent stress is relative with t h e depth and gradient of valley and tectonic stress. The thickness change of plas tic zone in vertical direction is noticeable.



10. Immediately noticeable, however, is that his falsetto sounds more restrained than when last heard in January.


11. This can be especially noticeable during quiet passages from the station you are listening to.



12. The collapse of the market for palmtops was especially noticeable in the fourth calendar quarter.


13. When God renews someone's life, it is noticeable.


14. The noticeable appearance does a wonderful job of attracting the attention of people through simplicity and luxuriousness.


15. noticeable

15. This is important any noticeable lag could stimulatethevestibular-ocular reflex, making people feel dizzy andsick.


16. But if a whole industry in this period of time turnover noticeable fluctuation, you have to gain attention and consideration.


17. noticeable

17. The jump cut is less noticeable than before.


18. Match-maker is the important part of marriage system in ancient China; professional match-maker is a noticeable phenomenon especially.


19. As the impact of financial crisis becomes increasingly noticeable in China, more and more lessees will be in capable of


20. This is particularly noticeable with minimum spec computers and hardware.

这是特别引人注目的与极小的spec 计算机和硬件。

noticeable 词典解释

1. 容易注意到的;显著的;明显的

Something that is noticeable is very obvious, so that it is easy to see, hear, or recognize.


e.g. It is noticeable that women do not have the rivalry that men have...


e.g. The most noticeable effect of these changes is in the way people are now working together.



Standards of living were deteriorating rather noticeably...


There are also many physical signs, most noticeably a change in facial features.

还有很多体貌特征,最明显的是面容的变化。noticeable 单语例句noticeable在线翻译

1. But Gross noted since the change in the Earth's rotation caused by the Chilean earthquake is so small that it will have no noticeable effects.

2. Another noticeable characteristic is the length of time it takes companies in crisis to make a public statement.

3. The villager said the cock hasn't changed in any noticeable way since it made the unexpected delivery.

4. Noticeable results were also achieved in the reform of the taxation system and the tax collection and management.

5. One noticeable change is that pirated DVDs are now much more difficult to come by on the streets.

6. When Nowak compared how much money people earned or lost in the long run, there was a noticeable correlation between punishment and overall money.

7. Unlike the crowded treadmill area and spinning room, the weights room usually displays a noticeable gender imbalance as males overwhelmingly outnumber females.

8. Data from the national surveys of nutrition indicate noticeable changes in the proportions and sources of dietary macronutrients.

9. They would have preferred a sharp revaluation of perhaps 20% in order to make a noticeable dent in the US unemployment rate.

10. The exchange rate has a direct and noticeable impact on economic indicators like exports, the utilization of foreign investment and employment.

noticeable 英英释义


1. capable or worthy of being perceived

e.g. noticeable shadows under her eyes

noticeable for its vivid historical background

a noticeable lack of friendliness

2. undesirably noticeable

e.g. the obtrusive behavior of a spoiled child

equally obtrusive was the graffiti

Synonym: obtrusive

3. capable of being detected

e.g. after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued

Synonym: detectable

4. readily noticed

e.g. a noticeable resemblance