

prediction:[英 [prɪˈdɪkʃn] 美 [prɪˈdɪkʃən] ]



prediction 基本解释

名词预言; [气]预测,预报; 预言的事物

prediction 相关例句


1. prediction的意思

1. My optimistic predictions came true.


2. prediction的翻译

2. He gave very little thought to the prediction of the fortune-teller, and didn't dream of any short-cut to fortune.


prediction 网络解释

1. 预见:二是预见(prediction). 这个标准主要包括未来的资料,而不是过去的或现在的资料. 好模型准确地和可靠地预期未来的事件,因此它不仅能够预言,而且也能受它自己的预言的检验. 三是

2. prediction在线翻译

2. 预言:18.预言(Prediction)-预测将要发生的事. 19.超感应力(Extra Sensory Perception)-就是俗称的ESP 回顾这个纲要,你也许会发现,这些效果都是起于物理上的技艺,然后逐渐变化上升到那些精神上的控制和这一系列分类的顶点,

prediction 双语例句

1. From the point of view of function approximation, a new nonlinear time series prediction model based on wavelet network and its learning algorithm by conjugate gradient method are developed. This model is applied to predict faults of propulsion system for spacecraft.


2. When I said we were going to beat the Celtics on November 2, was that really a prediction?


3. Improved footprint models, on the diffrerent points, enforce the function of prediction, avoid the structureless shortcoming, resolve the problem of different metric parameters in conventional model, and reveal more information about the impact of specific human behavior on eco-environment.?



4. For the prediction of vapor liquid interfacial tension of fluid mixtures, hard sphere surface tension model of pure liquid proposed by Reiss has been extended to mixtures using two vdW 1 mixing rules. The surface tensions for 64 binary liquids have been correlated with only average relative deviations of 0.80%.With the parameters obtained from the correlation of binary system data, this method has been satisfactorily applied t...

应用定标粒子理论表面张力方程以及 vd W- 1型混合规则,计算了混合流体的表面张力,对 64个二元体系,7个三元体系的表面张力计算平均相对偏差为 0 。80 %和 2 。43%;应用 Boudh- Hir和 Mansoori提出的部分互溶体系的界面张力模型,给出了硬球直径的确定方法,对 37个部分互溶二元含水体系的界面张力进行了计算,绝对平均偏差为 1 。5m N/m,相对平均偏差为 8.9%,计算精度满意。

5. Mr Hutcheson points out that Mr Moore made more than a purely technical prediction.


6. prediction在线翻译

6. We then turn to research into de novo protein structure prediction, in which structures are generated from first principles.


7. prediction的近义词

7. On pre-stack seismic reservoir prediction is concerned, AVO application can be grouped into two parts: One is to study the gas-bearing reservoir in response to the unusual characteristics of the AVO based on log data on seismic reflection through the AVO forward modeling. And using it as the basis for guidance inversion AVO anomalies to explain the properties based on the pre-stack seismic data; Second, proceeding AVO inversion based on pre-stack seismic data, and Extracting AVO abnormal attribute parameters, bas...


8. prediction的意思

8. See Significance of Accurate Level 2 Force Prediction.


9. prediction什么意思

9. Based on the preliminary results of applying the artificial neural network to rock tunnel support design and prediction of diaphragm wall deflection in braced excavation, it appears that the artificial neural network can be a viable method in providing design recommendation or predicting engineering performance by using the previous case histories or monitoring data


10. Objective: to understand the current district of wuxi macrolides in market situation and development tendency of its making a simple prediction.


11. prediction是什么意思

11. All model and criterion above have been applied and verified in the typical colluvial landslides and all the predicting results are basically agreed with the practical stability situation. Therefore, it is proved that the prediction theories and methods put forward in the dissertation are reliable and effective.


12. A method for compensator design which can make an object optimally decoupled via system output prediction is proposed. The algorithm of the compensator is presented.



13. Comprehensive development and application of drilling engineering information are an important means for implementing scientific prediction and decision of drilling engineering and raising its economic efficiency and improving its management.


14. Impact prediction of land-forming on marine environment in Jiaozhou Bay and Qianwan Bay I. Impact on hydrodynamic environment

stic effect 近年来,沿海地区经济快速发展,岸线开发利用的速度和强度猛增,在经济发展的同时,不可避免的出现了负面效应。

15. In the first section, verified the water substance advection scheme CSLR, compared with the old scheme QMSL, can do a better job in high-order accuracy, conservation, and shape preserving; then added the CSLR scheme into GRAPES_meso and GRAPES_global, through practical forecast experiments show that, with CSLR scheme, the model can better simulate the water substance advection, improved the effect of precipitation prediction.


16. Based on the five membership functions and fuzzy mathematics, prediction tests for the 73 CME associated geomagnetic disturbance events during 1996-2004 are made by considering the influence of CME velocity on the onset time of geomagnetic disturbances.


17. The second characteristic of the difference should be the subject of a large, generally 40% to 90% is common, there are three times, five times and some low agreement may be affected by the impact of premium, high estimate is very optimistic on the market, in One in front, on the 2nd notice are non-residential plots, the real is on the 3rd block this out, we are now to do a risk systems, risk systems in accordance with our prediction, the vast majority of areas we need it the average We estimate that the region should be higher than the price of three into the original in the first round tender for a high price, but that hundreds of pieces of land which already has nearly half of the land into the market, their current pricing, as well as some of their project with the bid has been fully resolved the first round of bidding when the call price, so the first round of bidding price risk has faded.

第二个特征的差异应该是一个大问题,一般40 %至90 %是常见的,有3倍,5倍和一些低协议可能受影响的保费,高的估计是非常乐观的市场,一个在前面,在第2次公告的非住宅小区,真正的是在第三块了这一点,我们现在正在做一个风险系统,风险系统根据我们的预测,绝大多数的地区,我们需要它的平均我们估计,该地区应高于价格的3到原来在第一轮投标,以高昂的代价,但数百幅土地已经有将近一半的土地进入市场,其目前的定价,以及他们的一些项目的竞标价格已经完全解决了第一轮招标时,要求的价格,以便在第一轮投标价格风险已经消退。

18. AD 10. It is evident that neither of Herod's sons, Philip and Antipas, had yet reigned thirty-four years, since the writer, hazarding a prediction that proved false, says that the sons should enjoy shorter reigns than their father.


19. As to condition that system or unit of system goes into failure state, which is repaired within stipulative time and doesn't affect mission success during mission completion, FMS mission success term, typical mission success model, FMS mission success model and the integrated prediction model of FMS mission success are presented.


20. A new technique, called inter-band compensated prediction, for coding colour and multispectral images is presented.


prediction 词典解释

1. 预言;预告;预测

If you make a prediction about something, you say what you think will happen.

e.g. He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year...


e.g. Predictions that the recession will be short are small comfort to those already affected...


prediction 单语例句

1. By the same token, the prediction that governments will impose massive carbon taxes has little basis in reality.

2. Beijing's top meteorological experts calculated the prediction using rainfall data from the past 30 years, and said there will be a 50 percent chance of rainfall.

3. Meeting his prediction would produce a 13 percent gain for Cisco shares, trailing the 62 percent average annual increase since they started trading in 1990.

4. The original experiment that lead to Lorenz's groundbreaking theory was conducted in 1961, when he was using a numerical computer model to rerun a weather prediction.

5. The CEC's prediction was correlated by data collected from north China's Qinhuangdao port, a major coal shipping center.

6. The official results will take a month, although a count by an independent watchdog should give an accurate prediction within a week.

7. Contrary to some experts'prediction, currency reform has not created a crisis or led to economic depression in the country.

8. The dire prediction came as the Chinese currency yesterday hit a new high against the US dollar since a revaluation a year ago.

9. It has built a data set on climate change trend, and released a data set on Asian climate change prediction.

10. Another prediction is the use of miniature telescopes that restore vision for patients with degenerative eye disease.

predictionprediction 英英释义


1. the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)

Synonym: anticipationprevision

2. a statement made about the future

Synonym: foretellingforecastingprognostication