

gush:[英 [gʌʃ] 美 [ɡʌʃ] ]


过去式:gushed;   过去分词:gushed;   现在分词:gushing;   复数形式:gushes;

gush 基本解释

动词喷涌; 迸出

名词涌出; 迸发

gush 同义词





gush 反义词




gush 相关例句


1. His eyes gushed tears.



1. Everyone gushed over the new baby.


2. gush的反义词

2. Young mothers are gushing over their babies.


3. Oil gushed from the well.



1. There was a gush of blood as the arrow was pulled out from the arm.


2. The wound re-opened in a gush of blood.


gush 网络解释

1. 喷涌而出:开始在前才震惊(startle) 在海岸线(coast)上烧烤(roast),为吹嘘(boast)自己而干杯(toast) 哥哥听闪光(glisten),走路他读书(tread),太婆有气无力(torpor),懒鬼无精打采(languish) 不在灌木丛中(bush),哥哥喷涌而出(gush),喝水才会安静(hush),

2. 涌出:gurgling well 脉动喷井 | gush 涌出 | gusher sand 高压油砂层

3. gush的翻译

3. 涌出,喷出:rush 急流 | gush 涌出,喷出 | flush 面红

4. 湧出;噴出;過度熱情;情緒過度地表露:grovel 趴在地上;卑躬屈節;沉溺 | gush 湧出;噴出;過度熱情;情緒過度地表露 | halt 停步;跛行;躊躇

gush 双语例句

1. He was eager, but did not gush.


2. gush

2. Its design content includes the choice of the area of function, the arrangement of the shower nozzle, the sureness of the pipe diameter, mix the check of the pressure of the water pipe, gush out such contents as the choice of the water pump, etc.


3. gush的近义词

3. Meantime, continuation of low tropospheric jet produces plentiful vapor for formation and continuation of rain gush.


4. Raw and dead turn, Get people to lawlessness fit Tsung, Dead thoughts and feelings like so many tidal sorts gently gush quit, Adjust heart think of Ho rawish acting, Handhold vital Shih empty, No more mouch no already, Which afraid of live like hairspring, Also want fly Yueh dead police circle.


5. gush的解释

5. Develop as science and technology, artificial gush drops the area the improvement of equipment and other technology measure, airplane work even more will even more be on short commons, although civil aviaton is opposite one, on the rate that 2 industries serve, according to the country the regulation of relevant policy has bigger privilege, but the management of general aviation industry still lies small profit even condition of lose money in business, civil aviation is general of aviation industry.


6. Tact switch, water gush miraculously from the walls of water as crystal clear full.


7. gush是什么意思

7. The latter discloses to him that once the dragon mouth of the Nine Dragon Hill is cut open, an inexhaustible supply of cool and fresh water will come gush ing out


8. gush的近义词

8. The beggar is immortal, will the dinner in the house, gush out later JinZhan silver Taiwan daffodil.


9. Great poem is the conduit that gush wisdom and happy water.


10. Summer monsoon circulation and double-blocking high with low-cyclone in high-middle latitude made the large circulation of the continuous heavy rain gush.


11. Q. Will your band Gush be coming out with a new CD soon?


12. gush

12. Her word gush forth when she meet her mother.


13. V 涌出 Her word gush forth when she meet her...


14. gush

14. Until I see, until I have put my hand in His side where I saw water and blood gush forth, until I have handled His body, I will NOT believe.


15. Does the spring, out of the same opening, gush forth the sweet and the bitter?

3:11 泉源从同一个眼里能涌出甜水和苦水么?

16. That manna should fall from heaven, or water gush forth from a rock?



17. A shrewd man conceals his knowledge, but the hearts of fools gush forth folly.



18. Working principle is the power that uses water pump to serve as loop and sparge, the one side in gush room or 3 form Shui Lian, sparge is formed inside gush fog chamber, the Qi Wu of the generation when spray paint or burnish or dir


19. Evian spring water a large nunber of noble women's skin beauty beauty beauty recipe. Evian sping water filtered h layers of mineral salts in the gave birth to 75 years later, sentenced to 80 meters from the ground at the end of a fixed flow rate(40000l/j)And temperature (27℃)continue to gush. It is pure sterile, rich in calcium, copper, zinc and manganese, have anti-inflamatory anti-itching, soothing sedative, anti-free radicals, PauRehabilitatin of water wet resin film effect on the already, offrequent allergies, poor tolerance to the skin better.

埃维昂温泉水经过层层矿物盐的过滤,在地下孕育了75年以后,从地底80米处以固定的流速(40000l/j )和温度(27℃)不断涌出。

20. Mighty jiangchao spring water, and even into a sea, a bright moon rising from the sea, it seems to flow together to gush.


gush 词典解释

1. 喷出;涌出;冒出

When liquid gushes out of something, or when something gushes a liquid, the liquid flows out very quickly and in large quantities.

e.g. Piping-hot water gushed out...


e.g. A supertanker continues to gush oil off the coast of Spain.


2. 涌流;喷出;冒出

A gush of liquid is a sudden, rapid flow of liquid, or a quantity of it that suddenly flows out.

e.g. I heard a gush of water.


3. 过分称赞;吹捧;装腔作势地说

If someone gushes, they express their admiration or pleasure in an exaggerated way.

e.g. 'Oh, it was brilliant,' he gushes...


e.g. He gushed about his love for his wife.



He delivered a gushing speech.


4. (感情的)迸发,爆发

You can use gush in expressions such as a gush of enthusiasm to refer to a sudden intense feeling or an expression of a feeling.


e.g. She felt a gush of pure affection for her mother...


e.g. Their initial gush of sympathy gradually dried up.


gush 单语例句

1. Still, she can't help but gush about her boyfriend's talents.

2. Even when an actress doesn't overtly chow down, it is not unusual for her to gush about her fondness for doing so.

3. Tasting it makes you gush compliments as though you'd instantly ingested several flutes of champagne.

4. The PBOC stressed the " sustainable " credit expansion and the inflation management as the government has heeded the potential inflationary threats brought by the loan gush.

5. These manmade structures allow water to gush out from rivers only when it reaches devastatingly high levels.

6. Last Saturday, he saw maggots gush out of a corpse that was dug out from the debris.

7. As the owners gush, this will give them the space to host a wide variety of art exhibitions.

8. Flames gush from the combustion chamber towards the roof of the kiln, and then move backwards to the kiln bed.

gush 英英释义


1. an unrestrained expression of emotion

Synonym: effusionoutburstblowupebullition

2. a sudden rapid flow (as of water)

e.g. he heard the flush of a toilet

there was a little gush of blood

she attacked him with an outpouring of words

Synonym: flushoutpouring


1. praise enthusiastically

e.g. She raved about that new restaurant

Synonym: rave

2. issue in a jet

come out in a jet

stream or spring forth

e.g. Water jetted forth

flames were jetting out of the building

Synonym: jet

3. gush forth in a sudden stream or jet

e.g. water gushed forth

Synonym: spurtspirtspout