

fusion:[英 [ˈfju:ʒn] 美 [ˈfjuʒən] ]



fusion 基本解释


名词融合; 熔解,熔化; 融合物; [物]核聚变


fusion 相关例句


1. fusion在线翻译

1. The fusion of copper and zinc makes the metal brass.


2. His work is a fusion of several different styles of music.


3. This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal.


fusion 网络解释

1. (溶解):这是通过使用材质的alpha值里的溶解(fusion)通道达到的. 选择淡蓝色为雪的颜色,因为当被照到它会表现出真实雪的样子,添加一个柔和的凹凸贴图,给它一些具有粗糙和断裂边缘的,柔和的层状的外表-就跟真实的东西一样!

2. 爵士乐 ):融合爵士乐(Fusion) 混合了两种或两种以上音乐形式的爵士乐,爵士摇滚 就是如此. 特约演奏(Gig) 爵士乐现场演出. 硬博普乐(Hard bop) 50个年代博普乐的一大进展,情感更加深沉,蓝调影响更多于原始博普乐的影响.

fusion 双语例句

1. fusion的反义词

1. A fusion factor exists separate from the virus'ability to hemolyze.


2. This is one of the reasons I prefer VMWare Fusion.


3. fusion的反义词

3. Two methods are proposed in thesis to deal with asynchrony, in which one is data compression in local sensors and the other is statistical method in data fusion center.


4. Test Method D 2584 is recommended for unkonwn samples, and in instances where fusion of the inorganic portions may be of concern.


5. fusion的反义词

5. Test Method D 2584 is recommended for unkonwn samples, and ininstances where fusion of the inorganic portions mey be of concern.

检验方法 D 2584建议使用在不明样品上和涉及无机物部分的熔点问题的情况下

6. The fusion protein GST-hEGF expressed in Escherichia coli in the experiments with mice showed the recombinant protein had good immunogenecity and the purifid protein hEGF could stimulate the growth of Hela cells efficiently.


7. fusion的反义词

7. This conclusion suggests that the deformed configuration system should be of great benefit to the synthesis of heavy or super heavy nucleus in the cold fusion process.


8. Methods. Forty-three patients undergoing surgery for instrumented one-level fusion with decompression were divided into 2 groups.



9. Dynamic anterior fixation can be used in anterior intervertebral decompression and fusion.


10. Finding out and monitoring MLL gene rearrangement is important in guiding personal therapy regimen and predicting prognosis in AL. 4 B/C method is an available and convenient method for detecting fusion gene with RARα, AML1 or MLL, and could use for Screenning test in AL patients.



11. The pressure ramp and the temperature ramp stimulate together and finally provide a pressure-temperature fusion tactile for the user.


12. The information fusion method is deeply discussed in this paper. Firstly, the system's work mode is designed.


13. The new ribbon can be easily split into two 12 fiber sub ribbons at the end or in the mid span, and the 12 fiber sub ribbons are completely compatible with standard optical ribbon mass fusion splicing equipment.

该新带纤可方便地在端部或中部撕裂为 2个 12芯子光纤带,而这 12芯的子光纤带又完全能与现有标准光纤带熔接机相配。

14. As we already noted that, Fusion will be positioned as apart of platforms for mass market.


15. Along with the development of laser confinement fusion project, more and more large aperature gratings are needed.


16. Artificial fusion proteins have been widely used in expression, detection and purification of proteins.


17. By injecting the high-energy neutral particle beam, which can be ionized and heated in the plasma, into the plasma in the fusion device, it can divert the energy of the neutral particle beam to the plasma and reach the objective of effective plasma heating.


18. By injecting the high-energy neutral particle beam, which can be ionized and heated in the plasma, into the plasma in the fusion device, it can divert the energy of the neutral particle beam to the plasma and reach the objective of effective plasma heating. The research of injecting neutral particle beam is always an important issue in the fusion research.


19. fusion

19. As the windup of the aesthetics trend of the Tang dynasty, the aesthetics of the late Tang did not fall and cease with the dying society, on the contrary, it still exerted strong influences though the economic and political situation of the late Tang was getting worse, and this is closely related to the social psychological foundation laid in the major national fusion in the Northern dynasty.


20. fusion的近义词

20. To minimize cellular variations, we generated stable cell lines for firefly luciferase reporters, and used Renilla luciferase-fused transcription factor to measure the quantity of individual transcription factor.

为了将细胞的变化值减到最小,我们设计了带有firefly luciferase reporters稳定细胞株的建立,并且利用fusion protein(同时带有Renilla luciferase与转录因子构筑融合蛋白)去计算出单独转录因子的数量。

fusion 词典解释

1. (不同特质、思想等的)合成体,融合体

A fusion of different qualities, ideas, or things is something new that is created by joining them together.


e.g. His previous fusions of jazz, pop and African melodies have proved highly successful.


2. 合为一体;融合

The fusion of two or more things involves joining them together to form one thing.

e.g. His final reform was the fusion of regular and reserve forces.


3. (物理学上的)核聚变

In physics, fusion is the process in which atomic particles combine and produce a large amount of nuclear energy.

e.g. ...research into nuclear fusion.


fusion 单语例句

1. It is developed by the interior design company HBA as a fusion of modern and traditional Chinese and Europe styles.

2. We were impressed by the creative design of the poetic scroll menu, though the Chinglish descriptions of the fusion dishes left us clueless.

3. Cover is RMB 50 and those carrying Club Fusion Party Cards may enter for free.

4. But he gently requested me to characterize his creations as Fusion rather than Cantonese.

5. Chef Wu has been taught that fusion is more a combination of flavors and techniques and this restaurant certainly has potential to expand on this.

6. The fusion of four exceptional voices has brought the passion and virtuosity of their classical training to the interpretation of romantic and popular songs.

7. The original concept behind fusion centers was to coordinate resources, expertise and information of intelligence agencies so the country could detect and prevent terrorist acts.

8. The constant growth and development of multinational corporations greatly spurs the overlapping and fusion of all countries'interests and significantly accelerates economic globalization.

9. The city's cosmopolitan flavour is the product of a rich Portuguese culture living in both partnership and fusion with the local Chinese culture.

10. New regional influences and creative fusion marrying diverse ingredients and cooking methods have also injected new life into the country's culinary traditions.

fusion 英英释义


1. the act of fusing (or melting) together

2. correction of an unstable part of the spine by joining two or more vertebrae

usually done surgically but sometimes done by traction or immobilization

Synonym: spinal fusion

3. the combining of images from the two eyes to form a single visual percept

Synonym: optical fusion

4. an occurrence that involves the production of a union

Synonym: mergerunification

5. a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy

Synonym: nuclear fusionnuclear fusion reaction

6. the merging of adjacent sounds or syllables or words

7. the state of being combined into one body

Synonym: coalition