

verdict:[英 [ˈvɜ:dɪkt] 美 [ˈvɜ:rdɪkt] ]



verdict 基本解释

名词裁定; (陪审团的)裁决; (经过试验、检验或体验发表的)决定; 意见


verdict 相关词组

1. pass ones verdict upon : 对...下判断;

verdict 相关例句


1. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty.


2. verdict

2. We would like to know your verdict in this matter.


3. The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty.


verdict 网络解释

1. verdict的近义词

1. 判决:因为设计的实验是人为的,和真实的情况不一定相同.举法官审判犯人为例:将一些和犯罪相关的内容写在纸上,然后拿给法官,要法官将最后的判决(verdict)写在纸上,这种实验可以证明不同年龄的法官可能会有不同的判决(亦即此实验中,

2. 陪审团的裁决:尽管法院对陪审团的裁决(verdict)采取尊重态度,不过法院在上诉审中仍对陪审团据以作出裁决的事实认定是否有充足的证据支持具有一定的审查权. 对此可参见宋冰编:,中国政法大学出版社,1998

verdict 双语例句

1. Lord Black, who at the height of his power owned a media empire spanning the UK, US, Canada and Israel, flanked by his wife Barbara Amiel Black and daughter Alana, sat stone-faced as the verdict was read.


2. verdict是什么意思

2. There are two types of verdict: general and special.



3. The jury normally renders a general verdict, and does not give reasons for its decision.



4. The general verdict was that people had enjoyed the film.


5. Nevertheless, he sees no reason to quarrel with the general verdict of common sense that there is a world of reality outside us, as well as a world of representation within us, and that the latter corresponds in a measure to the former.


6. Still established deadly enemy in the industry at the same time, the one big social effects of pollution that suddenly change one's identity makes industry... this is perfect and spatio-temporal the experience that this a week comes to, probably that day the controller of clappers decide on a verdict now have been to not have language coagulate choke, do not know how wind up!


7. When our lives have faded, History will pronounce its cool, detached, and shadowy verdict.


8. Final verdict is based on page 5 of the evidence: Liaoning integrity notary public for November 30, 2006 Huarong Asset disposal of non-performing assets of public bidding activities of the issued certificates to prove that the tender for failing to meet the reserve price Huarong Asset bidding requirements Termination, but the tender bidding specific claims and the specific people participate in the notary.


9. Verdict also noted that the evidence of a large number of Japanese atrocities, it is impossible to list, the court can only identify a large number of massacres and ill-treatment of prisoners of war and peace and crimes of residents of the International Covenant on the other war crimes of all kinds of evidence General conclusions.


10. That verdict is the first one which does not in favor of China scince China`s entrance into WTO.


11. verdict

11. No one knows what I went through while I was waiting for the verdict.


12. If the verdict is acquittal, it is unchallengeable.


13. Have some confidence in me, for I have succeeded to some extent in my study of the law, according to the verdict of my examinations, for I know the difference between the question put and the question pending, for I have sustained a thesis in Latin upon the manner in which torture was administered at Rome at the epoch when Munatius Demens was quaestor of the Parricide; because I am going to be a doctor, apparently it does not follow that it is absolutely necessary that I should be an imbecile.


14. Exactly thirteen years after being cleared of double murder OJ Simpson received a guilty verdict for another crime.


15. In demanding a verdict of murder without extenuating circumstances, I am following not only the dictates of my conscience and a sacred obligation, but also those of the natural and righteous indignation I feel at the sight of a criminal devoid of the least spark of human feeling.


16. In the course of a long career, in which it has often been my duty to ask for a capital sentence, never have I felt that painful duty weigh so little on my mind as in the present case. In demanding a verdict of murder without extenuating circumstances, I am following not only the dictates of my conscience and a sacred obligation, but also those of the natural and righteous indignation I feel at the sight of a criminal devoid of the least spark of human feeling.


17. Verdict抯 UK Consumer Satisfaction Index 2010 series of reports is the only reliable and accurate benchmark of retailer satisfaction performance that is defined by the customer.


18. Cannot serve as the basis of decide on a verdict with extreme word!


19. Once recombine to plan decide on a verdict and obtain a board of directors to approve, we will be announced external and make anticipate newly.


20. verdict

20. Decide on a verdict; determine a case; give judgment; decision in a case; final decision; verdict


verdict 词典解释

1. (陪审团或法官的)裁决,裁定,裁断

In a court of law, the verdict is the decision that is given by the jury or judge at the end of a trial.

e.g. The jury returned a unanimous guilty verdict...


e.g. Three judges will deliver their verdict in October.


2. (经过思考或调查后的)意见,结论

Someone's verdict on something is their opinion of it, after thinking about it or investigating it.

e.g. The doctor's verdict was that he was entirely healthy...


e.g. The critics were too quick to give their verdict on us.


verdict 单语例句

1. If he fails, the ANC's National Executive Committee can review the verdict and expulsion.

2. Yates initially was convicted of capital murder, but that verdict was overturned on appeal.

3. He said the bank believed that the US court would make a just verdict on the case according to law and the facts.

4. The Supreme Court verdict also clarified that those judges who refused to take oath under the PCO would cease to hold office.

5. So even if a court were willing to hear such a case, there is little chance of a verdict in favor of the plaintiff.

6. His victims and former enemies lamented their lost chance to hear the verdict of impartial judges.

7. Chaos erupted in the packed courtroom after the judge read the verdict and ordered the men's sentences referred to the mufti for confirmation.

8. The court has yet to issue its verdict, but either charge can result in capital punishment under China's Criminal Law.

9. Recognition is for Taiwan people who live in the mainland and are involved in civil cases for which a Taiwan court already issued a verdict.

10. The verdict was expected to clear the way for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to launch a major Cabinet shake up.

verdictverdict 英英释义


1. (law) the findings of a jury on issues of fact submitted to it for decision

can be used in formulating a judgment

Synonym: finding of fact