

lynch:[英 [lɪntʃ] 美 [lɪntʃ] ]


过去式:lynched;   现在分词:lynching;

lynch 基本解释




lynch 网络解释

1. 私刑:比如把大经济学家Paul Kregman的名字拼成Pawl Kregman,把私刑(lynch)翻译成凌迟处死,On the waterfront翻译成了在江边,都是编辑没有尽到职责. 不过,只花了28元人民币(英文原价25美元),也就别太计较了.

2. 凌迟--私刑处死:19) Obstinate:我不是听你的--固执的 | 20) Lynch:凌迟--私刑处死 | 21) May:美--少女

3. 语言课程评估:理论与实践 上海外教:1778 第二语言教与学的文化因素 上海外教 Hinkel 2001 | 1779 语言课程评估:理论与实践 上海外教 Lynch 2001 | 1780 社会语言学与语言教学 上海外教 Hornberger 2001

lynch 双语例句

1. During Huck and Jim's drifting down the river, they witness a series of ridiculous and evil scenes of society: the bodies drifting in the river, the feud between the families of Grangerford and Sherpherdson, rascals like the King and the Duke Colonel Sherburn's killing of Boggs, the mob's attempt to lynch Sherburn.…All these are unfolded before Huck and make him see through the greedy, hypocritical, cruel, cowardly, and vainglorious adults.


2. On the middle shelf a chipped eggcup containing pepper, a drum of table salt, four conglomerated black olives in oleaginous paper, an empty pot of Plumtree's potted meat, an oval wicker basket bedded with fibre and containing one Jersey pear, a halfempty bottle of William Gilbey and Co's white invalid port, half disrobed of its swathe of coralpink tissue paper, a packet of Epps's soluble cocoa, five ounces of Anne Lynch's choice tea at 2/- per lb in a crinkled leadpaper bag, a cylindrical canister containing the best crystallised lump sugar, two onions, one, the larger, Spanish, entire, the other, smaller, Irish, bisected with augmented surface and more redolent, a jar of Irish Model Dairy's cream, a jug of brown crockery containing a naggin and a quarter of soured adulterated milk, converted by heat into water, acidulous serum and semisolidified curds, which added to the quantity subtracted for Mr Bloom's and Mrs Fleming's breakfasts, made one imperial pint, the total quantity originally delivered, two cloves, a halfpenny and a small dish containing a slice of fresh ribsteak.


3. The company is led by John Lynch, a member of the Shanghai Jiaotong University Landscape Architecture Research Institute, and American Landscape Design expert Charles Norris.

公司由上海交通大学风景园林研究所朱黎青先生和美国专家Charles Norris先生担纲,带领一批高素质、充满活力的景观师,结合城市规划风景园林专业背景与园林植物专业背景,努力推动着中国景观设计艺术的发展。

4. lynch是什么意思

4. Investment bank Merrill Lynch in the report pointed out that in the short term the most important to note that the United States and the country's large trade and notes payable.


5. Lynch, DN. H., right, talks with Brad Simpkins from the state's Division of Forest and Land on top on Mount Major in Alton, NH, Thursday, Oct.


6. Like Lehman, Merrill Lynch was brought to its sneeze by debt links to the US housing market that became toxic and lost its value.


7. LYNCH: All one and the same God to her.



8. Other senior staff will include Donald Yang, until recently the long-standing head of Asian debt capital markets at Merrill Lynch; and Frank Qian, who worked alongside Mr Hsu at Citadel as a senior risk manager.


9. lynch

9. Fabio Savoldelli, chief investment officer of Merrill Lynch Investment Management prior to its 2006 merger with BlackRock, sounded the warning internally years ago.

在美林投资管理公司(Merrill Lynch Investment Managers)与贝莱德 2006年合并前任其首席投资官的法比奥·萨沃德利多年前就发出了内部警告。

10. Withdrawals from hedge funds and from mutual funds are one factor weighing on stocks, says Mary Ann Bartels, Merrill Lynch's chief strategist.'It's an overhang for the market, 'she says.


11. Withdrawals from hedge funds and from mutual funds are one factor weighing on stocks, says Mary Ann Bartels, Merrill Lynch's chief strategist.


12. These finance companies are Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Societe Generale Bank 601, 166, the Australian Macquarie Bank, Merrill Lynch, and so on.


13. How a person masters his fate is more important than what his fate is.

一个人如何掌理自己的命运比拥有什麼样的命运更重要)- Peter Lynch


14. I also caught a cold at that time also a fever, I eat a hot West Cape pain not effective, but also eat or not to reclaim Barker and her husband gave the last I bought Merrill Lynch, to do.


15. With a marginal cost of debt of only 2.4% after tax, firms rated investment grade have a powerful incentive to fund acquisitions with debt, says Jon Jonsson, a credit analyst at Merrill Lynch.


16. Baby fever a few days ago, hit a three-needle, infusion three times, finally had a fever before Merrill Lynch.


17. However, Merrill Lynch released the analysis report showed that due to traffic disruption could lead to supply shortages, is expected to intensify earthquake may be some areas in China's inflation expectations.


18. GLEE legend Jane Lynch shows she can Get Into The Groove like the best of them as she takes off Madonna in an upcoming episode of the hit show.

欢乐合唱团》中扮演强势女王啦啦队老师Sue Sylvester的Jane Lynch终于证明了自己像剧组其它成员一样能歌善舞,在下一集以麦当娜为主题的剧集中她将由惊人表现!

19. GLEE legend Jane Lynch shows she can Get Into The Groovelike the best of them as she takes off Madonna in an upcoming episode of the hit show.

背景阅读:《欢乐合唱团》中扮演强势女王啦啦队老师Sue Sylvester的Jane Lynch终于证明了自己像剧组其它成员一样能歌善舞,在下一集以麦当娜为主题的剧集中她将由惊人表现!

20. A more formal confirmation can be found in a 2002 paper by Seth Gilbert and Nancy Lynch.

在一篇2002年Seth Gilbert和Nancy Lynch发表的论文中可以找到更多的严谨的证明。

lynch 词典解释

1. 以私刑绞死(某人)

If an angry crowd of people lynch someone, they kill that person by hanging them, without letting them have a trial, because they believe that that person has committed a crime.

e.g. They were about to lynch him when reinforcements from the army burst into the room and rescued him.



Some towns found that lynching was the only way to drive away bands of outlaws.

一些城镇发现,私处绞刑是赶走匪帮的唯一办法。lynch 单语例句

1. Underwriters on the IPO are being led by Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Citi.

2. He is soon met by a lynch mob that strings Jed up for being in possession of allegedly stolen cattle.

3. Lynch said new research showed fish oils may reduce the cell inflammation that triggers a decline in memory.

4. Merrill Lynch attributed Hong Kong's enormous increase to the booming Chinese economy, which has strengthened consumer confidence and increased foreign investment in the Special Administrative Region.

5. Global banks including Citigroup Inc and Merrill Lynch & Co Inc have written down at least $ 75 billion in credit market losses.

6. Lynch named his film after a winding road in Los Angeles that runs along the crest of the Santa Monica mountains.

7. The Hustler publisher and free speech crusader said he acquired the snapshots of Lynch from two soldiers who served with her.

8. Merrill Lynch still has sizable portfolio of complex financial instruments called collateralized debt obligations, which combine slices of different kinds of risk.

9. But Merrill Lynch economist Marvin Wong said he doubts tourists alone will provide a magic economic cure.

10. The Jessica Lynch Foundation's goal is to educate children of veterans.

lynch 英英释义


1. kill without legal sanction

e.g. The blood-thirsty mob lynched the alleged killer of the child