

monotony:[英 [məˈnɒtəni] 美 [məˈnɑ:təni] ]


monotony 基本解释



monotony 反义词



monotony 相关例句


1. I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line.


2. monotony的反义词

2. The monotony of his voice sent me to sleep.


monotony 网络解释

1. monotony的反义词

1. 单调:修道院(Monastery)这个字很美,它来自一个希腊的字根,那个字根的意思是「成为单独的」,它跟独占(monopoly),一夫一妻制(monogamy),和单调(monotony)等字来自同样的字根,那个mon 变成 monkk(和尚),和尚意味着一个想要单独生活的人.

2. monotony

2. 单音:monotonous work 单调工作 | monotony 单音 | monovular twins 同卵孪生子

3. 单一性,单调:monotonically decreasing function 单调下降函数 | monotony 单一性,单调 | monovalent 单价

monotony 双语例句

1. Her head ached as she looked forward to the dull monotony of life.


2. With least landscape separation and less patch dendity, Pinus massoniana patch was fargoing distribution and good continuity, resulted habitat type and aspect monotony.(3)In the analysis of visual sensitivity, using 10° and 20° as the boundary to classify the slope sensitivity, the high sensitive region which slope above 20° share 11.4% of the total area of the reserve, mainly located in the middle and upside of the mountain; using



3. The sudden change from the freedom and excitement of the university to the silence and monotony of the cloister had a depressing influence on a man like Luther, who, being of a nervous, highly-strung temperament, was inclined to pass quickly from one extreme to another.


4. She felts the life in small town is monotony and vapidity.


5. Now, break the flat, stiffness, monotony living walls, enrich wall's expressions, then you can touch and feel the exquisite refinement that art give you, bathing the sunshine of special art, enjoy living in your attractive home.


6. Results It was found that there were hard job load, more role conflict, important responsibility for people and job, more negative feelings and physical compliments, job monotony, increased glycerinate, cholesterol and monoamin...

结果 肝功能指标水平在临界值以上者具有竞争性行为和外控性心理,工作负荷重,角色冲突多,对人的责任重,工作单调、躯体抱怨和负性情绪增多,舒张压增高,血脂和单胺类神经递质水平增加。

7. monotony

7. Are the best years of your life slipping away in enforced monotony?


8. To train the personnel to master work skills of many kinds of work. Improve the monotony and baldness at the same work. Inspirit the personnel by change the work content. Cultivate the personnel`s know for company system. Prepare the repertory personnel for vacancy work.


9. Landscaping and hedge and tree planting on the side and central reservations should be arranged to provide a pleasant and interesting outlook for the road users, to avoid monotony and boredom.


10. monotony的反义词

10. Landscaping and hedge and tree planting on the sides and central reservation s should be arranged to provide a pleasant and interesting outlook for the road users, to avoid monotony and boredom.


11. Landscaping and hedge and tree planting on the sides and central reservations should be arranged to provide a pleasant and interesting outlook for the road users, to avoid monotony and boredom.


12. They decided to break the monotony by concentrating on something amusing and interesting.


13. A life of division, contradiction, routine, monotony.


14. monotony的翻译

14. Even those not familiar with the new ThinkPad into a hidden partition of the user interface, too, can be prompted step by step system to restore/backup work, out of the past, the monotony of the interface DOS and old-fashioned T42, X40, such as higher model is adopted a new system to restore/backup mechanism - ThinkVatage technology.


15. Through 12 hours, the monotony of the street so that we have been tired, Waizhaonaodai I fell asleep and lifeless.


16. Medieval black knight produces the arrogant and cool characters of British-style rock, while the traditional tartan is just to break the dullness and monotony of British-style. Handsome leather outfit or the details of decoration echo the British academic artists and their creativity and alienation, so in fact the British knighthood style indicates a gloomy utopian feeling.


17. And what deadly monotony there is in all that!


18. Rocky mesas, canyons and arroyos break up the monotony of kilometers of shifting dunes. The days are hot and the nights are frigid.


19. By the joint research with American and Japanese scholar, the item member have obtained a series of innovative achievements in the theoretical analysis of SQDCI: present the partial differential equation method of distribution of joint queue length, and apply it to the study of various Markov SQDCI; give correlativity structure analysis and expressions of correlation coefficient of queues in SQDCI; generalize the study of SQDCI with infinite servers to the study of inhomogeneous batch arrival process, and get transient and stationary indices of inhomogeneous SQDCI; obtain stochastic comparison rule of convex functional of joint queue length of SQDCI with infinite servers, and prove stochastic monotony of convex functional for some distribution classes.


20. Here, two-dimensionality may imply Feng Bin's critical attitude toward the monotony of urban life.


monotony 词典解释

1. 单调乏味;无变化;一成不变

The monotony of something is the fact that it never changes and is boring.

e.g. A night on the town may help to break the monotony of the week.


e.g. ...a life of secure monotony.


monotony 单语例句

1. If the monotony of skyscrapers in Shanghai's concrete forest is wearing you down, try getting lost in the pet markets and traditional bird and flower bazaars.

2. Yet they make up the environment we live in and add much variety to the monotony of life as we know it.

3. Private yachts are one way to escape the monotony of everyday life.

4. The monotony of celebrating the festivals has also bored people, the survey revealed.

5. Perhaps Li chose to be a nude model to break the monotony of his lonely life.

6. Do everything you can to prevent boredom and monotony from settling into your life.

7. The pressures of life and household chores deprive married couples of their original passion and leave them with boring monotony.

8. Crazy zigzags break up the monotony of pinstripes and checks, while the pastel palette gives the collection a warm summer feel.

monotonymonotony 英英释义


1. constancy of tone or pitch or inflection

2. the quality of wearisome constancy, routine, and lack of variety

e.g. he had never grown accustomed to the monotony of his work

he was sick of the humdrum of his fellow prisoners

he hated the sameness of the food the college served

Synonym: humdrumsameness