

hypertension:[英 [ˌhaɪpəˈtenʃn] 美 [ˌhaɪpərˈtenʃn] ]


hypertension 基本解释

名词高血压; 过度紧张

hypertension 反义词


hypertension 网络解释

1. 高血压:研究报告刊登在美国心脏学会(American Heart Association)(Hypertension)杂志的2月号. 编者按:褪黑素(melatonin)又译褪黑激素、松果体素、美拉通宁、美乐通宁、脑白金体素,是睡宝、脑白金、美康宁、梅立宁、梅乐托宁、美乐托您、美乐通宁等保健品的主要成分. 中国病生理学会动脉粥样硬化专业委员会 国


2. 高血压病:高血压病(Hypertension)是以体循环动脉压升高、周围小动脉阻力增高,同时伴有不同程度心排血量和血容量增加为主要表现的临床综合征,是最常见的心血管疾病,且以原发性高血压病多见,是引起脑卒中、冠心病和肾功能衰竭的重要因素,

3. hypertension是什么意思

3. 血压:-(Cardiology)现货6.国家级继续医学教育项目教材-(Respirology)现货7.国家级继续医学教育项目教材-(Gynecology)现货8.国家级继续医学教育项目教材-(Hypertension)现货9.国家级继续

4. 原发性高血压:蛔虫和鞭虫感染,虫卵计..原发性高血压药物治疗依从性研究 中国慢性病预防与控制2000年第8卷第3期 戴俊明 傅华 沈贻谔 关键词:原发性高血压药物治疗依从性 原发性高血压(Hypertension)是一种没有明显自觉症状,

hypertension 双语例句

1. A long-term follow-up study was done in 96 patients with essential hypertension, including 48 cases with left ventricular hypertrophy and strain, and 48 cases without.


2. hypertension什么意思

2. Renal hypertension can be diagnosed by using digital image processing of radiographs.


3. To analyze the health examination results of 2603 intellectuals of 35~55 years old in Baotou Steel Rare-Earth Hi-Tech Co., Ltd, and understand the prevalence and risk factors of hypertension in this population.

目的 通过对包头钢铁稀土集团公司2603名35~55岁的知识分子体检结果的分析,了解该人群的高血压的患病率及其危险因素。

4. Anoxic pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary heart disease; Chronic obstruc tive lung disease; asthma; phlegm and fluid; edema


5. hypertension的意思

5. The most widely recognized risk factors for atherosclerotic cardioascular disease include age, gender, cigarette smoking, sedentary lifestyle, eleated LDL, reduced HDL, hypertension, and diabetes. The consistency of associations between these factors and ASCD risk across populations is substantial.


6. hypertension

6. This means that a considerable number of outbreaks in patients with hypertension at any time the risk of cardio-cerebral vascular diseases.


7. Objective To determine endothelial function in the brachial artery of patients with hypertension.

目的 多普勒超声检测高血压病患者的肱动脉内皮细胞的功能。

8. hypertension什么意思

8. Result: type acclunted for 76.5% of ins complicated with arf. patients of ins complicated with arf were often accompanied by severe edema, hydrothorax or hydroperitonia, hypertension, congestive heart failure or pulmonary edema, the rate of which was 76.5%, 64.7%, 47.1%, 58.8% respectively and was significantly higher than control group 58.8% of the glomerular pathology type of ins complicated with arf was minimal change and mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, but the constituent ratio of glomerular pathology type had no difference compared with the control group, all of the patients of ins complicated with arf were manifested diffuse interstitial edema, 7 with focal necrosis of tubular cells, 5 with patchy inflammatory cell infiltration of the 17 patients of ins complicated with arf, the renal function of 2 patients recovered soon after the diuretic therapy continuous renal redlace therapy was applied to treat the other 15 patients and the renal function of 14 patients recovered completely.


9. Patients of iNS complicated with ARF were often accompanied by severe edema, hydrothorax or hydroperitonia, hypertension, congestive heart failure or pulmonary edema, the rate of which was 76.5%, 64.7%, 47.1%, 58.8% respectively and was significantly higher than control group 58.8% of the glomerular pathology type of iNS complicated with ARF was minimal change and mild mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, but the constituent ratio of glomerular pathology type had no difference compared with the control group, All of the patients of iNS complicated with ARF were manifested diffuse interstitial edema, 7 with focal necrosis of tubular cells, 5 with patchy inflammatory cell infiltration of the 17 patients of iNS complicated with ARF, the renal function of 2 patients recovered soon after the diuretic therapy Continuous renal redlace therapy was applied to treat the other 15 patients and the renal function of 14 patients recovered completely.


10. Hypertension and glucoregulation dysfunction are the precipitating factor of arteriosclerosis, atherosclorosis is the key pathogenesis links to cardiovascular events, because of the potential effects of assessing the degree of arterioscle rosis in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, as non-invasive indexes of assessing the degree of artery stiffness and artery obstruct, the pulse wave velocityand the ankle-brachial indexare causing the attention day by day. this paper will discuss the promotion of arteriosclerosis in hypertension and glucoregulation dysfunction, and the significance of advanced arteriosclerotic evaluation.



11. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.


12. hypertension

12. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.Conclusion:Microoxytocin had a proficient effect on obsterice.


13. Result:The clinical test show the treat effection of preterm labour and promoting maturation of uterine cervix was proficent, the rate of success was 100%. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.


14. 156 case including hypertension of pregnancy、preterm labour、labour induction, Promoting maturation of uterine cervix were treated with microoxytocin. Result:The clinical test show the treat effection of preterm labour and promoting maturation of uterine cervix was proficent, the rate of success was 100%. The success rate of labour induction hypertension of pregnancy were 92.45%、80.77%.


15. hypertension是什么意思

15. Objective To explore the relationship between pulse pressure and target organs damage in aged patients with essential hypertension.

目的 探讨脉压与高血压病靶器官损害的关系。

16. Objective:To evaluate longterm therapeutic effect of amlodipine on target organs in essential hypertension.


17. hypertension的近义词

17. Heart, brain and kidney of these organs as target organs of hypertension.


18. LI group and cerebral thrombosis: there are differences in age, hypertension history, diabetes history, fasting blood sugar, cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein, fibrinogen, existence of carotid artery plaque or not, type of plaque, plaque scale, stenotic degree of carotid artery.

二LOgistic逐步回归分析 LI发病的主要影响因素是高血压史和高密度脂蛋白;年龄、胆固醉水平及颈动脉斑块类型是LF脑血栓形成发病的主要影响因素。

19. hypertension的解释

19. For beriberi edema, rheumatism Bitongkang; hypertension.


20. Methods:48 patients with liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension who received portal azygous disconnection and splenectomy were randomly assigned 2 groups, group control (n=24) and group therapy (n=24), except normal therapy, the patients of 2 group were separately cured by hypodermic injection of rhGH(8u, group therapy) and normal saline (2ml, control group) at second day for 7 days after operation.


hypertension 词典解释

1. 高血压

Hypertension is a medical condition in which a person has very high blood pressure.


e.g. He suffered from hypertension and accompanying heart problems.


hypertension 单语例句

1. When he started working at the Beijing Anzhen Hospital, hypertension research and treatment still fell under the cardiology umbrella.

2. " It was the world's first book to separate hypertension and cardiology studies, " Yu says.

3. She called on people who have ED to seek medical advice because ED is a warning of dangerous illness such as hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

4. Eating cocoa flavanols daily may help improve mild cognitive impairment, said a new research published this week in the American Heart Association's journal Hypertension.

5. Five to ten percent of patients with severe hypertension have tumors of the adrenal gland that produce a hormone called aldosterone.

6. " The rise in glucose consumption also mirrors the dramatic rise in hypertension, " the release said.

7. Medicines that reduce the pressure on the heart have helped a lot of pulmonary hypertension patients.

8. Doctors believed the drastic temperature change in the mountain area might have affected the elderly man who had a history of hypertension and diabetes.

9. The study was published in the International Society of Hypertension's Journal of Hypertension.

10. A national survey in 2002 found that China had 160 million hypertension patients who were at risk from various heart and brain diseases.

hypertension的解释hypertension 英英释义



1. a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high (a reading of 140/90 mm Hg or greater)

Synonym: high blood pressure