

immature:[英 [ˌɪməˈtjʊə(r)] 美 [ˌɪməˈtʃʊr] ]


immature 基本解释

形容词不成熟的; 未完成的; 粗糙的; 幼小

immature 同义词



immature 反义词



immature 相关例句



1. It was immature of her to do that.


immature 网络解释

1. immature的近义词

1. 未成熟的:该器械具有对血液、骨髓或其它体液的未成熟的(immature)或异常的造血细胞(hematopoietic cells)进行标记(flag)、计数或分类的能力. 这些器械可联合使用电子粒子计数法、光学法或利用单克隆CD(串指示(cluster designation))标记的流体细胞度量法.

2. 不成熟:其生物学功能特点表现为捕获抗原的高效性、很强的迁移能力以及高表达能激活T细胞的表面分子,但并没有告知, 目前对其生物学功能的作用机理尚未完全阐明;已知DCs的功能特点与其不成熟(immature)和成熟(mature)状态密切相关:不成熟的DCs具有高效的抗原摄取和处理功能,

3. immature什么意思

3. 未成熟:以3个品种杨梅果实为材料,将采后果实分为未成熟(immature)、成熟(mature)和完熟(ripe)3种不同成熟度,在20℃下48 h贮藏过程中,每隔3 h检测一次呼吸速率和乙烯释放速率,并分析成熟过程相关的品质变化.结果表明,

4. 不成熟的:immaterialize 使失去实体 | immature 不成熟的 | immaturity 未成熟

immature 双语例句

1. Obvious cartilage and island-distributed immature bone formation in implants of the experiment side were observed at 2 weeks after operation, and massive mature bone observed at 4 weeks. Newly formed bone had fused and formed mature lamellar bone and trabecularism. No bone formation was observed in the control side of the mice.


2. Key: tofu hot water to a small, bean curd hook to good Euryale ferox leaching immature oil, not water after Zhuangpan


3. In this paper, the author directs the source rock and distribution law of immature oil by analysis of geochemistry characteristics of crude oil.


4. The immature mice were also used to see the expression and regulation of STAT3 by gonadotrophin treatment.


5. It was suggested that Granny Smith was a better variety for production of apple juice and immature fruit was the best for extraction of polyphenol compounds according to the polyphenol content.


6. immature的近义词

6. High PP1 gamma 2 catalytic activity holds motility in check in immature spermatozoa.


7. Their predators are not well documented, but the dolphinfish is known to feed on immature Cobia.

没有好介绍天敌,但 dolphinfish 知道是对未成熟因数。


8. Can the immature cytoplasm support heterologous nuclei of oocytes development?


9. immature

9. 180Gy irradiation could prevent the reproduction of maize weevil both for adults and immature stages in the wheat.


10. The mind has the power to create every form of illusion, and to be caught in it seems so unnecessary and immature.


11. Objective:To testify the induction of allo -hypo-immuno-responsiveness by immature dendritic cellswith deficiency of costi mulators.


12. immature的意思

12. Objective: To testify the induction of allo -hypo-immuno-responsiveness by immature dendritic cellswith deficiency of costi mulators.

摘 要 目的:证实缺少辅助刺激分子的未成熟树突细胞在体外诱导同种T细胞的低应答性。

13. On top of that, the tools themselves were almost universally immature and ornery.


14. immature

14. Synchronous with the hero's life experience, his tragic idea also had experienced three growing steps: immature tragic idea, development of tragic idea and formation of tragic idea.


15. It is forbidden to pick immature seed, damage the parent trees, and to collect seeds from low quality forests or trees.


16. Article 65 For those who break the stipulations of this law to snatch the immature seeds, damage the parent trees, or to collect seeds from the low quality parent trees or forest, the people`s government administrative department of agriculture and forestry above county level should order them to stop the seed collection, confiscate the collected seeds, and impose a fine of 1 time to three times on them.


17. Article 65 For those who break the stipulations of this law to snatch the immature seeds, damage the parent trees, or to collect seeds from the low quality parent trees or forest, the peoples government administrative department of agriculture and forestry above county level should order them to stop the seed collection, confiscate the collected seeds, and impose a fine of 1 time to three times on them.


18. Medthods The MCL and ACL cells of tenweekold skeletally immature New Zealand white rabbit were cultured, while bFGF and ECGF were added to the cell culture media, the cellular proliferation was assayed by XTT method.


19. Though old beyond his years in some respects, I felt he was emotionally immature and certainly not ready for marriage.


20. immature是什么意思

20. It is also the process to fulfill my value system in my immature life.


immature 词典解释

1. 发育未全的;不成熟的

Something or someone that is immature is not yet completely grown or fully developed.


e.g. The birds were in immature plumage...


e.g. She is emotionally immature.



In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.


2. 冒失的;鲁莽的;冲动的

If you describe someone as immature, you are being critical of them because they do not behave in a sensible or responsible way.

e.g. ...grossly immature drivers who flout the rules of the road...


e.g. She's just being childish and immature.



...his immaturity and lack of social skills.

他冒失鲁莽,缺乏社交技巧immature 单语例句

1. She said she feared the contestant might be immature, but made no mention of a possible income gap.

2. The current global economic landscape and China's immature financial system will continue to prevent the yuan from becoming a fully convertible currency any time soon.

3. China's immature social security net has already found it hard to cope with a rapidly ageing population.

4. She added that companies should also exchange ideas on how to solve problems concerning management because this sector is still immature.

5. Mount Rushmore sculptor Gutzon Borglum described the left side of Lincoln's face as primitive, immature and unfinished.

6. A flaw in the system and immature market mechanism have also led to the twisted structure of the interest rate scheme.

7. He said Hung had been foolish and immature in that he even included his mobile phone number in the letters.

8. This frivolous attitude towards love reflects an immature response to abrupt freedom and independence.

9. " Things like that are for immature people, " she said.

10. About four weeks after transplanting the ovaries into female mice, the researchers obtained immature eggs and later matured them in vitro.

immatureimmature 英英释义


1. (of birds) not yet having developed feathers

e.g. a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill

Synonym: unfledged

2. not yet mature

3. characteristic of a lack of maturity

e.g. immature behavior

4. not fully developed or mature

not ripe

e.g. unripe fruit

fried green tomatoes

green wood

Synonym: greenunripeunripened

5. (used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth

e.g. young people

Synonym: young