

weakness:[英 [ˈwi:knəs] 美 [ˈwiknɪs] ]



weakness 基本解释


名词弱点,缺点; 软弱,优柔寡断; 弱,衰弱,虚弱; 〈口〉偏爱,癖好

weakness 相关例句


1. We all have our little weaknesses.


2. Angling for compliments is one of his weaknesses.


3. Weakness compelled him to retire early.


4. His weakness for cigarettes is detrimental to his health.


5. He has a weakness for detective stories.


weakness 网络解释

1. 弱点:3,SWOT分析.主要是在区域市场分析的基础上分析本案的优势(Strength),弱点(Weakness),机会点(Opportunist)及存在的问题(Threats).为提高我国医药行业的竞争实力,使医药,医疗器械生产厂家与使用单位共同健康持续发展,

2. 虚弱:一级魔法 虚弱(Weakness) 消耗魔法值:4 诅咒目标部队,减小其最大伤害值. 魔法持续回合数等同于英雄的法力值. 持续时间均为P(P为英雄Spellpower 法力)回合,回合以主动性为10的生物的一回合为准 原始...

3. 弱:至於联电,德意志证券认为制程技术转换落后,甚至以脆弱(weakness)来形容. 在营收部分,周立中原本预估,联电第二季将有11%的季营收成长率,下调至0-5%,这也使得联电第二季可能出现每股税后0.35元到0.49元不等的亏损. 依此推算,

weakness 双语例句

1. The fifth time when she forbore for weakness, and attributed her patience to strength.


2. The fifth time when she forbore for weakness, and attributed her patience to


3. Today's American conservatives, who claim the mantle of Reagan, would regard these ideas as treachery and weakness.


4. weakness

4. Ma Wang buckle Director introduced: Even after patients in a longer time without feeling sick until the disease will gradually develop to a certain extent have some lung area pain, loss of appetite, fatigue, weakness, weight loss and other symptoms gradually, to the late will have jaundice, ascites, hematemesis, coma and other manifestations.


5. weakness什么意思

5. The advantages and weakness both of the new and other joints of zinc-plated steel pipes are compared and it is concluded that the hoop-join would be feasible for pipeline installation in this country. Also some difficuities to use...


6. weakness的近义词

6. The weakness embraces the bad brand image, weak marketing capability, the structural consumer problem and the inexhaustive enterprise system reform, etc.


7. weakness的近义词

7. He never showed his weakness on the outside, continuing his work as if nothing was wrong, driven by Sosai X and his own demons, but he was riding on the ragged edge of a nervous breakdown when everything blew up.

他从不出示了在外面方面的他弱点,继续他的工作好像没事是错误的,被 Sosai X 和他自己的魔鬼驱使,但是当每件事物炸毁的时候,他正在搭乘神经衰弱的衣衫褴褛的边缘。

8. As long as global financial markets remain unstable with the de-leverage still intact we feel that there's still further potential for weakness in the energy complex.


9. It is considered a central nervous system stimulant and used for sexual weakness and lowered libido in both men and women.


10. This was the main weakness of the original T2: its high frequencies are not as good as the best in class, such as the Marl Levinson 380-S for example.

这是主要的弱点,原来的T2 :它的高频率不如最好的课堂,如泥灰岩文森380 - S的例子。

11. China-Telcom hasboth abundant resources and weakness of customer service, but privatelyowned ISPs can compete with them.

中国电信 163 虽具有资源优势,但客户服务意识淡泊,使广大网民得不到应有的服务,民营 ISP 则无法与垄断资源的 163 展开竞争。


12. Atomic force microscope which is developed on the base of scanning tunneling microscope and overcame weakness of STM that it can't examine insulated material, is the most effective and important means of testing and processing in nanometer technology, is receiving increasing popularity in application with the rising of nanometer technology.


13. Atomic force microscope which is developed on the base of scanning tunneling microscope and overcame weakness of STM that it cant examine insulated material, is the most effective and important means of testing and processing in nanometer technology, is receiving increasing popularity in application with the rising of nanometer technology.


14. Abilities will even sometimes prevailwhere the conduct is by no means correct. Either habitualimprudence, however, or injustice, or weakness, or profligacy


15. Print the technique development for some and proper weakness for since a life time, printing machine manufactory have to facing the machine zero the parts, especially wheel gear, producing not adopting the wheel gear to print the machine this speculation in a lot of year agos have already bring upped, but limit because of the at that time technique term, and always have no very big progress.


16. Inner Focus: This ability will no longer lose charges when Shadowguard or Touch of Weakness is triggered.


17. weakness什么意思

17. We have already also come in sight of our weakness and resulted in basic reason of these weaknesses.


18. Myasthenis gravis is an autoimmune disease. It manifests itself by varying weakness of muscle under voluntery control.

重症肌无力(myasthenia gravis,MG)是一种自身免疫性疾病,其主要表现为肌收缩无力,易疲劳。

19. Hypercube has many advantages, such as smaller diameter, simple routing algorithm, many parallel paths between any two nodes, and fault-tolerance, on the other hand that the Hypercube nodal degree increased logarithmetically to the number of nodes has limited network population. So we propose a constant nodal degree hierarchical topology to remedy the weakness of Hypercube and take advantages of Hypercube most. Given the definition of FCCN we analyse the basic properties including nodal degree, number of links, extensibility and diameter (maximum network communication delay). Also we proposed a simple and self-routing algorithm applied in FCCN. Although the self-routing algorithm is not optimal, but at more than 82% case it can get the shortest path, and the percent is larger and larger increased with network levels. By the self-routing algorithm the internodal distance is calculated to evaluate the network communication delay more clearly. The average internal distance is in order of the cubic root of the network population that is almost same as logarithmetically relation in a few thousands. FCCN is a highly scalable network due to its recursive construction.


20. weakness的近义词

20. And the weakness of the legal system means that companies operate in a confusing half-light.


weakness 词典解释

1. 嗜好;癖好;迷恋

If you have a weakness for something, you like it very much, although this is perhaps surprising or undesirable.

e.g. Stephen himself had a weakness for cats...


e.g. His one weakness, apart from aeroplanes, is ice cream.


weakness 单语例句

1. In addition, there was physical weakness caused by cold and fatigue.

2. Weakness was by no means unique to Japanese stocks in the midst of a toxic mix of rising inflation and slowing growth known as stagflation.

3. She developed a weakness for British fare during filming in Cambridgeshire this summer.

4. Doctors said people who have the cell phone elbow can feel weakness in their hands and have difficulty opening jars or playing musical instruments.

5. Amyotrophy is a congenital disease characterized by acute pain and weakness or atrophy of musculature.

6. The weakness in the US dollar in 2009 when it fell by 15 percent is not an unusual circumstance.

7. But it would also fully expose Europe's political weakness and lack of coherence.

8. Davies appears to be asking himself if he can understand them at all, but even this admission of weakness as an artist is bold and even thrilling.

9. He seemed contented, to be able to indulge in his weakness for the sweetmeat.

10. But the latest reading marked nearly a year of continuous contraction since November, underscoring broader economic weakness and shrinking demand in key overseas markets.

weakness 英英释义


1. the property of lacking physical or mental strength

liability to failure under pressure or stress or strain

e.g. his weakness increased as he became older

the weakness of the span was overlooked until it collapsed

2. powerlessness revealed by an inability to act

e.g. in spite of their weakness the group remains active

Synonym: helplessnessimpuissance

3. a penchant for something even though it might not be good for you

e.g. he has a weakness for chocolate

4. a flaw or weak point

e.g. he was quick to point out his wife's failings

Synonym: failing

5. the condition of being financially weak

e.g. the weakness of the dollar against the yen