

disband:[英 [dɪsˈbænd] 美 [dɪsˈbænd] ]


过去式:disbanded;   过去分词:disbanded;   现在分词:disbanding;

disband 基本解释

及物动词遣散; (使)解散,散伙; 解体

不及物动词解散; 遣散

disband 相关例句


1. The army was disbanded when the war ended.



1. The club has disbanded.


disband 网络解释

1. 解散:),而且你不可以像普通部队那样在有兵营的城市升级集团军中的部队,只可以通过不断参加战斗来升级. 如果你建了军事学院,可以把旧的集团军解散(DISBAND)获得100点物资,也不失为一种加快该城市建造的办法.


2. 解散,遣散:detain拘留,扣留 | disband解散,遣散 | disperse解散(集会等),驱散

3. disband的近义词

3. 解散(军队):disarrange#扰乱 | disband#解散(军队) | disclaim#拒绝承认;否认

4. 解除队伍:/kickfromraid -- 从Raid中踢队伍 | /disband - 解除队伍 | /follow C 跟随目标

disband 双语例句

1. Article 93 On the day when the decision of the People's Bank of China to approve the foreign-funded institution with legal person status to disband itself, to approve the foreign bank, solely foreign-funded bank, or joint venture bank to close its branch bank within China or to order it to close its branch bank within China takes effect, the foreign-funded financial institution which has been approved to disband itself, to close or been ordered to close shall stop its business operations immediately, return its license for financial business, and its senior managerial personnel, the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders of foreign-funded institution with legal person status must stop exercising their powers, and shall form the liquidation group within 15 days.



2. Iraqi prime minister ***tells CNN in an exclusive interview today he is demanding that radical Shiite cleric ****disband his medhi army.

伊拉克总理***在接受 CNN 独家专访时说,他要求什叶派极端军事武装***解散 MEDHI 军。


3. As for the condom scatterd in disband dinner, I think it`s a positive behavior but wrong occasion.


4. The Communist failure was more obvious: wanting desperately to preserve the United Front, the CCP simply refused to organize any of the students on their own, satisfying themselves with a lame request that radical youth disband their more leftist organizations and join the Sanqing Youth Corps.


5. disband的翻译

5. The blood coagulation in mice was recorded with a coagulation analyser after GBE was administrated by vein injection. Result:GBE significantly lengthened the recalcium time, lowered the increase ratios of viscosity and elasticity, and reduced the maximum viscosity and elasticity. At doses of 100 and 200mg/kg administrated by vein injection GBE lengthened the coagulation time, reduced the fibriogenesis and clot retraction ratio significantly in mice. GBE can also inhibit rabbit platelet aggregation induced by ADP and promote the disband of the aggregated platelets.


6. This theory apparently disband the traditional dichotomy of subject-object and nature-society in philosophical significance and make for an...


7. disband

7. In all these places the adherents of the new religion and the preachers were organised into churches, installed in the buildings that had once been Catholic; monasticism had been abolished and the monks'properties taken over by the state; the clergy who wished had married, with the state's approval; the mass was everywhere forbidden and the new rites made obligatory; and these Lutheran states were banded together in a formidable military alliance, so powerful that it had been able (at a moment when a Turkish invasion threatened) to ignore the diet's summons to disband and submit, and furthermore it had won for their sect's new status in these regions a provisional acquiescence from the emperor.


8. We won't have to fight them, they'll simply disband!


9. disband

9. There, the humans disband their fleet and construct a new city in which to live.


10. Then you either disband the cavalry or do something else with it.



11. At that time, there were more and more attempts by those in authority to disband the members of the brotherhood...


12. All structures and infrastructure s of violence must be withdrawn and disband ed...


13. Our country " insurance law " regulation, run the insurance company that has life-insurance business, divide schism, amalgamative outside, must not disband.


14. Judge Charles Schwartz is giving the state 60 days to disband and consolidate Louisiana's four higher education boards



15. In cases where taxpayers who owe duty undergo cancellation, disband, go bankrupt or terminate business in accordance with the law during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision, they shall report to the customs before liquidation.


16. In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband


17. The EC will disband any party that falls short of the minimum number of party members or whose members fail to meet the requirements of the junta's Constitution and election laws.


18. The official trades union council voted to disband itself and re-form as a confederation


19. disband在线翻译

19. Of the insurance company of life-insurance to managing business disband make rigid limitation, main consideration manages life-insurance business to have long-term sex, if allow this kind of company to be disbanded at will, can harm the interest of insurant directly.


20. disband的反义词

20. The prosecutors are asking the court to disband the party and ban the prime minister and president from politics.


disband 词典解释

1. 解散;解体;(使)散伙

If someone disbands a group of people, or if the group disbands, it stops operating as a single unit.

e.g. All the armed groups will be disbanded...


e.g. The rebels were to have fully disbanded by June the tenth.

叛乱分子会在 6 月 10日前全部解散。

disband 单语例句

1. About 500 policemen had gathered outside the local mayor's office to protest a government decision to disband their special forces unit.

2. Fatah supporters said in a statement that thousands of Fatah loyalists would deploy across Gaza if the Hamas force did not disband within three days.

3. The British demolished the building in an effort to disband the unit.

4. The NTC is grappling to disband dozens of rival militias with regional allegiances, more than two months after rebels captured and killed Gadhafi.

5. Contador found himself without a team when his Discovery Channel outfit decided to disband after failing to secure a new sponsor.

6. The United States was angered by Chen's decision last month to disband the council, a move interpreted by Washington as an unnecessary provocation of Beijing.

7. The declaration also demands that Israel disband settlements and retreat to its borders before the 1967 Mideast war.

8. The group said on Thursday they had decided to disband in response to criticism levelled at them since the death.

9. Lebanon is currently in violation of Resolution 1559 over its refusal to disband the military wing of Hezbollah.

10. Soldiers fired automatic weapons at a crowd of demonstrators yesterday after they ignored orders to disband.

disband的近义词disband 英英释义



1. stop functioning or cohering as a unit

e.g. The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting

Synonym: dissolve

2. cause to break up or cease to function

e.g. the principal disbanded the political student organization