

pray:[英 [preɪ] 美 [pre] ]


过去式:prayed;   过去分词:prayed;   现在分词:praying;

pray 基本解释

及物动词祈祷,祷告; 请求,恳求; 央求

不及物动词祈祷; 请; 恳求


pray 相关例句


1. I pray you to show mercy to the child.


2. The citizens are praying that the war will cease soon.


3. We pray you for mercy.



1. The athletic meet is on Saturday, so we're praying for a fine day.


2. They knelt down and prayed to God for help.


pray 网络解释

1. 祷告:在他阿嬷离开地球(Earth) 的那一天,但是, 时时祷告(pray)请求主帮助母亲在天堂平安无苦痛,6/10是母亲登上前往天堂的班机(flight) 的日子 ... 还是早班机呢!我们播放了一段母亲开心的录影(video) 做最后能留下的美好回忆...

pray 双语例句

1. I can not kneel down to you, and I will always God, you pray.



2. And every night when I kneel down to pray


3. You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you.


4. Each evening I pray for our fellowship, for your peace, your health and joy for I especially miss you all - remembering/reminiscing the warmth and joy in the Lord together; missing especially the singing; Bible studies and discussion during Saturday evening dinner fellowship.


5. At night i pray that soon your face will fade away.


6. pray

6. At night I pray, that soon your face will fade away!


7. At night I pray that soon ur face will fade away.


8. Senegal – LORD, we pray that the re-election of Abdoulaye Wade as President would be a positive one for Sengal`s future. We ask that the President would uphold values of religious freedom and would work to end corruption at all levels of government.


9. Let us pray for this great opportunity for outreach and raising up of Fuzhou church workers.


10. Let us pray for vibrant student ministries in Germany.


11. We cannot judge those who have left but we pray for this neglected group and this huge problem China churches have.


12. We cannot judge those who have left but we pray for this neglected group and this huge problem China churches have..


13. His poem ends: Promise, I pray, that someday when task done, we go back farming, we'11 surely rent a plot of ground and as''.


14. pray的反义词

14. His poem ends: Promise, I pray, that someday when task done, we go back farming, we'11 surely rent a plot of ground and as paring neighbors let's live.


15. LOVE IS DIE I looked away then i looked bacd at you, you tried to say things that you can't undo. if i had my way, i'd never get over you, today's the day i pray that we make it through, make it through the fall, make it through it all. i don't want to fall to pieces. i just want to sit and stare at you. i don't want to talk about it. i don't want a conversation i just want to cry in front of you, i don't want to talk about it'cause i'm in love with you. you're the only one. i'd be with'til the end. when i come undone. you bring me back again. back under the stars back into your arms.

爱情是死,我把头扭然后我翻阅裂谷你,你想说话,你不能undo.if 我有我的想法,我以前从未闯过你,今天的一天,我祈祷,让我们透过它,使它通过秋天,使它通过它all.i不想降至pieces.i只想坐凝望you.i 不想谈it.i不想谈话,我只想哭在你面前,我不要说它的事业,我爱上you.you ' re唯一one.i '四有' til的end.when我 come undone 。你带我回来。早在星空下放回手臂。

16. Where God is about to fulfill a promise, he moves people to pray.


17. In times of difficulty, she pray for an oracle to guide her


18. pray的解释

18. Now what we can do is to pray for him.


19. Would you like to pray with me?


20. pray在线翻译

20. I will continue to pray for you.


pray 词典解释

1. 祈祷;祷告

When people pray, they speak to God in order to give thanks or to ask for his help.

e.g. He spent his time in prison praying and studying...


e.g. Now all we have to do is help ourselves and to pray to God.


2. 祈望;祈求

When someone is hoping very much that something will happen, you can say that they are praying that it will happen.

e.g. I'm just praying that somebody in Congress will do something before it's too late...


e.g. One can only pray that the team's manager learns something from it...


3. (用于不太友善或气愤但镇定地提问时)请问

Pray is used when asking a question in a rather unfriendly way or in an angry but calm way.

e.g. And what, pray, do you buy and sell, Major?


4. (用于礼貌地提出要求)请

Pray was used to add politeness to a command.


e.g. I beg your pardon, pray continue.


pray 单语例句pray

1. I can only pray that some of these parents will wake up and begin to act responsibly for a change.

2. Bamboo pole snatching was held on the third day of the third month of the lunar Chinese calendar each year to pray for good harvests.

3. In the fifth and sixth month of the Tibetan calendar each year, many Buddhists come to the lake pay homage and pray.

4. It is from here that the muezzins call the faithful to pray, although nowadays this task is being increasingly taken over by recorders and speakers.

5. After Sheehan left, dozens of the demonstrators gathered under a canopy to pray for her mother.

6. The lamas visited each disaster relief site to chant sutras for the departed and pray for the survivors.

7. Julia now often visits temples to " chant, pray and celebrate ".

8. The other will coordinate to knock the chime stone and pray to Buddha.

9. Some pastors held special " cleansing " services to pray for a win for Ghana.

10. " We hope and pray that the missing men are alive and well, " Key said in a somber address to Parliament.

pray 英英释义


1. call upon in supplication


e.g. I beg you to stop!

Synonym: begimplore

2. address a deity, a prophet, a saint or an object of worship

say a prayer

e.g. pray to the Lord