

rouse:[英 [raʊz] 美 [raʊz] ]


过去式:roused;   过去分词:roused;   现在分词:rousing;

rouse 基本解释

动词叫醒,惊醒; 鼓励,鼓舞; 使发脾气; 使振奋

名词觉醒; 奋起; [军]起床号; 干杯

不及物动词醒来; 奋起

rouse 相关例句


1. His brother's example roused him to action.


2. He was roused to anger by the insult.



1. Our indignation rouses.


2. He roused up from sleep.


rouse 网络解释

1. 洛兹:kiss cat 产品结构为以正装、时尚类为主,兼顾休闲品类的真皮女鞋;长期精确、稳定的市场表现形成大方、时尚、雅致、宁静和甜美的产品风格,展...洛兹(rouse)男装一件6折,两件5折.


2. 唤醒:41review复习 | 42rouse 唤醒 | 43rout 线路

3. rouse的近义词

3. (常与up连用)鼓动;激励;激发:toast 烘暖;烤热 ,敬酒,祝酒 | rouse (常与up连用)鼓动;激励;激发 | arouse 唤起,激起,引起

4. rouse

4. 用力拉叫醒:rouse up 用力拉从睡中喊起来 | rouse 用力拉;叫醒 | rouse 用力拉叫醒

rouse 双语例句

1. Sea cucumber and dried seafood is expensive Zhenxiu, Rouse Green Run, texture and refine, as one of China's eight major Haizhen.


2. The face is paralytic can happen at all ages, but 15~45 year old the commonnest, come on the peak is reached inside over number hour or 1~3 D, can incline the head unhealthily at the beginning of disease or ache after mandible horn, expression breaks down for flesh of a side countenance, frontal grain disappears, the eye is cracked greaten or close faint, when closing a key point, eyeball up foreign and rotational, show white sclerotic, call Bell the phenomenon, channel of ill side nose lip becomes shallow, quarrel prolapse, side of crooked Xiang Jian of the quarrel when grinningly, rouse cheek or whistle hourglass is enraged, the food when taking food often stops to age at ill side buccal between, at the same time companion has weep reach salivate.

面麻痹可发生于所有年龄,但15~45岁最常见,发病多于数小时或1~3 d内达到高峰,病初可有病侧耳或下颌角后疼痛,表现为一侧面部表情肌瘫痪、额纹消失、眼裂变大或闭合无力,闭眼时,眼球向上外方转动,露出白色巩膜,称Bell现象,病侧鼻唇沟变浅,口角下垂,露齿时口角歪向健侧,鼓腮或吹口哨时漏气,进食时食物常滞留于病侧齿颊之间,同时伴有流泪及流涎。

3. The pursuing is rouse of humanity, and also is the tergiversation to traditional female role of the ethical code.?


4. rouse什么意思

4. Hoping to sell its integrated city management systems to China's mayors, the Cisco pavilion is a celebration of the joys of a microchip-enhanced life: right down to wristwatch-sized monitors that simultaneously check the contractions of a pregnant woman, summon the ambulance, inform her husband, rouse the obstetrician from bed and book a delivery room.


5. It's wise not to rouse public anger. Though Wen Xiang knew it would turn out all right, he couldn't help being concerned for Gululu.


6. rouse的翻译

6. Men in women`s clothes, women in male attire, children disguised in beggars` rags: there were some of all sorts: ci-devant counts, marquises, even dukes, who wanted to fly from France, reach England or some other equally accursed country, and there try to rouse foreign feeling against the glorious Revolution, or to raise an army in order to liberate the wretched prisoners in the Temple, who had once called themselves sovereigns of France.


7. He knew how slow men are to believe in the wonderful promise of answer to prayer in His name. He longs to rouse a large and confident faith, and to free our prayer from every shadow of a doubt, and to teach us to look upon intercession as the most certain and most blessed way of bringing glory to God, joy to our own souls, and blessing to the perishing world around us.


8. rouse在线翻译

8. Pass a visit, chinese leader realises we lagged behind really, want rouse oneself to catch up to have to execute reforming and opening.



9. Pathogeny of 1 eardrum CG and the pathogeny that send CG of ill mechanism eardrum and hair ill mechanism are current still ambiguous, discuss the matter that eardrum CG forms before, provide functional barrier around pharynx beat more, consider as pharynx to rouse tubal block to cause secretion retention to caused eardrum negative pressure to cause the formation of eardrum CG.


10. Take a dry, dormant savanna, desert or thorn scrub and rouse it into spring with rising temperatures.



11. What we must do is to rouse the people.


12. He's not easily rouse d to anger.


13. I usually rouse at six in the morning.


14. I've been unable to rouse her.


15. Other fish in succession balloonfish of help sb to get over his worries not only do not listen, instead makes fun of a power and prestige to come, it bilges abdomen so that rouse to rouse, fin pricks vertical stroke to get spinous, hold out motionlessly go up in surface, come to death since outfit.


16. Other fish in succession help sb to get over his worries, balloonfish not only do not listen, instead makes fun of a power and prestige to come, it bilges abdomen so that rouse to rouse, fin pricks vertical stroke to get spinous, hold out motionlessly go up in surface, come to death since outfit.


17. Moths that fly by day are not properly to be called moths; they do not excite that pleasant sense of dark autumn nights and ivy-blossom which the commonest yellow-underwing asleep in the shadow of the curtain never fails to rouse in us.


18. ONE good way to rouse Greeks'pride is to contest their ancient history—especially if two rival Ionian islands are involved.


19. A good butler knows just how to rouse one after a boozy night and now anyone can wake feeling pampered to the indulgent tones of the consummate valet.


20. rouse什么意思

20. A good butler knows just how to rouse one after a boozy nightandnow anyone can wake feeling pampered to the indulgent tones oftheconsummate valet.


rouse 词典解释

1. 唤醒;叫醒;(使)醒来

If someone rouses you when you are sleeping or if you rouse, you wake up.

e.g. Hilton roused him at eight-thirty by rapping on the door...


e.g. When I put my hand on his, he stirs but doesn't quite rouse.


2. 使自己活跃起来;让自己振作

If you rouse yourself, you stop being inactive and start doing something.

e.g. She seemed to be unable to rouse herself to do anything...


e.g. He roused himself from his lazy contemplation of the scene beneath him...


3. 使激动;鼓动;煽动;使振奋

If something or someone rouses you, they make you very emotional or excited.


e.g. He did more to rouse the crowd there than anybody else...


e.g. Ben says his father was good-natured, a man not quickly roused to anger or harsh opinions.



...a rousing speech to the convention in support of the president.


4. 激起,激发(某种感觉)

If something rouses a feeling in you, it causes you to have that feeling.

e.g. It roused a feeling of rebellion in him...


e.g. This roused my interest in politics and I went to work for the Democrats.


rouse 单语例句

1. ACTA continues to rouse concern as both an exclusive and concurrently divisive process.

2. The dcor is certain to rouse nostalgia and memories among those familiar with Nanjing, and pique interest in those who are not.

3. But such intensive acquisitions may rouse public as well as government concerns at the destination countries.

4. It was suspended after 1959 until 1984 when Deng decided to resume the pageantry to rouse the nation on the track toward a liberalized economy.

5. Was the decade a period of rapid development of Rouse in China?

6. At one point the dog repeatedly nuzzled his owner apparently trying to rouse him, reports the Beijing Star Daily.

7. There were a few dozen staff in Rouse 10 years ago and there are 200 professionals at present.

8. Both Rouse and Gao are international advisers to a project to establish drinking water quality regulations in China.

9. Rouse said he was pleased to see that water bureaux were being established in some Chinese cities.

10. These advantages were attractive for talents who wanted to do their professional business in Rouse.

rouse的近义词rouse 英英释义


1. cause to become awake or conscious

e.g. He was roused by the drunken men in the street

Please wake me at 6 AM.

Synonym: awakenwakewakenwake uparouse

2. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused

e.g. The speaker charged up the crowd with his inflammatory remarks

Synonym: agitateturn onchargecommoveexcitecharge up

3. force or drive out

e.g. The police routed them out of bed at 2 A.M.

Synonym: rout outdrive outforce out

4. become active

e.g. He finally bestirred himself

Synonym: bestir