

call:[英 [kɔ:l] 美 [kɔl] ]


过去式:called;   过去分词:called;   现在分词:calling;

call 基本解释

动词打电话给; 呼唤,喊叫; 召唤,叫来,召集; 下令,命令

名词喊叫,大声喊; 电话联络; 必要,理由; 要求


call 相关词组

1. call up : 召集, 使想起, 提出, 打电话给;

2. call for : 要求, 需要;

3. on call : 随叫随到的, 待命的, 即期支付的;

4. call forth : 引起, 使产生, 使起作用;

5. call off : 取消;

6. call at : 停靠(车站), 拜访(家/办公室);

7. call out : 召唤...行动, 唤起, 大声叫唤;

8. call back : 叫回来, 收回, 打回电;

9. call by : 顺路拜访;

10. call down : 责骂;

11. call over : 点名;

12. call away : 叫走, 转移;

13. call after : 追在...的后面叫喊, 以(某人)的名字为...命名;

14. within call : 在附近, 随叫随到;

15. call on : 号召;

call 相关例句


1. Call him if the manager doesn't wake up in time.


2. call的意思

2. I call that a shame.



3. My brother called me from Shanghai last night.



1. I promised to call on her after the examination.



1. We heard a call for help.


call 情景对话


A:Who do I call for (trash/ garbage/ refuse) collection?


B:Just leave the stuff on the curb.



A:I‘ll call you next week.


B:Do you know my number?


A:No, I don‘t.


B:It‘s right here on my card.



A:Give me a call if (you can’t make it/ you’re going to be late) for some reason.



B:I will.


call 网络解释

1. 调用:DSP:数字信号处理(DIGITAALSIGNALPROCESS)技术,通常指TI(德克萨斯州仪器公司设计的DSP芯片最出名),如用C语言编程(PROGRAM)调用(CALL)其函数(FUNCTION),能够对图像信号加速处理,

2. 跟注:Villain 跟注 ) (Call) . 在转牌圈(Turn)这个情况没有什么改变.我们拥有最好的牌的可能还是很大, 所以我们再次下注(Bet),为了增大池底(Pot)和对我们的牌进行保护. 在河牌圈(River)池底(Pot)是$82.50 而 Villain 还剩下$54 的筹码.因为期 望值是正的,

3. call的意思

3. call:computer-assisted language learning; 计算机辅助语言学习

4. call:computer assisted language learning; 多媒体辅助教学

call 双语例句

1. Ask your guide to clap when you are standing in front of the North staircase, if done from the proper spot you will hear the call of what is thought to be the Quetzal bird.



2. We shall call the service counter to check-in the mileage of this flight for you.


3. call的近义词

3. I told you never to call me that.


4. He got you to say he never has to call you again.


5. If you ask me what I would have done, I'd never call him in the first place.



6. Thought you were never going to call me.


7. He told me he would call but he never did.


8. call

8. You never call, could it be that you don't like me anymore?


9. But here we use the call back function of second drive class with the first window, so we can't executer the message handler of first window.


10. call的解释

10. But the fact is the records show you did make this call


11. Will the evildoers never learn- those who devour my people as men eat bread and who do not call on God?


12. For reservation, please call 26037486 from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Tuesday to Sunday.

查询及报名请致电2603 7486(逢星期二至日下午4时至晚上9时)。

13. I'm gonna call you back.



14. When I get there, I'll try to call you back.


15. call的意思

15. The call came in the Reserve Bank of India's first-quarter review of monetary policy.


16. The second value discipline we call product leadership.


17. For then I will change the language of the peoples Into a pure language That they may all call upon the name of Jehovah, To serve Him with one accord.

3:9 那时,我必使万民改用纯洁的语言,好叫他们都呼求我耶和华的名,同心合意的事奉我。


18. A call is completed only if the resources are available for it, ensuring that a call coming into a network does not bump or affect the quality of existing calls.

一个呼 叫被完成如果这个资源是预留的对于它,确保一个呼叫进入网络不冲击或影响已建立的呼叫质量。

19. call的翻译

19. But it was Jeremiah's call to God's people to return to their bridal love for Him, which became the pivotal issue upon which Josiah's reformation turned.


20. And I'll call you back to make reservations.


call 词典解释

1. 叫;称呼;将…命名;给…起名字

If you call someone or something by a particular name or title, you give them that name or title.

e.g. I always wanted to call the dog Mufty for some reason...


e.g. 'Doctor...' — 'Will you please call me Sarah?'...



Klein's most important work is called 'Envy and Gratitude'...


There are two men called Buckley at the Home Office.


...a device called an optical amplifier.


2. 把…说成;认为…是;将…称为

If you call someone or something a particular thing, you suggest they are that thing or describe them as that thing.


e.g. The speech was interrupted by members of the Conservative Party, who called him a traitor...


e.g. I wouldn't call it a burden; I call it a responsibility...


3. 喊;叫;大声说出

If you call something, you say it in a loud voice, because you are trying to attract someone's attention.


e.g. He could hear the others downstairs in different parts of the house calling his name...


e.g. 'Boys!' she called again.


4. 打电话给…;给…打电话

If you call someone, you telephone them.

e.g. Would you call me as soon as you find out?...


e.g. A friend of mine gave me this number to call...


5. (通常指打电话)呼叫,叫,召唤

If you call someone such as a doctor or the police, you ask them to come to you, usually by telephoning them.

e.g. He screamed for his wife to call an ambulance...


e.g. One night he was called to see a woman with tuberculosis.


6. 喊;呼唤

If you call someone, you ask them to come to you by shouting to them.


e.g. She called her young son: 'Here, Stephen, come and look at this!'...


e.g. He called me over the Tannoy.


7. 打电话

When you make a telephone call, you telephone someone.

e.g. I made a phone call to the United States to talk to a friend...


e.g. I've had hundreds of calls from other victims...


8. 召集(会议、排练等);宣布举行(选举等)

If someone in authority calls something such as a meeting, rehearsal, or election, they arrange for it to take place at a particular time.

e.g. The Committee decided to call a meeting of the All India Congress...


e.g. The RSC was calling a press conference to announce the theatre's closure...


9. 传唤(某人出庭等)

If someone is called before a court or committee, they are ordered to appear there, usually to give evidence.

e.g. The child waited two hours before she was called to give evidence...


e.g. I was called as an expert witness.


10. 短暂停留;访问;拜访

If you call somewhere, you make a short visit there.


e.g. A market researcher called at the house where he was living...


e.g. Andrew now came almost weekly to call.


11. (火车、公共汽车、船舶)停靠,停留

When a train, bus, or ship calls somewhere, it stops there for a short time to allow people to get on or off.

e.g. The steamer calls at several ports along the way.


12. 取消(比赛等)

To call a game or sporting event means to cancel it, for example because of rain or bad light.

e.g. The second game of the series had ended in a 3-3 tie after ten innings when the game was called on account of darkness...


e.g. We called the next game.


13. 号召;呼吁;号令

If there is a call for something, someone demands that it should happen.

e.g. There have been calls for a new kind of security arrangement...


e.g. Almost all workers heeded a call by the trade unions to stay at home for the duration of the strike.


14. 需要;需求

If there is little or no call for something, very few people want it to be done or provided.

e.g. 'Have you got just plain chocolate?' — 'No, I'm afraid there's not much call for that.'


15. 吸引力;魅力

The call of something such as a place is the way it attracts or interests you strongly.

e.g. You must be feeling exhilarated by the call of the new.


16. (鸟、兽的)叫声

The call of a particular bird or animal is the characteristic sound that it makes.

e.g. ...the plaintive call of a whale.


e.g. ...a wide range of animal noises and bird calls.


17. see also: calling;so-called

18. 优先购买(或使用)权

If you have first call on something, you will be asked before anyone else whether you want to buy or use it.


e.g. Why should they get first call on the best property?


19. 没必要;不该

If you say that there is no call for someone to behave in a particular way, you are criticizing their behaviour, usually because you think it is rude.

e.g. There was no call for him to single you out from all the others.


20. 随时待命的;随叫随到的

If someone is on call, they are ready to go to work at any time if they are needed, especially if there is an emergency.

e.g. In theory I'm on call day and night.


e.g. ...a doctor on call.


21. 打电话请病假

If you call in sick, you telephone the place where you work to tell them you will not be coming to work because you are ill.

e.g. 'Shouldn't you be at work today?' — 'I called in sick.'


22. to call someone's bluff -> see bluff

to call it a day -> see day

to call a halt -> see halt

to call something to mind -> see mind

call of nature -> see nature

to call something your own -> see own

to call something into question -> see question

to call it quits -> see quit

to call a spade a spade -> see spade

to call the tune -> see tune

too close to call -> see close

相关词组:call backcall forcall incall offcall oncall outcall upcall upon

call 单语例句call的意思

1. A call to Glencore's Baar office out of regular business hours wasn't answered.

2. A call to Willis'US publicist outside business hours wasn't immediately returned.

3. Spokeswoman Jennifer Erickson didn't return a call seeking comment after business hours on Wednesday.

4. A telephone call made after business hours Monday to the magazine's Los Angeles office was not immediately returned.

5. She said the officers were responding to a call about an act of vandalism on a local bakery.

6. We have a significant presence in China what we call a complete business operation.

7. Critics call the practice " wombs for rent, " but surrogacy has emerged as a booming business in India.

8. Buss has offered him a job with the team if Malone decides to call it quits.

9. If the line is busy, call your family or friends for help.

10. Analysts said the Butler report would be a relief to Blair, who is expected to call a general election in 2005.