

center:[英 ['sentə] 美 [ˈsɛntɚ] ]


过去式:centered;   过去分词:centered;   现在分词:centering;   复数形式:centers;

center 基本解释


名词中心; 中枢; (球队的) 中锋; 中心区

形容词中央的,位于正中的; (在)中心的

及物动词集中; 使聚集在一点; 定中心; 居中


center 相关例句


1. The discussion centres on a reasonable agreement about 'cease fire' between the two warring parties.



1. The discussion centered on the most important question.



1. Our city is the industry center of the country.


2. The centre parties are hoping to win the next election.


center 情景对话


A:Where did you go yesterday?


B:I went to play tennis in the public park.



A:How often do you play tennis?


B:Twice a week. How about you?



A:I seldom play tennis. I prefer football and basketball.


B:But it is very difficult to gather a team of players together.


A:I usually play with my schoolmates.


B:Do you like watching football matches?


A:Yes, I went to the Tian He Sports Center for the football match last Sunday.


B:Oh, I watched it on television. It was an exciting match.


Trading Stamps-(用赠券换东西)

A:Every time I go to the grocery, the clerk asks me if I save stamps.I always say no, but sometimes I get them anyway.


B:Oh, never turn them down.You can always find someone wholl take them.People spend hours pasting them in little books, and when a book is full.they drive miles to a redemption center where the stamps can be traded for things like pillow cases, or playing cards, or garden tools.

啊,别丢掉它。你总会找到回收赠券的人。 有些人花时间把赠券粘贴在小本子上,当一本贴满后,开几英里的车到回收中心去,在那儿可以用赠券交换像枕头套、扑克牌或修整花园的工具等东西。

A:But you have to save millions of them to get anything worth having.


center 网络解释

1. 中锋:以往.大前锋往往就是要做苦工的.在场上他们少有接球单打的机会.但是现在篮球观念日新月异.大前锋也就慢慢在进攻方面有所加强了.这也正是大前锋今昔最大的差别.不过.一个好的大前锋.还是要以在禁区的苦工为主的.一个能抓篮板能防守.但是进攻能力不佳的球员.我们会称他是好的大前锋.但是一个很能得分却在篮板.防守上失职的球员

2. 居中:大体DIV构架为上(nav)中(page)下(footer)三部分,其中中间部分(page)又分为左(left)居中(center)右(right)三列. 然而使用后却发现中间部分(page)DIV不能够自动适应,由于左(left)和右(right)高度比较固定,但居中(center)高度不固定,

3. center的近义词

3. 中线:可能会有很多人问,为什么没有手部的引带呢?因为拉丁舞的高级阶段,动力都是由身体的中线(center)发出,手部只是力量的远端延伸. 手部引带动作其实是身体引带的延续.

center 双语例句

1. center什么意思

1. In this research at first the six factors affecting rainfall were chosen, as the input variables. They are the minimum atomospheric pressure, maximum wind velocity near typhoon center, move speed of typhoon center, the radius of typhoon, the shortest distance between typhoon center and Taipei monitoring station, station humidity.


2. The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting center besidethemknowing you can`t have them.


3. The measure strength that financial crisis answers in the center of is very great, but arrived below can is go out of form out of shape?



4. An under use of the Foreign Students Affair Office and School Health Center was also noted.


5. The 2006 China Human Resources Summit, co-sponsored by NTCC, China HR Salon and Human Resources magazine, will be held both in Beijing Jing Guang Center and Shanghai Hua Ting Hotel in the meantime.


6. The big Jun Wang Fu sport center is just opposite the street.



7. After placing the lower edge of the blade on the base plate with the tip touching the upright member, the projection formed by the double curve should just touch the center of the weld metal.


8. If your password was expired or can not login the system, please contact our customer service center..



9. Any Dispute, which has not been resolved as provided above, shall, at the request of either party, be finally settled by arbitration under the Center for Public Resources Rules for Non-Administered Arbitration of Business Disputes in effect on the date of this Agreement, by an independent and impartial arbitrator.


10. center

10. The site, 150 miles into the ice cap from Thule air base, was selected 50 years ago by the US Army Polar Research and Development Center.



11. SIMS Center is also to perform high accuracy micro-area chronologic study.


12. Feiyu relies on the technology resources of GUET to develop itself. With the cooperation from Guangxi Normal University, it even built an experimental center of information engineering for its basic research and development. Series Products based on inertial measurement technologysuch as AHRS, UAV Autopilot and Aeromodelling Flight Stabilization System were introduced successively.

公司依托桂林电子科技大学的科研力量谋求发展,并与广西师范大学联合创建信息工程实验中心,凭借着一流的科技人才、雄厚的技术积累和强大的研发能力,成功研制出惯性姿态方位参考系统,成功推出了基于惯性测量技术的惯性测量仪、小型电动无人飞行器自动驾驶仪,以及 FY 系列航模平衡仪等系列产品。

13. Shanghai Walking Healthy Living Center Shanghai suh woo Fitness Leisure Products Co., Ltd. Shanghai suh woo Fitness Leisure Products Co., Ltd. belongs to the Australian dragon sports and leisure goods Co., Ltd., with its headquarters in Australia and has over twenty years of professional fitness and sports products operating history, to Australia a number of large health club and professional sports venues, to provide fitness equipment and related supporting services.


14. A surgeon filmed the operation at the Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.


15. That must be the World Trade Center.


16. Well, you'll see the World Trade Center?


17. center

17. Could you take me to the World Trade Center?


18. A Well, you'll see the World Trade Center?


19. I need to go to the Guangdong World Trade Center.


20. In their applications, enterprises shall enumerate the financial budget, inventory and quota of foreign exchange allocated for the research and development center, and submit audited financial statements for the previous year.


center 词典解释

1. -> see centre

center 单语例句

1. The goal of the park is to form a sports leisure and entertainment center, as well as a sports business exchange center.

2. A sales manager at the center surnamed Xi said business always booms before and during the holidays.

3. The manager of a restaurant close to the center said business had never been so good since the Shenzhou VII mission began on Sept 25.

4. The program was developed and delivered by the Global Entrepreneurship Research Center at the School of Management at Zhejiang University and by Said Business School.

5. The transaction building is located in the business and trade management zone of the logistic center.

6. The television icon and once a successful cosmetics businesswoman said she was deeply moved after hearing the great stories of humanity about the medical center.

7. It is a comfortable place to relax and enjoy a healthy meal away from the noise and bustle of the city center.

8. The dining rooms on the three floors overlook one of Tokyo's most famous parks and is an oasis in the center of the bustling city.

9. It was originally built near a wharf and became a prosperous commercial center because of its location and the busy shipping business.

10. In the entry way to the media center, reporters were buzzing over the spat.

center 英英释义


1. a position on a basketball team of the player who participates in the jump that starts the game

2. (American football) the position of the player on the line of scrimmage who puts the ball in play

e.g. it is a center's responsibility to get the football to the quarterback

3. the position on a hockey team of the player who participates in the face off at the beginning of the game

4. a building dedicated to a particular activity

e.g. they were raising money to build a new center for research

Synonym: centre

5. the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher

e.g. he hit the ball to deep center

Synonym: center fieldcenterfield

6. mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading merchandisers

usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area

a modern version of the traditional marketplace

e.g. a good plaza should have a movie house

they spent their weekends at the local malls

Synonym: plazamallshopping mallshopping centershopping centre

7. a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process

e.g. in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere

Synonym: centrenerve centernerve centre

8. the object upon which interest and attention focuses

e.g. his stories made him the center of the party

Synonym: centrecenter of attentioncentre of attention

9. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience

e.g. the gist of the prosecutor's argument

the heart and soul of the Republican Party

the nub of the story

Synonym: kernelsubstancecorecentreessencegistheartheart and soulinwardnessmarrowmeatnubpithsumnitty-gritty

10. the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering

Synonym: centre

11. politically moderate persons


12. the middle of a military or naval formation

e.g. they had to reinforce the center

13. a place where some particular activity is concentrated

e.g. they received messages from several centers

Synonym: centre

14. a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure

Synonym: centremidpoint

15. an area that is approximately central within some larger region

e.g. it is in the center of town

they ran forward into the heart of the struggle

they were in the eye of the storm

Synonym: centremiddlehearteye

16. (football) the person who plays center on the line of scrimmage and snaps the ball to the quarterback

e.g. the center fumbled the handoff

Synonym: snapper

17. (basketball) the person who plays center on a basketball team

18. (ice hockey) the person who plays center on a hockey team



1. direct one's attention on something

e.g. Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies

Synonym: concentratefocuscentreporerivet

2. move into the center

e.g. That vase in the picture is not centered

Synonym: centre

3. center upon

e.g. Her entire attention centered on her children

Our day revolved around our work

Synonym: focus oncenter onrevolve aroundrevolve aboutconcentrate on


1. of or belonging to neither the right nor the left politically or intellectually