

heave:[英 [hi:v] 美 [hiv] ]


过去式:heaved;   过去分词:heaved;   现在分词:heaving;

heave 基本解释

及物动词举起; 投掷; 使起伏; 呕吐

及物/不及物动词喘息; 呕吐

不及物动词起伏; (山丘等)隆起; 拖; 气喘

名词隆起; 举起; 波动; 呕吐

heave 相关例句


1. heave什么意思

1. I heaved the heavy box up the steps.


2. heave的意思

2. Don't heave your things around.


3. He heaved a sigh of relief when he found his wallet.



1. The ground heaved from earthquake.



1. With one more heave, we got the box onto the shelf.


heave 网络解释

1. 隆起:运用武力,暴力,恐吓,威胁或破坏等行为以遂其政治,宗教,信仰,意识型态或其他类似意图之目的,包括企图推翻,胁迫或影响任何政府,或致使民众或特定群众处於恐惧状态.三,直接或间接由於海岸遭受浸蚀,地层隆起(Heave)所致之损失.

2. 起伏:不考虑起伏(heave)、纵摇(pitch)流体力系数可视为只与船舶之瞬间运动状态有关,此即所谓的准定态(quasi-steady)处理方式. 运用薄片理论(Strip theory)作为数值模式的基础. 运动方程式 细长船体对称,所以纵移(surge) 先可忽略.

3. heave什么意思

3. 升沉:影响横摇计算结果的因素有以下四方面:另外,二阶横摇与垂向升沉(Heave)运动也存在耦合关系,这似乎也可以解释直接计算值与模型试验值在升沉运动上同样存在的较大差距.

4. 举起,拉起,升:heat writing recorder 热笔记录器 | heave 举起,拉起,升 | heavv alloy 重合金

heave 双语例句

1. The Renown had caught the northeast trades and was plunging across the Atlantic at her best speed, with studding sails set on both sides, the roaring trades driving her along with a steady pitch and heave, her bluff bows now and then raising a smother of spray that supported momentary rainbows.


2. And you shall sanctify the breast of the wave offering and the thigh of the heave offering which was waved and which was heaved up from the ram of the filling of hands, from the one which is for Aaron and from the one which is for his sons.

29:27 那摇祭的胸和举祭的腿,就是从承接圣职所献之公绵羊所摇的、所举的,是归亚伦和他儿子们的;这些你都要分别为圣。

3. Immanent factors forming subtle trap is many times spread of lake water body. Many large land-carriage clastic system provide large deposit space. Ancient heave slope band controls distributing of subtie trap.


4. The leaves, which have been standing shoulder to shoulder, are caught shimmering in an emerald heave of the pond.


5. Taring down at the bloody wreckage, Simon felt his insides heave; he fell to his knees retching, bringing up nothing but a sour strand of spittle.


6. To him that by wisdom made the heave: for his mercy endureth for ever.

136:5 称谢那用智慧造天的,因他的慈爱永远长存。

7. Result shows that the accumulative thawing settlement is twice more than the frost heave.


8. Main contents and conclusions obtained in this paper are as follows:The method for the calculation of metacentric height fluctuation is derived for ship sailing in longitudinal and oblique seas, considering the impact of wave profile and assuming quasi-static equilibrium of heave and pitch motions.


9. heave的意思

9. The forces and moment for the model advancing forward with forced heave and forced pitch oscillation, and the hydrodynamic mass and damping coefficients for heave and pitch motion of the model are given. The results of numerical simulation are compared with the experimental data from Delft University of Technology, and show good agreement with them.


10. Numerical simulations of radiation problem for a ship moving with forward speed is carried out in this paper, which include simulations of forced heave and forced pitch oscillations. The hydrodynamic mass and damping for heave and pitch motion of the ship model are computed then.


11. In order to obtain a better model than Morison equation, a more common nonlinear system with Volterra series expression is considered in the dissertation. We apply NARMAX model theory to identify hydrodynamic system of heave damping plate. The data used here are measured from random oscillation tests.


12. Ground pressure This is one of the main factors causing deformation and consequently floor heave and sides closure.


13. Two of you will heave to sit our, or the boat will be blown over.


14. heave

14. It has the good R/D capabilities, with the ZWJ-1700Z and ZWJ-220K heave type weaving looms for special width wire mesh, which has successfully research and produced by this company, the quality has a deep development.


15. heave的近义词

15. Through the test of water content, density, proportion and the distribution of pellet of the windward soil, has studied the physical property of the windward soil systematically, the analysis of the physical parameter indicated that: the fine-grain is the main pellet in the aeolian soil pellet ingredient, its structure is compact relatively, after immerses it does not have the nature of wet falls apparently, the aeolian soil is easy to have the heave.


16. Adding heave damping plates is an economical and practical approach among them. So such arrangement has a prosperous future.



17. Everyone who offered a heave offering of silver and bronze brought the heave offering of Jehovah; and every man with whom was found acacia wood for any work of the service brought it.

35:24 凡献银和铜给耶和华为举祭的,都带了来;凡有皂荚木可作什么事奉用的,也带了来。

18. heave

18. It is concluded that as the distance to the pile edge increasing, the soil compaction displacement of the side surface of pile is logarithmicly decaying; the soil horizontal displacement and land surface heave are accumulated continuously; but there are sheltering effects after pressing pile, constructing order of pile plays a key role in the soil displacement; so it should be recognized in actual projects.


19. Non-uniform deformation of ground surface was often aroused by frost heave, so, controlling the formation and development of frost heave was always of great importance. The mechanism of using intermissive freezing method to control frost heave was dealt in this paper.


20. After relations between growth speed of final ice lens and segregation temperature were analyzed, the decrease of water intake speed at high segregation temperature was pointed. For small heave induced by intermissive freezing mode of controlling frost-depth, the mechanism of using intermissive phase to increase segregation temperature of the final ice lens so as to restrain its growth was proposed.


heave 词典解释The forms heaves, heaving, heaved are used for meanings 1 to 4, and for the phrasal verb. The forms heaves, heaving, hove are used for meaning 5. 变化形式 heaves、heaving 和 heaved 用于义项1至4及短语动词。变化形式heaves、heaving 和 hove 用于义项5。

1. (用力地)推,拉,拖,举起

If you heave something heavy or difficult to move somewhere, you push, pull, or lift it using a lot of effort.


e.g. It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place...


e.g. He heaved Barney to his feet...


2. (有节奏地)起伏

If something heaves, it moves up and down with large regular movements.


e.g. His chest heaved, and he took a deep breath.


e.g. ...the grey, heaving seas.


3. 呕吐;恶心

If you heave, or if your stomach heaves, you vomit or feel sick.

e.g. He gasped and heaved and vomited again...


e.g. My stomach heaved and I felt sick.


4. 深叹,长舒(一口气)

If you heave a sigh, you give a big sigh.

e.g. Mr Collier heaved a sigh and got to his feet.


5. 人头攒动;挤满(人)

If a place is heaving or if it is heaving with people, it is full of people.

e.g. The Happy Bunny club was heaving...


e.g. Father Auberon's Academy Club positively heaved with dashing young men.


6. 出现;进入视野

When something heaves into view or heaves into sight, it appears.

e.g. The train that now hove into view was clearly of a much older vintage.


7. to heave a sigh of relief -> see sigh

相关词组:heave to

heave 单语例句

1. I started to gag on the combination of new car smell and tobacco smoke, but luckily we turned into my driveway just before I was about to heave.

2. Its shelves heave with imported stock matching whatever it is you crave.

3. Cows doze standing up and young people say one game is to creep up on them as they sleep and heave them over.

4. Ryan only had time for a desperation heave in the final seconds, and Darren Sharper turned it into his seventh interception of the season.

5. But it is still too early to heave a sigh of relief.

6. Authorities should heave a sigh of relief that the imported holiday was Christmas, not Mardi Gras from New Orleans or the Carnival from Rio de Janeiro or Venice.

7. Yunnan and its neighbors will heave a sigh of relief once the monsoon season finally arrives.

8. " Definitely the first few times we had our heave bucket close by, " MacDonald said.

9. The thousands of people bound for Fuyang in Anhui heave a long sigh of relief.

10. In late June or early July the animals heave themselves out of the bay and head toward a beach to lay their eggs.

heave在线翻译heave 英英释义


1. throwing something heavy (with great effort)

e.g. he gave it a mighty heave

he was not good at heaving passes

Synonym: heaving

2. the act of raising something

e.g. he responded with a lift of his eyebrow

fireman learn several different raises for getting ladders up

Synonym: liftraise

3. an involuntary spasm of ineffectual vomiting

e.g. a bad case of the heaves

Synonym: retch

4. the act of lifting something with great effort

Synonym: heaving

5. (geology) a horizontal dislocation

6. an upward movement (especially a rhythmical rising and falling)

e.g. the heaving of waves on a rough sea

Synonym: heaving


1. breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted

e.g. The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily

Synonym: pantpuffgasp

2. make an unsuccessful effort to vomit

strain to vomit

Synonym: gagretch

3. bend out of shape, as under pressure or from heat

e.g. The highway buckled during the heat wave

Synonym: bucklewarp

4. utter a sound, as with obvious effort

e.g. She heaved a deep sigh when she saw the list of things to do

5. lift or elevate

Synonym: heave upheftheft up

6. throw with great effort

7. rise and move, as in waves or billows

e.g. The army surged forward

Synonym: billowsurge

8. move or cause to move in a specified way, direction, or position

e.g. The vessel hove into sight