

cola:[英 [ˈkəʊlə] 美 [ˈkoʊlə] ]



cola 基本解释


名词可乐饮料; 可乐果树


cola 网络解释

1. 可乐树:1886年亚特兰大市的药剂师~约翰潘柏顿发明...古柯树(coka)的叶子及可乐树(cola)的果实...1915年曲线瓶问世古柯树...古柯树(erythroxylon coca)是一种热带灌木, 黄带的 子含有尼古丁...和其他十四种植物碱,其中之一就是古柯碱,

2. 朱罗:虽然很少知道该群岛的最早历史,但据朱罗(Cola)王朝的坦贾武尔(Thanjavur)碑文(1050)记载为裸人之土地(Nakkavaram). 1756年丹麦传教士访问该群岛. 18691888年英国宣称该群岛属于英国,在此建立了流放地. 在第二次世界大战期间日本人曾短期占领.

3. cola的解释

3. cola:cost of living allowance; 生活开支指数

4. cola:cost of living adjustment; 调整指

cola 双语例句

1. To compare, a person weighing 154 pounds (70kg) who drinks a quart of cola consumes about 60 grams of Rotary cultivator, or 0.8 grams per kg of body weight.


2. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of Coca-Cola over the terminals to bubble away the corrosion.


3. Currently, directly under CCC are six bottling plants, i. e. Tianjin Coca-Cola Beverages Company, Hainan Coca-Cola Beverages Co., Ltd., Hunan COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd, Jilin COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd, Gansu COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd and Zhanjiang COFCO Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd., and with these 6 bottling plants, CCC has sales of Coca-Cola series products in 14 provinces, cities and territories of PRC (i. e., Tianjin, Jilin, Hunan, Hainan, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Hebei, Inner Mogolia, Ningxia, Ganxu, Qinghai, Xingjiang and Tibet).



4. Objective To explore the effect of cola on the quality and quantity of spermatozoa of male mice.

目的 探讨可乐对雄性小鼠精子质量及数量的影响。

5. Ideas along these lines are being discussed within corporations such as GE, Unilever, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and Cargill, says Marc Van Ameringen, executive director of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition in Geneva.

意念沿着这些线路正在讨论与公司,如通用电气,联合利华,可口可乐,百事可乐和嘉吉公司表示,马克范ameringen ,执行董事,全球改善营养联盟在日内瓦召开。

6. cola

6. The Coca-Cola Company believes it is important to engage consumers in our pin trading activities.


7. Professor of obstetrics and gynaecology Deborah Anderson says that Coca-cola douches were sometimes used in 1950s and 1960s America in the belief that the drink`s acidity killed sperm.


8. Pour the oil, wash the pot, then add soup and salt, sugar, seasonings, sugar tone color white sugar with Chaozhizonghong fuel made from water, if not, you can add soy sauce (though fat Black or cola, Add ribs, to set fire to small and medium-sized quick-drying liquid, stir Jiacu close to the oil-juice, a little sesame oil Linru can turn even the Qiguo.



9. Tnuva, Israel`s largest food company topped the list with the Strauss Group coming in second. Other companies mentioned in the report include Coca-Cola Israel, Osem, Frutarom, the Neto Group and Mey Eden.

Tnuva,以色列最大的食品公司列在首位,其次是Strauss Group,其它在这篇报道中提到的公司有,Coca-Cola Israel,Osem,Frutarom,the Neto Group and Mey Eden。

10. cola的翻译

10. In my opinion, of the American trend going out to the world, the Times can be ranked with Coco Cola and Mcdonalts.


11. According to Euromonitor, a market-research company, Coca-Cola has been losing global market share over the past six years.


12. Available for both the Horeca and mass retailer distribution channels, Spumador's portfolio includes the most traditional tastes (Spuma Nera, Spuma Bianca, mint, ginger ale and fizzy lemonade) together with the most innovative ones (orange, citron, lemon, grapefruit and red orange fizzy drinks, tonic water, cola, chinotto).


13. cola

13. Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon sugar and a cherry on the top.


14. cola的解释

14. Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnuts which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamonsugar and a cherry on the top


15. Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pong ball sized doughnutswhich are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamonsugar a cherry on the top.

再把调好的这小团面糊放入油锅深炸直至成为乒乓球大小的油炸面圈。然后8t t t8.com 放入杯中,在面上浇一点可乐汁,一些8 tt t8.com 奶油,肉桂,糖和樱桃。

16. Arrived LAYON, We firstly went into the supermarket, such as Lotus, Big C, and so on. Even though the outside was very hot, you could enjoy the cool air and took a rest now. After bought something for eating, such as food, water, beer, cola, then took a bus go to the beach. It spent your 20 Baht(about 4 RMB), you could find a good beach to enjoy the sunlight and the wind from sea. Laid or sit down on the sands. The sands are white, the water is blue. The cloud flowed in the deep blue sky, took a deep breathe, the feeling was so fine. continiuing


17. His fave dish is satay chicken but he also loves pasta, chocolate and Coca-Cola.


18. D. Slip some knock-out drops into the resident's nuka-cola, and take the comic book when he's unconscious


19. cola的意思

19. D. Slip some knock-out drops into the resident`s nuka-cola, and take the comic book when he`s unconscious


20. D. Slip some knock-out drops into the resident%26rsquo; s nuka-cola, and take the comic book when he%26rsquo; s unconscious


cola 词典解释

1. 可乐(饮料)

Cola is a sweet brown non-alcoholic fizzy drink.

e.g. ...a can of cola.


cola 单语例句cola的近义词

1. The researchers found no link between tea or cola consumption and fetal death, suggesting that caffeine may not be the exposure of interest.

2. The two began experimenting eight weeks ago after Voltz learned that cola plus candy equals a frothy mess.

3. The firm manages $ 110 billion, including Coca - Cola shares.

4. The fridge is loaded with fruit drinks that sell for 7 yuan in the market, compared to a tin of Coca Cola that only costs 2 yuan.

5. A man nearly lost his life after downing the contents of an old Coca Cola bottle that had been filled with poisonous herbicide.

6. The complaint was that it tasted like cough medicine but vigorous marketing soon made it Coca Cola's leading brand in China.

7. Coca Cola also launched commemorative tins in 2001 to mark Beijing's success as host city of the 2008 Olympics.

8. Users could also join an online community and trade for virtual money with codes on Coca Cola tins or bottles.

9. Etchells estimates that Coca Cola's sales on the mainland in 2004 will increase 20 per cent from a year earlier.

10. Jackson also introduced an interesting story regarding Coca Cola and the pair of pandas at the adoption ceremony.

cola 英英释义


1. carbonated drink flavored with extract from kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States)

Synonym: dope