

mottled:[英 [ˈmɒtld] 美 [ˈmɑ:tld] ]



mottled 基本解释


动词使成杂色,使有斑点( mottle的过去式和过去分词 )


mottled 相关例句


1. The back of this snake is mottled.


mottled 网络解释

1. 斑点状的:mother water 母液 | mottled 斑点状的 | mottling 成斑酌

2. mottled是什么意思

2. 杂色的:mottle 使成杂色 | mottled 杂色的 | motto 座右铭

3. 有斑点的:有(裂)隙冰川 crevassed glacier | 有斑点的 mottled | 有柄亚门 Pelmatozoa

4. 有杂色的,斑驳的:motor 发电机 | mottled 有杂色的,斑驳的 | mountain 山,峰,增加

mottled 双语例句

1. Who lives, I can not see, I take part in the lengthy local Peiding old Cang, a side of black green and yellow wall on my side of life will gradually mottled.


2. Search to cooperate with the forum related you, the ad department that must not find every website or stationmaster, mottled bamboo of a lot of things can be done calm, cheap still, fat point is strong.


3. Through the lighting, the ancient door a long time, but also kept the atmosphere mottled.



4. Seasons of life crossing the autumn one, in fact, has for some years, but, whenever a land Acacia Yepiao Ling Huang, autumn's footsteps would seem a bit hasty, I lost Duyi autumn, the term thousands of melancholy wind Gone with the Wind turn, only the different kind of feelings written into the memory of the long river of mottled in the Sui Mu.


5. mottled的近义词

5. Tepals white, mottled with purple; leaves and bracts white pubescent at margin, particularly at base of bracts; outer tepals slightly narrower than inner ones

花被白色,用紫色呈杂色;叶和苞片白色短柔毛在边缘,特别是苞片的在基部;外部花被比内部的稍狭窄 8 LLOYDIA ixiolirioides 紫斑洼瓣花

6. Scattered rain the window, mapping impervious sometime neon lights flash, the dark mottled Yun-Qing Ling beautiful street lamps card face.


7. The similar white crappie (P. annularis) is less mottled and has vertical banding on its sides.

类似的白 crappie 为较低的花纹,垂直带及两旁。

8. Yandaixiejie from entering after the Haibei along the Arthur children alley, gradually noisy sound strip, the You-alley in an open cement board on the roads Sazhaoguhuai Posuo mottled the Shuying.



9. The mottled teeth of children aged 8 to 12 years at school was examined with Deanindex.


10. In 2004 years, three sentinel sites, the fluoride content in drinking water was 1.20、1.31 and 0.25 mg/L; The incidence of children suffering from mottled teeth of children aged 8 to 12 years was 39.02%、36.10% and 3.37%, respectively; the urine fluoride content of children was 1.31、1.50 and 0.96 mg/L.


11. objective to investiagte the condition of preventive measures and the control effects for endemic fluorosis in zhejiang province. methods 15 of 32 towns threatened by endemic fluorosis were selected randomly to investigate the management and usage of the drinking water defluoridation facilities, and to inspect the dental flourosis incidence of children aged 8 to 12 years. the children's mottled teeth were examined with dean index. the fluorides content in water was determined with fsle method. results 385524 people were profited form 156 drinking water defluoridation facilities used normally or intermittently. the average value of fluorides content in water of end pipe network was 0.46 mg/l(maximum, 4.51 mg/l; minimum, 0.09 mg/l).the incidence of children suffering from mottled teeth was 7.70%, and dental fluorosis index was 0.15, which indicated negative prevalence. conclusion the status of endemic fluorosis in zhejiang province is improved gradually, but some problems are still existed.

目的 了解浙江省地方性氟中毒防治措施落实情况及防治效果。方法 32个病区县中,随机选取15个县对8~12岁儿童氟斑牙患病及原病区村改水设施运行情况进行调查。水氟含量检测使用氟离子选择电极法;儿童氟斑牙检查使用dean氏法。结果正常和间歇使用的改水工程为156个,受益人口数达385?524人,管网末梢水氟含量均值为0.46?mg/l,范围为0.09~4.51?mg/l。受检人数29?220人,氟斑牙患病率为7.70%,氟斑牙指数为0.15,判定流行强度为阴性。结论浙江省地氟病防治取得较好的效果,但存在着改水设施使用维护不善、非病区村患病率升高等新问题。

12. The colour of weathering layers appears reddish brown, brownish, or mottled. The analysis of oxide of four samples from the two cores shows that the weathering intensity of the upper layer is stronger than that of the lower. The diatom analysis of one core shows that the two weathering layers are mainly weathered from terrestrial sediments, showing two depositional cycles from terrestrial to marine during MIS 3 and MIS 2 respectively.

色调为红褐色、褐色或杂色。2个岩芯上、下风化层4个样品的氧化物分析表明,上风化层的风化强度比下风化层大。1个岩芯的硅藻分析表明,风化层主要是陆相层经风化而成,两个风化层分别反映MIS 3和MIS 2的两个陆相-海相的沉积旋回。

13. A goatsucker, especially Caprimulgus europaeus of Europe, having gray and brown mottled plumage with long, slender white wings and a short bill.



14. The choice of mottled red sandstone, the figure's rounded proportions, short nose and thick lips are all typical of Mathura workmanship.



15. Probably, this eel was one of the live eels imported from Australia and sold as the mottled eel in Taiwan. It was released to the lake for religious belief, or escaped from aquarium or restaurant.


16. They soon saw several couples, whose plumagewas rich chestnut-brown mottled with dark brown, and tail of the samecolor.


17. Results MSCT features ofBCS:①Themorphologic changes on CT plain scan:en-largementof caudate lobe of the liver(15 cases), diffuse enlargement of the liver(10 cases), no significantchanges(3 cases).②Enhanced features:mottled(11 cases), peripheral(6 cases), central(8 cases), ir-regular(3 cases).③CTA accurately showed the location and obstruction ofcollateralvascular circulation:he-patic veinocclusion(3 cases), inferiorvena cavanarrow occlusion(25 cases), andHV occlu-sion(7 cases). CTA also showed collateral circulation outside the liver(16 cases), inside the liver(2 ca-ses), both inside and outside the liver(7 cases), and no collateral circulation(3 cases).

结果 BCS的MSCT特点为:①CT平扫形态学改变:肝脏不规则增大15例,弥漫增大10例,未见明显改变3例;②强化特征:花斑状强化型11例,周边强化型6例,中央强化型8例,不规则强化3例;③CTA准确显示阻塞的部位及侧支循环血管:肝静脉闭塞3例;下腔静脉狭窄闭塞25例,其中7例伴肝静脉闭塞;显示肝外侧支循环16例,肝内侧支循环2例,肝内外均有侧支循环7例,3例无侧支循环血管。

18. mottled的反义词

18. I had been taken to the ancient rampart by my youngest uncle. I had an unknown affection about the mottled stones and the rampant weeds there.


19. mottled什么意思

19. Mother Open Mu Xia, which is two and a half mottled notes, half of whom have his father's handwriting: I love you, only death can separate us.


20. mottled

20. I see life from my head to fly past the mottled cast deep shadow, turn over the hourglass review the past, thousands of Cape and brilliant re-opened the quarter.


mottled 词典解释

1. 杂色的;斑驳的

Something that is mottled is covered with patches of different colours which do not form a regular pattern.


e.g. ...mottled green and yellow leaves.


mottled 单语例句

1. The light green leaves become mottled bright spots under the sun and made the whole pond glow.

2. The Beijing Municipal Tourism Bureau is now working to stamp out mottled English in the capital.

3. Their tears dropped onto the bamboo, and the bamboo became mottled from then on.

4. From space, the Sahara is a mottled patchwork of browns and yellows.

5. The luggage was dumped on to a creaking conveyor belt mottled with stains.

mottled 英英释义


1. having spots or patches of color

Synonym: dappled