

shoot:[英 [ʃu:t] 美 [ʃut] ]


过去式:shot;   过去分词:shot;   现在分词:shooting;   复数形式:shoots;

shoot 基本解释

不及物动词拍摄; 射击; 发芽

及物动词拍摄; (用枪等)打猎; 给…注射; 射门,投篮

名词幼苗,嫩芽; 发射; 摄影; 狩猎



shoot 相关词组

1. shoot up : 射出, 暴涨;

2. shoot off : 发射, 击落, 打掉;

3. shoot down : 击落;

4. shoot at : 向...射击;

5. shoot forth : 抽芽;

6. take a shoot : 在激流中驶过, 走近路;

7. shoot away : 继续射击, 射完;

shoot 相关例句


1. He shot a wild duck.


2. The three prisoners were shot.


3. They shot angry glances at her.



1. Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.


2. The snake's tongue shot out.


shoot 网络解释

1. shoot的解释

1. 射门:先假射,然后在挑射.射门(SHOOT)名称键位普通射门方向键+方块键直接射门停球前按方向键+方块键高弧度挑射L1+方块键低弧度挑射1方块键+R1(能量槽显示中)低弧度挑射2双击方块键防守(DEFENSE)名称键位逼抢1X键按X键即可去抢球,

2. 射击:书名的正、副标题之间夹着一张小照片,照片上左方是两位身穿军服的中东人,面带微笑,其中一人还炫耀似的双手抱持冲锋枪,右方背对镜头的显然是一位白人男记者,大胡子的他背着相机袋,手持相机 瞄准 (aim at)战士,正要 拍摄/射击 (shoot).

3. 芽:结果表明,植物的根(root)和芽(shoot)生产力(production)对CO2和温度的升高没有相应;增加降水量导致芽生物量的增加,这抵消根生物量的减少;增加硝酸盐的含量使总生物量平均增加了26%,这主要通过刺激芽的生长实现.

shoot 双语例句

1. The Augusta Regional SPCA in Staunton will sponsor a Santa and Pet photo shoot from 9 am-4 pm Dec. 10 at Augusta/Valley Animal Hospital on Betsy Bell Rooad.

该奥古斯塔区域爱护动物协会在士丹顿将赞助圣和宠物的拍摄从上午9时至下午四时12月10日在奥古斯塔/谷动物医院对贝齐贝尔rooad 。


2. When a dog gets old and starts to snap at you incessantly, you can shoot it.


3. I'll shoot you in the fucking throat if I don't get my ganja back.


4. All need is three shooting guard and one center can jump shoot and pass around downtown.



5. They should NOT be used to tell you what you will personally shoot for speed.


6. shoot的近义词

6. I learned how to shoot a lay-up, a foul shot, and a 23-pointer.


7. shoot的意思

7. Due to large volume of daily walking, please ask before making your buyers want size and color of whether there are goods, general models to 2 days delivery in case of extended holidays, or because of delayed shipments will not be out of stock further notice, please shoot anxious buyers cautious.


8. In the scene where Jedediah confronts Kane, Joseph Cotten had stayed awake for 24 hours before the shoot so as to finish in order to start a play in New York.


9. Is the courage to shoot the tiger head green head flies distracted.


10. shoot的意思

10. They shoot the very far and small sparrow with the bullet of a precious pearl.



11. Quality of grass mats should not be broken, impurity, off line, off the border areas, such as scarring and hair shoot shortcomings, tight weave.


12. Can shoot immolation, frost nova, and shadow nova arrows.


13. Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you will fall among the stars.


14. Max. shoot dosage (500) keep the volume for a pair of shoes.


15. Max. shoot dosage (500/700g) keep the volume for a pair of shoes.


16. shoot的意思

16. Fly in your space fighter craft and shoot down the enemies before you reach the end.


17. shoot什么意思

17. You can't shoot me, can you?


18. Then... you'll have to shoot me.



19. You're not gonna shoot me, are you?


20. shoot的解释

20. What are you going to do, shoot me?


shoot 词典解释

1. 枪杀;枪击;射伤;射杀

If someone shoots a person or an animal, they kill them or injure them by firing a bullet or arrow at them.


e.g. The police had orders to shoot anyone who attacked them...


e.g. Namibian law permits ranchers to shoot cheetahs to protect their livestock...


2. 开枪;射击

To shoot means to fire a bullet from a weapon such as a gun.

e.g. He taunted armed officers by pointing to his head, as if inviting them to shoot...


e.g. The police came around the corner and they started shooting at us...


3. (朝某方向)冲,奔,飞驰

If someone or something shoots in a particular direction, they move in that direction quickly and suddenly.

e.g. They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them...


e.g. Another car shot out of a junction and smashed into the back of them.


4. (突然并迅速地)伸出,扔出,抛出

If you shoot something somewhere or if it shoots somewhere, it moves there quickly and suddenly.

e.g. Masters shot a hand across the table and gripped his wrist...


e.g. As soon as she got close, the old woman's hand shot out...


5. 迅速地看,瞥(一眼)

If you shoot a look at someone, you look at them quickly and briefly, often in a way that expresses your feelings.

e.g. Mary Ann shot him a rueful look...


e.g. The man in the black overcoat shot a penetrating look at the other man.


6. 迅速(成名);一举(成功)

If someone shoots to fame, they become famous or successful very quickly.

e.g. Alina Reyes shot to fame a few years ago with her extraordinary first novel...


e.g. She shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.


7. 拍摄(电影、照片等);摄制

When people shoot a film or shoot photographs, they make a film or take photographs using a camera.

e.g. He'd love to shoot his film in Cuba...


e.g. Three CBS cameramen were on site to shoot and edit taped reports. 3


8. 嫩芽;幼苗;新枝

Shoots are plants that are beginning to grow, or new parts growing from a plant or tree.

9. 射门;投篮;击球

In sports such as football or basketball, when someone shoots, they try to score by kicking, throwing, or hitting the ball towards the goal.

e.g. Spencer scuttled away from Young to shoot wide when he should have scored...


e.g. A time limit was set for a team to shoot at the basket.


10. 掷(骰子);打(落袋台球)

When someone shoots pool or shoots craps, they play a game of pool or the dice game called craps.


e.g. People are still hanging out drinking beer, maybe shooting some pool.


11. see also: shooting;shot

12. 聊天;闲聊

If you shoot the breeze or shoot the bull with someone, you talk to them about things which are not very serious or important.

e.g. They expected me to sit up and shoot the breeze with them till one or two in the morning...


e.g. I also met with Pollack again to kind of shoot the bull.


13. 搬起石头砸自己的脚;自作自受

If you shoot yourself in the foot, something you say or do causes you harm.

e.g. If I was to insult the contestants I would be shooting myself in the foot.


14. to shoot from the hip -> see hip

相关词组:shoot downshoot up

shoot 单语例句

1. Is that why Barry didn't just shoot it in his butt all the time?

2. Shoppers nationwide went scurrying to the supermarket to buy more cooking oil over the past few days before prices shoot up more than 15 percent.

3. Japan has warned it would shoot down any missile headed for its territory, while Pyongyang said it would regard any interception as an act of war.

4. The DPRK has said any attempt to shoot down the rocket itself would be an act of war.

5. Many in the work force will see their wages shoot up, in some cases by several thousand dollars a month.

6. You really have to crowd him or else he can shoot over top of you.

7. The authorities of Canton Aargau have given permission to hunters to shoot the swans because of overpopulation in the region.

8. The gunmen casually display their handguns as they shoot the two men.

9. Beijing fire control bureau said CCTV officials illegally hired a fireworks squad to shoot hundreds of huge firecrackers above the new construction site.

10. Despite the mercury continuing to shoot up to top 31 degrees Celsius in the city, many pavilions still saw visitors queue for more than three hours before entering.

shootshoot 英英释义


1. the act of shooting at targets

e.g. they hold a shoot every weekend during the summer

2. a new branch



1. give an injection to

e.g. We injected the glucose into the patient's vein

Synonym: inject

2. produce buds, branches, or germinate

e.g. the potatoes sprouted

Synonym: spudgerminatepullulatebourgeonburgeon forthsprout

3. measure the altitude of by using a sextant

e.g. shoot a star

4. utter fast and forcefully

e.g. She shot back an answer

5. make a film or photograph of something

e.g. take a scene

shoot a movie

Synonym: filmtake

6. record on photographic film

e.g. I photographed the scene of the accident

She snapped a picture of the President

Synonym: photographsnap

7. score

e.g. shoot a basket

shoot a goal

8. fire a shot

e.g. the gunman blasted away

Synonym: blast

9. hit with a missile from a weapon

Synonym: hitpip

10. spend frivolously and unwisely

e.g. Fritter away one's inheritance

Synonym: fritterfrivol awaydissipatefritter awayfoolfool away

11. throw dice, as in a crap game

12. variegate by interweaving weft threads of different colors

e.g. shoot cloth

13. force or drive (a fluid or gas) into by piercing

e.g. inject hydrogen into the balloon

Synonym: inject

14. throw or propel in a specific direction or towards a specific objective

e.g. shoot craps

shoot a golf ball

15. move quickly and violently

e.g. The car tore down the street

He came charging into my office

Synonym: tearshoot downchargebuck

16. run or move very quickly or hastily

e.g. She dashed into the yard

Synonym: dartdashscootscudflash

17. send forth suddenly, intensely, swiftly

e.g. shoot a glance

18. cause a sharp and sudden pain in

e.g. The pain shot up her leg

19. kill by firing a missile

Synonym: pip

20. emit (as light, flame, or fumes) suddenly and forcefully

e.g. The dragon shot fumes and flames out of its mouth