

rot:[英 [rɒt] 美 [rɑ:t] ]


过去式:rotted;   过去分词:rotted;   现在分词:rotting;   复数形式:rots;

rot 基本解释



rot 相关例句


1. A strong household bleach might rot the fibers.



1. He was only rotting.


2. The ripe fruit began to rot when no one came to pick it.



1. His speech was all rot.



2. Rot has set in.


rot 网络解释

1. 腐朽:2、 变色(Stain)和腐朽(Rot):由于边材质软而弱,易遭菌和虫的危害而形成的腐朽. !p8S$g)v:q/_4M,X5}中国家具论坛,中国家具网,家具论坛,家具网,家俱论坛,办公家具,家居,家具4、 裂纹(Crack):是顺木纹方向的纤维分裂.

2. rot

2. 腐烂:3)腐烂(rot) 腐烂是植物组织较大面积的分解和破坏. 根、茎、叶、花、果都可发生腐烂,幼嫩或多肉的组织则更容易发生. 腐烂与坏死有时是很难区别的. -般来说,腐烂是整个组织和细胞受到破坏和消解,而坏死则多少还保持原有组织的轮廓.


3. 旋转:计算中假定仿人模型受到单向宽射线束(或平面平行束)照射,照射几何条件分前向(AP)照射、背向(PA)照射、侧向(LAT)照射、旋转(ROT)照射和各向同性(ISO照射.

4. 红色:黄色兵种色(Gelb)代表其为飞行人员(伞兵,航空兵和地勤人员)红色(Rot)兵种色代表其为防空部队粉红色(Rosa)兵种色镶边代表装甲部队黄色兵种色(Gelb)代表其为飞行人员(伞兵,航空兵和地勤人员)红色(Rot)兵种色代表其为防空部队粉红色(Rosa)兵种色镶边代表装甲部队

5. rot的解释

5. rot:refurbish, operate and transfer; 刷新、运转和传送

6. rot:with rerefence to our telex; 参阅我方电传

7. rot:receive only terminal; 单收终端


8. rot:roll over test; 翻身试验

rot 双语例句

1. Household possessions and interior design can be damaged as follows: Mud and silt get possessions and valuables dirty Paint and wall coverings peel off Floor tiles are lifted Panels wrap Carpets stain and rot Furnishings such as textiles and furniture stain Books, pho tographs, paintings become extremely fragile Property value decreases after being wet.


2. rot的解释

2. Spore germination and invasion of white rot are closely bound upwith moisture...


3. The water must be expel from water heater, washing machine, bathtub to prevent leakage incident occurred because of pipeline rupture peculiar smell and burst. To pull out indoor attaching plug to prevent natural disasters because of lightning; The food storage in refrigerators must be treat as much as possible before outgoing, to prevent deteroprate because of rot.


4. Thick stem of the potato, in the Man-type, leaf green, kidney-type, petiole, stem are green, veins, geranyl Department of purple, purple-red skin potato, spindle type, the high rate of potato, sweet potato spring block 2-4 summer potato blocks 3-8, blockenlarged, smooth non-cleaved ditch resistance, storage, germination strong resistancelean, cooked noodles and sweet chestnut like incense and rich nutrition, high resistance to stem nematode, anti - root rot, is suitable for processing of starch, dry and cut the best varieties for human consumption.


5. The study on treatment of waste water of straw alkali pulp by white rot fungi has been made systemically in laboratory, the optimization conditions of white rot fungi culture have been given, and the relevant pilot scale equipment of white rot fungi treatment has been setup first in China.


6. I smell the acid is within the plot have food; 秽气out of a foul mouth is胃热; mouth of rancid gas, mostly within the rot has blown ulcer sores.


7. rot的反义词

7. High blood group P in particular, the late burst was opened to help in time of war, the role of House of the killing than robbing, killing冰凝great, mysterious lightning kill, kill rot loss drug to kill the four much stronger, for the simple reason, people are not strange, strange anti-low, low resistance, but the latter's anti-high resistance to be higher, then the role of four killed when练级not so much scenery, but not as a burst blood, blood burst ignoring resistance, defense, what harm are the same fight, but because of the reasons for CD, with练级bad.


8. rot的反义词

8. The destruction or decomposition of organic matter as a result of bacterial or fungal action; rot.


9. Apple Powdery Mildew, HYG-3001-94, Fire Blight of Apples, Crabapples and Pears, HYG-3002-94, Scab of Apple and Crabapple, HYG-3003-94, Grape Black Rot, HYG-3004-94, Peach Canker, HYG-3005-94, Peach Leaf Curl, HYG-3006-94, Anthracnose of Raspberry and Blackberry, HYG-3007-94......



10. Cement board is cost-effective and not susceptible to rot, insects, moisture, heat, or sun.


11. The production of coal degradation by white rot fungus was also studied.


12. The production of coal degradation by white rot fungus was also studied. Based on these studies, the degradation law of coal biodegradation was also worked out.


13. But the economic rot seems too deep to be fully explained by the euro area`s earlier strength.


14. rot的翻译

14. Zhang devotes considerable screen time to the details of the palace's daily rituals as if scrutiny of these formalized routines involving maids, courtiers and eunuchs will reveal something about the malevolent rot beneath the surface.


15. Yang Wengang supports himself through farming, yet, the vegetables he grows have to be sold in order to make money, which is difficult with his condition. Often, the vegetables just wither and rot on the vine; even so, Yang remains hopeful.


16. Root rot is a serious Pachira macrocarpa against common diseases, also known as rot.

根腐病 这是一种严重危害发财树的常见病害,又称为腐烂病。

17. rot

17. Pachira macrocarpa common diseases are the root and leaf rot.


18. rot的意思

18. A concept of temperature factor is presented. A horizonial and single-span rot0r system is adopted in this experiment. Minimum thickness of 0il film and oil film temperature are measured in terms of real-time 0nline survey with the change of angular speed and load.


19. It also can cause root rot and lead to the tree dead.


20. Disease in radish has been always an important factor affecting the production of radish in China, and the most prevalent and serious diseases are turnip mosaic virus and black rot.


rot 词典解释

1. (使)腐烂;(使)腐败;(使)变质

When food, wood, or another substance rots, or when something rots it, it becomes softer and is gradually destroyed.


e.g. If we don't unload it soon, the grain will start rotting in the silos...


e.g. Sugary canned drinks rot your teeth.


2. (尤指木制品的)腐烂,腐败,腐朽

If there is rot in something, especially something that is made of wood, parts of it have decayed and fallen apart.


e.g. Investigations had revealed extensive rot in the beams under the ground floor...


e.g. Neither the timber frame nor metal chassis were protected against rot.


3. (逐步的)恶化,衰败

You can use the rot to refer to the way something gradually gets worse. For example, if you are talking about the time when the rot set in, you are talking about the time when a situation began to get steadily worse and worse.

e.g. In many schools, the rot is beginning to set in. Standards are falling all the time...


e.g. The country's leaders are unwilling to take unpopular measures to stop the rot.


4. (尤指人在狱中)身心状况越来越糟,萎靡不振,颓废下去

If you say that someone is being left to rot in a particular place, especially in a prison, you mean that they are being left there and their physical and mental condition is being allowed to get worse and worse.


e.g. Most governments simply leave the long-term jobless to rot on the dole.


5. 胡说八道;胡扯;蠢话

If you say that what someone is saying is rot, you mean that they are saying things that are untrue or stupid.

e.g. What a load of pompous, pseudo-intellectual rot...


e.g. You do talk rot!


6. see also: dry rot

相关词组:rot away

rot 单语例句rot

1. It is a cereal that keeps exceedingly well on its own, and is famously rot resistant.

2. They do not begin to rot until 100 or more years later, and their complete decomposition takes 200 years.

3. Poor packing and deficient logistics can make some food products rot while being transported.

4. The growers are so discouraged that some of them have given up harvesting these vegetables, choosing instead to let them rot in the fields.

5. Precautions can shield us from the fallout of possible separation, but it also sets the rot in by planting the seeds of suspicion in advance.

6. The novel mirrors the complications and conflicts of a feudal family, the hype and hypocrisy that veiled the rot of corruption.

7. One reason is because the grape loves sunshine and hates frosts, wet weather and the hazardous mildew and rot that follow.

8. A bad jujube can cause a truckload to rot within a couple of days.

9. His legs began to rot after an anthrax and farcy infection due to the germ warfare by the invading Japanese during the World War II.

10. " The tomatoes might as well rot in the sun, " Abu Mustafa said.

rotrot 英英释义


1. unacceptable behavior (especially ludicrously false statements)

Synonym: bunkbunkumbuncombeguffhogwash

2. (biology) the process of decay caused by bacterial or fungal action

Synonym: decompositionrottingputrefaction

3. a state of decay usually accompanied by an offensive odor

Synonym: putrefaction



1. become physically weaker

e.g. Political prisoners are wasting away in many prisons all over the world

Synonym: waste

2. break down

e.g. The bodies decomposed in the heat

Synonym: decomposemoldermoulder