

overrun:[英 [ˌəʊvəˈrʌn] 美 [ˌoʊvəˈrʌn] ]


过去式:overran;   现在分词:overrunning;

overrun 基本解释

及物动词蹂躏; 超过(范围); (尤指坏事或不欲之事)泛滥; 蔓延

名词泛滥成灾; 超过限度

不及物动词泛滥; 超过限度

overrun 相关例句


1. The speaker overran his time by ten minutes.



2. Invaders overran the country.


3. The new fashion overran Europe.



1. The interview overran by fifteen minutes.


overrun 网络解释

1. 超过:要使一决定有别于程序化产物--要使一决定成为德里达意义上的决定--决定必须超出(exceed)或者说超过(overrun)一切程序的条件. 如果决定是由伦理存在(an ethical being)而非计算机作出的,那么,

2. 超出:控制措施 确认查核 (validation check )宜并入应用系统 ,以侦测经由处理错误或故意行(d) 保护免於使用缓冲区超出 (overrun) 溢位(ov erflow )的攻击.

overrun 双语例句

1. I didn`t want them to mistake me for an insurgent trying to overrun their post.


2. English:Rodents had overrun a posh private school near New York City.


3. Rodents had overrun a posh private school near New York City.



4. Rodents had overrun a posh private school. So the headmaster asked a health inspector to deliver a presentation to teachers and students, showing how to remedy the situation, i. e., stow trash, no food in class, etc.


5. The universe is overrun with hundreds of vampire species that prey upon humans in brutal, surprise attacks.


6. In the tale of the Pied Piper, we have a village overrun with rats.


7. It is concluded that the main cause for the runway overrun/excursion accidents lies on the flight crew. Therefore, to prevent the runway overrun/excursion, the training of the pilots should be strengthened in the aspects of takeoff performance course, decision making in rejected takeoff, risks analysis of rejected takeoff and simulator training about tire burst during takeoff.


8. According to the characteristic of tight correlation between memory overrun and loop induction variable arithmetic, extended algebra for chains of recurrences is combined with detection methods based on symbolic execution, for the first time, to design defect detection guide information as to multi-loop, while locality characteristic of software updates and their impact is used.


9. It was overrun with Roman wormwood and beggar-ticks, which last stuck to my clothes for all fruit.


10. Keywords:overrun tall building; performances based seismic design; cantilever structure; out of plane stability of truss; human comfort; torsional effect


11. Seems this whole place has been overrun by evil.


12. This village used to be beautiful but it has been overrun by tourists.


13. Over half ofEurope has been overrun and occupied.


14. overrun

14. All the malay peninsula has been overrun.


15. Especially in the largest city such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai, foreign insurance company such as AIA has been overrun China life insurance companies.

本报告首先分别回顾了 2003 年保险市场和寿险市场的整体状况,指出中国寿险业既面临着难得的发展机遇,有可能成为全球最大的寿险市场,又面临着激烈的竞争和挑战,更为严峻的是 2004 年第一季度中国寿险保费首次出现负增长,在北京、上海、广州等核心城市外资寿险公司迅速领跑市场。

16. overrun的意思

16. And the result of their virtue has been that Italy has been overrun by Charles, taken as booty by Louis, violated by Ferdinand, and insulted by the Swiss.

他 们表现出了卓越的才能,其结果是意大利被查理所颠覆,遭到路易的劫掠,费尔南多的侵犯以及瑞士人的凌辱。

17. Meanwhile, our main line of defense against recessions - the Federal Reserve's usual ability to support the economy by cutting interest rates - has already been overrun.


18. overrun在线翻译

18. His project is overrun by one of the patients Roy who wants to put on stage Cosi Fan Tutte.


19. That wasn't going to work, they were overrun.


20. Sorry, I`ve OVerrun the time.


overrun 词典解释

1. (迅速)侵占,占领

If an army or an armed force overruns a place, area, or country, it succeeds in occupying it very quickly.

e.g. A group of rebels overran the port area and most of the northern suburbs...


e.g. The centre of New Delhi was overrun by an armed mob which attacked government buildings.


2. 横行的;泛滥的;肆虐的

If you say that a place is overrun with things that you consider undesirable, you mean that there are a large number of them there.

e.g. The flower beds were overrun with grasses...


e.g. The Hotel has been ordered to close because it is overrun by mice and rats...


3. 超过时限

If an event or meeting overruns by, for example, ten minutes, it continues for ten minutes longer than it was intended to.

e.g. Tuesday's lunch overran by three-quarters of an hour...


e.g. The talks overran their allotted time.


4. (费用等)超支,超出预算

If costs overrun, they are higher than was planned or expected.

e.g. We should stop the nonsense of taxpayers trying to finance new weapons whose costs always overrun hugely...


e.g. Costs overran the budget by about 30%.


overrun 单语例句

1. The French humanitarian group Medecins Sans Frontiers evacuated another hospital overrun by fighting, and by midday was treating scores of wounded in its own compound.

2. China's armies were thrown into the counterattack to prevent the country being overrun.

3. The capital's arts institutes have been overrun with creative young hopefuls desperate to sign up for majors since the annual enrolment scramble began last weekend.

4. He related to the council the dire humanitarian situation that still exists in Libya, even as the rebel forces under the NTC have overrun Tripoli.

5. The statement said 84 Army soldiers were injured in the fighting caused by the LTTE's attempt to overrun Army bunkers.

6. The whole valley looked like a yellow carpet overrun with gurgling water.

7. If American forces step back before Baghdad is secure, the Iraqi government would be overrun by extremists on all sides.

8. NATO officials have said hundreds of Taliban tried to overrun Kandahar last year.

9. The dispute over whether there was a budget overrun from hosting the EAG arises from differences of technical interpretation of the figures.

10. Some guidebooks warn that Pingyao has become overrun with Chinese group tourists, but on Saturday the town was far from crowded.

overrun 英英释义


1. too much production or more than expected

Synonym: overproduction


1. run beyond or past

e.g. The plane overran the runway

2. seize the position of and defeat

e.g. the Crusaders overran much of the Holy Land

3. invade in great numbers

e.g. the roaches infested our kitchen

Synonym: infest

4. flow or run over (a limit or brim)

Synonym: overflowwell overrun overbrim over

5. occupy in large numbers or live on a host

e.g. the Kudzu plant infests much of the South and is spreading to the North

Synonym: invadeinfest