

funk:[英 [fʌŋk] 美 [fʌŋk, fuŋk] ]


过去式:funked;   过去分词:funked;   现在分词:funking;

funk 基本解释

名词惊恐; 沮丧; 懦夫

及物动词(因恐惧)避开(某事物); 害怕; 使闻到刺鼻的味道

不及物动词畏缩; 发出刺鼻臭味


funk 网络解释

1. funk

1. 芬克:有时是不是也想弹点自己的东西啊,但真正想弹时又不知道弹什么,这说明你缺乏正规的训练. 没关系,只要你对自己有信心,我们会让你即兴弹奏流行(POP)金属(METAL)蓝调(BLUES)爵士(JAZZ)芬克(FUNK)乡村(COUNTRY)六大主流风格的SOLO与RIFF!

funk 双语例句

1. If you rema in in a blue funk too long, it can make you ill.


2. funk的反义词

2. CNN: If we are in this funk as you describe, is there anything wrong with that?


3. funk

3. If you thought you knew what funk was all about, you'd better think again.


4. All the funk you need is right here.


5. With the economy in a funk, you might expect such an old-style manufacturing firm to be struggling.


6. funk的近义词

6. What do funk you need?


7. The post-travel funk can be something you bond over instead of something that builds walls between you.


8. You got some bad funk; don't you ever shower?


9. An earthy type of jazz combining it with blues and soul; has a heavy bass line that accentuates the first beat in the bar

funk 舞曲中电贝司佔了很重的比例,电贝司的和弦和节奏成为了 funk 。。。

10. I'm in the mood for some funk.


11. An addictive fusion of movement and music including the latest sounds of hip-hop, funk and latin music together with the latest chart topping hits.

这个课程采纳了 HIP-HOP、FUNK 和拉丁音乐,以及最新的流行上榜歌曲,使你永远走在时代尖端。

12. Peter is in a blue funk about playing with Marco in the tennis tournament tomorrow.


13. Peter is in a blue funk about playing with Michael in the tennis tournament tomorrow.


14. In his later years, Sonny Rollins sought to rebalance what he saw as his responsibilities as an entertainer as well as an artist, and his work came to embrace more accessible soul, funk, balladeering and calypso music.

罗林斯了巨大的天赋,但他也长大,在20世纪 30年代在哈勒姆与一些最知名的音乐家的一天-包括艾灵顿公爵和科尔曼霍金斯-生活在拐角处,和钢琴家 Thelonious和尚是谁打开了他的童年好友耳朵不寻常的旋律与和谐。

15. Be Where You Are is a testament to Baptiste's ability to blend the classic bebop influences of his idols, such as Coltrane and Sonny Rollins, with an array of other sounds and rhythms, ranging from Latin to calypso to funk.


16. Like the British singer-songwriter Calvin Harris, his closest musical relative, Guillon injects a healthy dose of disco funk into this futuristic, next-generation pop, reminding us more of Chic`s groove, the classiness of Shalamar and the dance-inspired sound of Quincy Jones, than current energetic techno hits with their take-no-prisoners sound.

但他所带来的却是不同於其他艺人与DJ的独特音乐品味,就如同和他音乐风格相近的英国DJ Calvin Harris一样,他将迪斯可放克音乐注入了新一代的流行,唤起我们对Chic's groove,经典的Shalamar乐团及永远能让人闻其乐起舞的Quincy Jones美好回忆,并结合当下最热门充满爆发力的Techno科技音乐,这都使他的音乐层次与内涵更加丰富有趣。


17. All I can say is have an open mind on music, Listen to as many styles as you can, There is so much out there, and Texas Funk is just one of them!

我只能说,请你放开心胸,各种音乐都尝一尝!外面有好多东西等你去享受,Texas Funk 只是其中之一!

18. Funk, at the University of Kansas, are reporting that variations in the body's production of hydrogen peroxide -- believed to serve as a signaling molecule at low levels -- can affect accumulation of drugs inside cells.

Funk 报道人体低水平可作为信号分子的过氧化氢产生水平的差异能影响药物在人体细胞内的累积。

19. Members of a 1980s funk and disco group hit a sour note in their attempt to break the world record for the largest kazoo ensemble, falling short of the some 2, 600 impromptu musicians needed.


20. If you want to have a special Chinese New Year eve, so came ginkgos bar, ! there will a very special mask party by incomparable and hot, kind, from Canada Argentina RioSamaya band with Music magical elf fenni, bring everybody wonderful reggae, funk, samba, tango and fascinating of flamenco guitars using and playing the accordion, here you can release all enjoy the dance until the morning, and can make the makeup look strange, and lady can wear sexy dress, like lady gaga

如果你想过一个很特别的大年三十前夜,就来ginkgos 酒吧,这里有一个很特别的面具派对,由无以伦比的,热辣的,亲切的,来自加拿大的阿根廷乐队RioSamaya+音乐魔法淘气鬼芬妮,他们将带给大家美妙的雷鬼,放克,桑巴,探戈以及动人心魄的弗拉明戈吉他和手风琴演奏,在这里你可以放开一切尽情的舞蹈到天亮,,可以画怪异的妆容和装扮,女士可以穿性感的晚礼服

funk 词典解释

1. (由爵士乐和布鲁斯发展而来的)乡土爵士乐,放克音乐

Funk is a style of dance music based on jazz and blues, with a strong, repeated bass part.

e.g. ...a mixture of experimental jazz, soul and funk.


2. (尤因处于自己无法控制的情形中而出现的)恐慌,惊恐

If someone is in a funk, they are frightened, especially because they are in a situation they cannot control.

e.g. He was in a blue funk! Worse than me!...


e.g. My face went crimson (which it does out of sheer funk).


3. (因害怕而)逃避

If you funk something, you avoid doing it because you are afraid.

e.g. If he funks it, he will confirm the impression of cowardice given by his recent letter.


funk 单语例句funk的解释

1. Expect sexy wardens, convict mixologists and JailHouse Funk being spun by Hed Kandi DJ Paul Centellas.

2. The patient is the American consumer the world's biggest by far, but now in the throes of the worst funk since the Great Depression.

3. The big winners this year were the Los Angeles funk band Black Eyed Peas, who won all three categories in which they were nominated.

4. Tour veteran and Maryland native Fred Funk conceded this week's event would have a very different feel for the players.

5. Douglas and Holly Funk hope to bring their Mia to Miami in October.

6. Funk will mix with football on Sunday, when organizers are planning to show England's round of 16 match on a giant screen.

7. The defending NBA champions sounded frustrated and confused while complaining about a lack of communication and being in a funk.

8. He is a lost soul, and it's not clear he is going to snap out of his funk anytime soon.

9. He had his heart broken by Greg Norman's daughter last year and has been in a funk ever since.

10. Most of the foreign students at Jazz du Funk had already received several years of dance training in their own countries.

funk 英英释义


1. an earthy type of jazz combining it with blues and soul

has a heavy bass line that accentuates the first beat in the bar

2. a state of nervous depression

e.g. he was in a funk

Synonym: blue funk


1. draw back, as with fear or pain

e.g. she flinched when they showed the slaughtering of the calf

Synonym: flinchsquinchcringeshrinkwincerecoilquail