

highlight:[英 [ˈhaɪlaɪt] 美 [ˈhaɪˌlaɪt] ]


过去式:highlighted;   过去分词:highlighted;   现在分词:highlighting;   复数形式:highlights;

highlight 基本解释


名词(图画或照片的)强光部份; 最重要的事情; 最精彩的部分

及物动词强调,突出; 把…照亮; 标示记号; 为…中最突出的事物


highlight 相关例句


1. Several lit candles highlighted the faces.


2. His speech highlighted the need for educational reform.



1. You need to put the highlight in now.


2. Her performance was the highlight of the show.


highlight 网络解释

1. highlight的意思

1. 强调:*用鼠标(Mouse)点你要的样本号,这个样本号被强调(highlight)为深蓝色*用鼠标(Mouse)点你要的样本架,这个样本架被强调(highlight)为深蓝色. (5)假如屏幕上显示的容量并非符合正确的试剂容量时,在存量区(Vol field)输入每一瓶正确的试剂容量.

2. highlight的翻译

2. 突出显示:在这一复合图象(merged image)中,以散点图的方式表示不同颜色象素的强度和分布,允许使用者在散点图上选择象素的子集(subset)使得它在两种颜色上符合一定的强度标准,而后图象上这些象素即突出显示(highlight).

3. 重点:它的运作方式有如书签网站的加值运用,一旦就网页收藏到Diigo之后,就可以利用它提供的画重点(Highlight)功能,或像3M小贴纸般加上注解,也可以针对整篇写下较大段落评论.

4. 高亮:Kml中的图标显示有16种组合: 正常图标+正常文字+高亮图标+高亮文字,2 ** 4 = 16 高亮(highlight)指鼠标在图标附近停留时的显示 上图依次展示了16种效果(感谢菲梦的制图) 目前如果您要

highlight 双语例句

1. highlight的意思

1. Refreshing qualities of the natural feeling of elegance, color carbonation bamboo flooring, colors like deep, more noble, calm or deep or shallow, able to highlight the distinctive style and taste, warm the room if the e-配上quality bamboo flooring, A return to more natural feeling.


2. Following anger over his remarks, Moloney stood by his comments. He said he did not mean to offend anybody, but wanted to highlight the gender imbalance in the town of some 25, 000 people.


3. I'd like to highlight three unique characteristics of our CT monthly magazine.


4. Four new colors inspired from the nature motif - olive green, coral blue, silver white and cobalt black – have been adopted to highlight the eco-friendly green design.



5. Brian Marshall, an analyst with Broadpoint AmTech, said IBM's results'highlight that it's still a challenging environment out there.


6. The children of Kids Camp gave a burst of color to the occasion with their Indian costumes and decorative face painting (the highlight of their day being the presence of the calf and cow!).


7. highlight的解释

7. They say this is not the time to be shy; highlight your achievements and how you helped the business.


8. highlight是什么意思

8. The highlight at those times, is the chance of seeing rare birds such as the Spoon-billed Sandpiper, Spotted Greenshank, Asiatic Dowitcher and Grey-tailed Tattler.


9. In every case, it was a highlight of the visiting professor's academic career.


10. To do this, an expert in KBA in conjunction with the business card printing and membership card making ink manufacturer Sun ¤? ?? ? oa and Epple joint has a large amount of sheet-fed offset printing solution: Business card printing and membership card making machine section in the same group in mixed ink business card printing and membership card making images, text or other need to highlight the fact that part; and then after UV drying and curing; in the back of the colors in the set of General deoiling offsctdruckereien innovativeink/varnish formulation cards and membership cards; and finally, UV glazing and UV-curable.

为此,KBA的不小师会同制卡和会员卡制作油不朱创作发明商Sun Chemical和Epple成群推不入了合用于不小批量单张纸胶印的处置方案:在制卡和会员卡制作机的第一色组洋用搀和油不朱制卡和会员卡制作图像、笔墨或其他需给侧重夸大的部不合;然后经过UV潮湿安装举行潮湿和固冻;在背后的色组洋用变例的油型胶印油不朱/平油举行制卡和会员卡制作;末了是UV上平和UV固冻。

11. Darkened some areas in shadows, added highlight to her face, the blade of the scythe, and added more leaves on tree.


12. Next year, in Haidian District will be the development of 160, 000 square metres style residential village, the project for the construction of multi-storey belt elevator to the landscape to highlight the bright spots in the sales area, are in the same geographical price are in a leading position.


13. Selecting a variable or any symbol will highlight all its references.


14. highlight的翻译

14. Will be the highlight of their lives.


15. N discourse IRs are used primarily for emphasis and highlighting, serving to highlight endophoric referent, and to refer to topical entity and differentiate protagonist's/non-protagonist's viewpoint.


16. I`ve known many people who tell me Toastmasters is the highlight of their week.


17. highlight的解释

17. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background+highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.


18. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background color, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, line numbers, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.


19. WORD PROCESSOR Spell Checker (20+ langs., check block/all), Thesaurus, full control of fonts, colors, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, page margins, bullets, table color/shading/border/resize, format painter, text-sort, block-move, line/word-select, char. map, 100-level undo/redo, second editor pane etc. ATTACHMENTS: include files of any type and reasonable size; TREE FEATURES copy/paste, expand/collapse, sort, number tree, order tree-nodes through drag-drop, copy subtree directly to another database.

字处理器的拼写检查( 20 + langs ,检查座/所有),词库,完全控制字体,颜色,突出的颜色,左/右/中心/理由/缩进文字,页边距,子弹,表颜色/阴影/边界/大小,格式的画家,文本排序,分块移动,线/字选择,char.map ,100级别的撤销/重做,第二编辑窗格等附件:包括文件的任何类型的和合理的规模;树的特点复制/粘贴,展开/折叠,排序,有多少树,为了树节点通过拖放,复制子树直接向另一个数据库。

20. WORD PROCESSOR: full control of fonts, colors, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, page margins, bullets, table color/shading/border/resize, spell check block/all, format painter, text-sort, line/word-select, char. map, draft-pad, line numbers, etc. TREE FEATURES: multiple sorting options + control of node font/color/style/numbering/checkbox/marking/icon.

布尔搜索,正则表达式,结果排序等文字处理器:完全控制的字体,颜色,突出的颜色,左/右/中心/理由/缩进文字,页边距,子弹,表颜色/阴影/边境/大小,拼字检查座/所有,格式画家,文本排序,线/字选择,char.map ,草案垫,行号,等树的特点:多个排序选项+控制节点的字体/颜色/风格/号码/复选框/标记/图标。

highlight 词典解释

1. 使突出;强调;使注意

If someone or something highlights a point or problem, they emphasize it or make you think about it.


e.g. Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless...


e.g. Once again, the 'Free Press' prefers not to highlight these facts...


2. (用荧光笔)标出;(在计算机屏幕上)突出显示

To highlight a piece of text means to mark it in a different colour, either with a special type of pen or on a computer screen.

e.g. Highlight the chosen area by clicking and holding down the left mouse button.


e.g. ...the relevant maps with the route highlighted in yellow.


3. 最有趣(或最精彩、最重要)的部分

The highlights of an event, activity, or period of time are the most interesting or exciting parts of it.

e.g. ...a match that is likely to prove one of the highlights of the tournament...


e.g. The highlight of my day used to be cooking Meg a meal when she came in from work...


4. 挑染的头发;(头发经阳光照射后产生强光效果的)浅色部分

Highlights in a person's hair are narrow lighter areas made by dyeing or sunlight.

highlight 单语例句

1. " The highlight of the plan is private capital will be allowed to fund railway construction, " Wu told China Business Weekly.

2. " Police Cadet 84 " was another highlight of Tony's tvb career.

3. A transcript of the call was released by the force to highlight what they said was misuse of the emergency number 999 system.

4. Smart machines will also soon be able to listen to the environment and highlight the sounds we care about most.

5. Wu's case was just the latest to highlight flaws in the legal system.

6. All of these efforts to highlight Cathay's Chinese roots are being made to help it further penetrate the mainland market.

7. Organizers said they wanted to highlight the problems facing homosexuals in this predominantly Roman Catholic country and to press for the legal right of assembly.

8. The highlight may be its seafood bar, overflowing with caviar as well as clams and other premium shellfish.

9. CCP's highlight steps in the process where food can become hazardous.

10. To highlight the draw ceremony, an exhibition match between a World XI and China was held on Saturday night.

highlight 英英释义


1. an area of lightness in a picture

Synonym: highlighting

2. the most interesting or memorable part

e.g. the highlight of the tour was our visit to the Vatican

Synonym: high spot


1. apply a highlighter to one's cheeks or eyebrows in order to make them more prominent

e.g. highlight the area above your eyebrows

2. move into the foreground to make more visible or prominent

e.g. The introduction highlighted the speaker's distinguished career in linguistics

Synonym: foregroundspotlightplay up