

swerve:[英 [swɜ:v] 美 [swɜ:rv] ]


过去式:swerved;   过去分词:swerved;   现在分词:swerving;   复数形式:swerves;

swerve 基本解释


及物/不及物动词使突然转向; 使转弯


swerve 相关例句


1. I will never swerve from my declared policy on this matter.


2. The car swerved to avoid the dog.


3. swerve什么意思

3. The car swerved to the right.


swerve 网络解释

1. swerve

1. (车突然地)转向一边:rudimentary 基本的,初步的 | swerve (车突然地)转向一边 | controversial 引起争论的,有争议的

2. swerve的反义词

2. 背离:Tailgate 挡板 | Swerve 背离 | Outback 腹地

3. 突然转向:swerve from 背离 | swerve 突然转向 | swift horse 千里马

4. 偏航:swept-back vane 后弯式叶片 | swerve 偏航 | swift a lashing 绞紧绑索

swerve 双语例句

1. swerve

1. 1 Violent wind can cause a sideways swerve to a running vehicle. 狂风袭来,可能会使行驶中的车辆产生横向偏移。

2. Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.


3. swerve是什么意思

3. This began to swerve habits suddenly a new way of life, and I like to try something new in financial crisis under the influence of the now to find a new job, I think is difficult enough, many factories closed even without fail, and saturation?


4. But recommending pre-emptive monetary policies on the scale of the policies that were applied later on would have been like turning abruptly off the road because of the potential for someone suddenly to swerve head-on into your lane.


5. Go therefore, half this day as friend with friend Converse with Adam, in what Bowre or shade [230] Thou find'st him from the heat of Noon retir'd, To respit his day-labour with repast, Or with repose; and such discourse bring on, As may advise him of his happie state, Happiness in his power left free to will, [235] Left to his own free Will, his Will though free, Yet mutable; whence warne him to beware He swerve not too secure: tell him withall His danger, and from whom, what enemie Late falln himself from Heav'n, is plotting now [240] The fall of others from like state of bliss; By violence, no, for that shall be withstood, But by deceit and lies; this let him know, Lest wilfully transgressing he pretend Surprisal, unadmonisht, unforewarnd.


6. swerve

6. Every little bump in the road I try to swerve.



7. A maladroit movement of his hand caused the car to swerve; a maladroit translation; maladroit propaganda.


8. swerve什么意思

8. To Israel and its Arab neighbors it surely signaled that whoever moves into the White House next January, there will be no swerve from Bush`s role as guarantor of Israeli intransigeance.

向以色列和它的阿拉伯邻国,它肯定的信号,无论谁进入白宫明年一月起,将不会有任何的转向,从布什的作用,作为担保人的以色列intransigeance 。

9. Or you may wind up between two people you would swerve to hit if they crossed the road in front of your car.


10. The control principle of airspeed keeping, altitude keeping, course keeping and swerve control is analyzed, too.


11. A weight or irregularity in a ball that causes it to swerve, as in lawn bowling.


12. swerve的意思

12. The Elk Test was brought about to check a car's ability to swerve and avoid a collision.


13. A couple jerseys Went from the sunny state to Jersey, puffin hershey Let off, get off, or get spin off spit off, set off, spun off the chest off the roof -- a hundred and seventy-eight proof of boost Gangster Daz and Kurupt let loose This is it, short change dip wit us Who ride wit us I'm tired of this I'm tired of that I'm bout to bust, fool where's the strap G fo'flow for sho', bounce galo'Up and down stairs beats everywhere I go Calico excursions, different diversions Homicidal resurgance, swerve and see my homey on the corner chippin the curb and any busta get close enough we servin Homey don't get nervous Beware, Daz Kurupt fool beware Rippin it up fool so you better beware of my crew, dre'd and blued up, get chewed up You and your all crap crew get bruised up I'm the one you love to hate so give me mine and pay dues and now I'm livin the life of crime Switched up, hit em up, blast or get em up Forty-five, Tec nines blast or hit em up Aww yeah

一对夫妇球衣从阳光普照的国家泽西岛,海雀赫尔希放,下车,还是分拆吐痰时,抵销,分拆的胸部从屋顶- 100和78的证据提高大佬Daz和Kurupt让松这是它的短期变化浸机智我们谁坐我们的智慧我已经厌倦了这我已经厌倦了的我比赛以破灭,傻瓜在哪里带 G的重力'流翔',跳出加洛卡'上下楼梯节拍我去世界各地卡利科游览,不同改道杀人抬头,突然转向,并看到我家在一个拐角上的遏制和chippin任何布斯塔亲近足够我们servin 家庭不要紧张小心,小心Daz Kurupt傻瓜 Rippin它傻瓜,以便更好地为您提防我国船员,dre'd和blued行动,取得了咀嚼您和您的所有垃圾得到撞伤了船员我是一个你所爱的仇恨,以便给我排雷并支付会费和现在我的生活中生存犯罪开关行动,打击时间了,爆炸或者时间了有45个,科技99.999爆炸或袭击时间了 Aww是参考一下

14. They all swerve away from us, as if we were potential bold brigands.


15. swerve的反义词

15. Swerve: change one`s opinion or course of action; abandon one`s cause etc.

swerve :改变某人的主张或者行动方针,抛弃某人的目标等等。

16. In order to study the terminal precision guidance of the hypersonic air-to-surface missile with constraints, the guidance law was designed respectively in the pitching plane and swerve plane.



17. The driver had ample time to brake or swerve and avoid the woman.


18. In the walking part, crank pitman mechanism buildup the legs, while the hydrostatic driving makes the calves stride forward and swerve.


19. swerve的意思

19. The manufacture of standard instrument of swerve force/angle meter and brake pedal force meter


20. swerve的意思

20. Depending on the kinematical model, we discussed the relationship between the line velocity and the angular velocity of mobile robot and indicated the linear relationship between swerve radius and wheel's line velocity square difference.


swerve 词典解释

1. (使)突然转向;(使)急转弯

If a vehicle or other moving thing swerves or if you swerve it, it suddenly changes direction, often in order to avoid hitting something.

e.g. Drivers coming in the opposite direction swerved to avoid the bodies...


e.g. Her car swerved off the road into a 6ft high brick wall...

她的车突然转向冲出了马路,撞向 6 英尺高的一面砖墙。

swerve 单语例句

1. Li's intersection design proposes several swerve lanes, which help cars move ahead or turn in any direction without running into each other.

2. Arsenal striker Emmanuel Adebayor attempted to swerve round Patrick Mueller in the penalty area before seeming to be caught by the Swiss defender's flailing leg.

3. Armstrong was forced to swerve past the stricken ONCE team leader and into a dusty field before crossing a ditch and rejoining the race.

4. Cyclists heading to work swerve around Wang, craning to see the artwork while careening along.

swerve 英英释义


1. the act of turning aside suddenly

Synonym: swervingveering

2. an erratic deflection from an intended course

Synonym: yaw


1. turn sharply

change direction abruptly

e.g. The car cut to the left at the intersection

The motorbike veered to the right

Synonym: sheercurvetrendveerslueslewcut