

sandstorm:[英 [ˈsændstɔ:m] 美 [ˈsændstɔ:rm] ]



sandstorm 基本解释



sandstorm 网络解释


1. 沙暴:shQbQO 沙暴(sandstorm)强风将大量尘沙吹 卷到空中,有效能见度降到1 000米以下的 现象. 亦称沙尘暴. 发生沙暴的气象条件是份-一 巍涵 沙暴 地面风速10米每秒(5级)以上,空气热力 不稳定. 爬线、龙卷、锋和其他对流性不稳 定天气引起的大风,

2. 沙漠风暴:除了在多人连线有所增加及补强外,在单机的剧情方面也新增三个单人剧情任务:新干线(Fastline),沙漠风暴(Sandstorm)以及黑金梦(PipeDream新干线里,您将得以扮演日本机动队,对抗破坏新干线的恐怖份子;沙漠风暴则是英国SAS解除化武;

sandstorm 双语例句

1. Without the sandstorm, we can in the sun under the care of play around and run.


2. This is the first sandstorm in North Korea since spring this year.


3. sandstorm在线翻译

3. To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.


4. sandstorm

4. The result showed that the strong storm followed by mesoscale squall line was primary cause of strong sandstorm producing, steps and ladders short wave trough of 500 hPa was great criterion triggering system for the mesoscale squall line producing, the essential dynamic condition was provided by distortion field and the mesoscale low pressure of 700 hPa for the strong sandstorm forming and maintaining in mid-west of Hexi Corridor, the deep vertical circulation development condition was basic power that urged squall line to occur and sand dust to curl up, which was provided for the deep convection development by superimposition of lifting movement before ground cold front and ascendant current of secondary circulation in upper air jet entrance region, temperature and the barometric gradient around the cold front was enlarged by enhancement of ground thermal low and temperature diurnalvariation of afternoon, by which essential thermal energy unstable condition was provided for the gale and strong sandstorm eruption, the strong sandstorm appeared in downstream of -200 m^2s^(-2) center of vertical helicity, the vertical helicity had good instruction significance for development of squall line and landing region of sandstorm, the mesoscale squall line occurred in unstable stratification, basic condition of potential energy transforming as kinetic energy was provided by strong unstable stratification for the strong sandstorm forming and developing.

结果表明:中尺度飑线所伴随的强风暴是产生强沙尘暴的主要原因;500 hPa阶梯短波槽是中尺度飑线产生的大尺度触发系统,河西走廊中西部700 hp变形场、中尺度低压为强沙尘暴形成和维持提供了必要的动力条件;地面冷锋前上升运动与高空急流入口区次级环流的上升气流的叠加,为深对流发展提供了深厚的垂直环流发展条件,是促使飑线发生和沙尘卷起的基本动力;地面热低压的加强和午后气温的日变化加大了冷锋前后的温度和气压梯度,为大风、强沙尘暴爆发提供了必要的热力不稳定条件;强沙尘暴出现在垂直螺旋度为-200平方公尺/s^2中心的下游,垂直螺旋度对飑线的发展和沙尘暴的落区具有较好的指示意义;中尺度飑线发生在不稳定层结内,较强的不稳定层结为强沙尘暴形成、发展提供了位能转化为动能的基本条件。

5. Northeast agro-pastoral ecotone located in the east of north china, it is the part of theagro-pastoral ecotone adjacence to Sanbei, eco-environment is extremely weak, and it is themost erratic district in China of agricultural productivity, and is also a high frequency landwith nature disaster of drought and sandstorm etc.



6. Looks up on the net, said had the possibility is the sandstorm confuses the eye, the spot eye drops were good.


7. Situated in Yulin city of Shaanxi, Yuyang is not only the transition area between Maowusu desert and loessial plateau, but also typical zone of ecologic weakness and sandstorm transition and agriculture-herd interleave.


8. sandstorm的近义词

8. The space allocation of intense cold, worm advections intensify the strong wind, sandstorm and temperature decreasing.


9. On the basis of such a type of visual experience, it was well known that sandstorm was man-made, no matter where you were.


10. Equipped with powerful hovertech, reinforced ablative armor plating, and turret-mounted, computer-controlled twin rocket pods, the Sandstorm can fulfill a variety of roles in any battle scenario, from anti-air support to front-line engagement.


11. Thirdly, in reproducing pedological process and sandstorm activity, grain- size, magnetic susceptibility, Calcium carbonate and pH value of soil four indexes have good instructions.


12. sandstorm的意思

12. After being recreated by Az, Razer Tergum can control the power that she feard most before, Blast of Hell, the byname of Kusaba sandstorm.


13. As you can see on TV, when a sandstorm comes, the wind blows strongly with dust and sand. Sometimes trees are even broken down in half, and little birds cannot find their homes.


14. Desertification is one of the serious influencing factors barriering sustainable development of china, reducing desertification land areas and frequency of sand-storms is one of the quite vital thing of china. Revealing the course of desertification and the formation and varied rules of wind-sand motion, and framing prevention solutions accordingly is the urgent task we are facing now. The area lied in the faming-pastoral ecotone in North Yin Mountain, Inner Mongolia, while it is the sand dust source of the North china sandstorm.


15. Human beings disafforest immoderately, finally cause the sandstorm.


16. Human being exceedingly cut and carve, eventually caused the bad result of sandstorm.


17. It was the inception of the Tiberium Control Network that changed GDI Strategic Command views on battlefield mobility, resulting in the reinstatement of the MLRS program and the resultant creation of the GDI Sandstorm MLRS.

对于泰伯利亚网络控制系统而言,改变GID的战术策略而使其在战场上更具机动性是完全可行的。因此,基于恢复了的 MLRS计划,GDI沙暴导弹车被创造了出来。

18. Ulmus pumila open forest s have extensive distribution in the Otindag Sandy Land, which are important for lightening sandstorm.



19. Analysls showed that 70% dust of sandstorm originated from cultivated land of surface uncovered and loose, the biggest root of producing was plough share tillage.



20. Often caused by over-reclamation B sandstorm disaster victims, the need to create a wind belt.


sandstorm 词典解释

1. 沙暴;沙尘暴

A sandstorm is a strong wind in a desert area, which carries sand through the air.

sandstorm 单语例句

1. BEIJING - The Beijing Capital International Airport said Monday flights in and out of the airport had not been affected by the sandstorm.

2. Meteorological authorities in these provincial regions have forecast a temperature drop of up to 8 degrees Celsius and even frost after the sandstorm.

3. The 2008 Wooing Tree sandstorm reserve is dark cherry in color and tastes of ripe cherries and plums.

4. The country launched a project to control sandstorm in north China region and Beijing in 2000.

5. " I'm almost suffocating in this damn sandstorm, " one pedestrian grumbled.

6. A sandstorm had shrouded the airport, with the airport terminal smelling of dusty sand and chairs covered by the yellow grit.

7. BEIJING - After calling off a sandstorm warning on Sunday evening, meteorologists forecast that dusty weather will persist in parts of the country on Monday.

8. The municipal government and information service departments have taken emergency measures to deal with the sandstorm.

9. In addition, the sandstorm has seriously affected the land and air transportation in the regions.

10. The IOC inspectors'visit occurred as a sandstorm raked the city in yellow grit, fouling the air.

sandstorm 英英释义


1. a windstorm that lifts up clouds of dust or sand

e.g. it was the kind of duster not experienced in years

Synonym: dust stormdustersirocco