

cue:[英 [kju:] 美 [kju] ]


过去式:cued;   过去分词:cued;   现在分词:cueing;   复数形式:cues;

cue 基本解释

名词线索; 暗示,提示; [台]球杆; 情绪,心情

及物动词把…插入演出; 给…暗示

cue 相关例句


1. The band director cued the drums to begin.



1. I threw her a cue but she missed it.


2. Follow my cue.


cue 网络解释

1. 球杆:球杆(Cue) 用于击打主球的木制用具. 加长把(Extension) 加在球杆尾部的一根短短棒用于增加球杆长度,当主球远离选手时帮助选手击打主球. 架杆(Rest) 用于支撑球杆的具有铜制的X形头部的木杆,当选手的非持杆手手臂不够长时,

2. 暗示:纽约电视台捐赠了价值 60 万美元的广告时间.广播广告是本顿暨鲍 尔斯公司制作的,广播电台捐赠了价值 10 万美元的广告时间播放这些广告.印刷广告是扬 罗必凯和我们合制的,,,(Newsweek)和 (Cue)都免费刊载了这些广


3. 信号:当信号(cue)改变,但是位置不变时,细胞的放电速率(firing rate)表现出大小差异,但在空间选择性上则是相同的. 当位置改变,信号不变时,神经元的放电速率和空间选择性都发生了改变. 这些独立的编码方案使得海马区既可以编码空间上的记忆,

4. 线索:在这样一个过程中必然涉及四种因素,即驱力或动机、线索(cue)或刺激、反应以及报酬或强化,就上述实验过程来讲,如果没有想吃糖果的驱力或动机,这个儿童就不去寻找糖果,因而就不可能学会在那种条件下怎样尽快得到答案.

5. cue:cornell university extender; 康奈尔大学稀释液

6. cue

6. cue:control unit end; 控制单元结束

7. cue:the campaign for undergraduate education; 本科教育行动

8. cue:cornell universal extender; 康奈尔通用稀释液

cue 双语例句

1. BIN/.CUE format is no good for that since only stores the 2352 part.


2. Always keep your cue in a good quality case, when not in use do not leave the cue leaning in a corner.


3. Always keep your cue in a good quality case, when not in use do not leave the cue leaning in a corner. Do not store cue and case near to a heat source (near a radiator or direct sunlight).


4. In Experiment two, only house pair was task-relevant and its location varied with separate trials, orienting of attention to distracting faces was manipulated via spatial cue.


5. Do not show listeners use the same cue as performers.


6. cue

6. Conservative treatment, debridement and suturing and deep mattress suture were taken for I-II degree liver trauma, greater omentum or gelatin tamponage plus suture were chosen for III degree liver injury, debridement with partial hepatectomy was chosen for IV degree liver injury and gauze tamponage and infeior vena cave in posterior liver repairing resection was performed depending on position of liver injuries and general conditions of the patients. Results showed that the total cue rate was 94.2%.


7. cue

7. I don't believe that's on the cue cards.


8. By combining with the experimental vision curves given by Tsunehiro Takeda, the paper discusses the influence upon visual psychology by display technique with more details such as perspective, shading, motion cue, and parallax etc. in virtual environment, analyzes the change of convergence and accommodation, which are the physiology basis of visual psychology, during watching images, especially analyzes the effect of the status of convergence and accommodation toward three dimensional depth perception when looking at stereoscopic images.

结合Tsunehiro Takeda等人针对视觉功能的试验曲线,对虚拟环境所运用的显示技术,如透视、浓淡处理、运动视差以及双眼视差等对视觉心理的影响进行了详细论述,并分析了作为影响视觉心理的生理基础---双眼调节和辐辏功能,在观看图象期间所发生的变化,着重分了视差原理中调节和辐辏的状态对视觉心理,尤其是深度感知方面的影响。


9. If you want to save yourself the ticket price, go into the kitchen, cue up a male choir singing the music of hell, and get a kid to start banging pots and pans together.


10. I had to look over to see if she was reading from a cue card.



11. Powerlocks and that was my cue to bolt!


12. He is a worldly wise and cunning man, who can take his cue from changing conditions


13. They often discarded their principled stand and took their cue from changing conditions.


14. cue

14. Write them on a cue card or some other place where you can easily review your turnaround plan every day.


15. cue

15. DRD〓 TaqIA: The level of cue-elicited heroin craving in A〓/A〓 genotype was higher than that in A〓/A〓 and A〓/A〓 genotypes among voluntary subjects (P<0.05), but we didn't find the difference among compulsory subjects.

自愿戒毒被试者DRD〓 TaqIA的A〓/A〓基因型诱发渴求高于A〓/A〓和A〓/A〓基因型(P<0.05),强制戒毒被试者DRD〓 TaqIA三种基因型与海洛因渴求程度的差异未见显著性(P>0.05)。


16. If you want the same super cue hit that Efren Reyes likes then you must get in line.

如果你想要一根 Efren Reyes 喜歡的﹐具有極佳打擊手感並能產生大量旋轉的球桿請早日排隊訂貨。

17. The pivotal moment came on shot nine, when Mike Massey attempted an extremely difficult long shot in which a ball is made in one corner pocket and the cue ball is drawn around a blocker ball on the end rail and makes a ball in the opposite corner pocket.



18. The cue ball then caromed off the near cushion and contacted the nine ball to land absolutely perfect on the eight ball.


19. Although our company was established in 1982, this is the first South West cue to have a serial number and our cactus logotype engraved on the joint pin.


20. Then she gave me the cue card, the card says, what is the country


cue 词典解释

1. (戏剧或音乐表演的)提示,暗示,尾白

In the theatre or in a musical performance, a performer's cue is something another performer says or does that is a signal for them to begin speaking, playing, or doing something.

e.g. The actors not performing sit at the side of the stage in full view, waiting for their cues...


e.g. I had never known him miss a cue.


2. 给(演员)暗示(或提示);为…提示

If one performer cues another, they say or do something which is a signal for the second performer to begin speaking, playing, or doing something.

e.g. He read the scene, with Seaton cueing him.


3. 暗示;提示;信号

If you say that something that happens is a cue for an action, you mean that people start doing that action when it happens.


e.g. That was the cue for several months of intense bargaining...


e.g. That was Nicholas's cue to ask for another chocolate chip cookie.


4. (台球等的)球杆

A cue is a long, thin wooden stick that is used to hit the ball in games such as snooker, billiards, and pool.

e.g. Their youngest brother was nine when he picked up a cue for the first time.


5. 恰好在这时;就在这时候

If you say that something happened on cue or as if on cue, you mean that it happened just when it was expected to happen, or just at the right time.

e.g. Kevin arrived right on cue to care for Harry...


e.g. 'It's almost eight o'clock.' As if on cue the bell in the chapel began to toll for Matins.


6. 模仿…的样子做;学…的样

If you take your cue from someone or something, you do something similar in a particular situation.

e.g. Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.


cue 单语例句

1. Alibaba is taking a cue from US Internet companies including Facebook Inc and Twitter Inc, which have used private investment rounds to let employees cash in shares.

2. The crux lies on some unfriendly forces trying to form a group of " contain China ", which takes its cue from the US and UK.

3. Cue for a song, " You won't succeed on Broadway ".

4. The unexpected downpour acted as a cue for a more attacking spell but the match soon fizzled out after some poor finishing from both sides.

5. The dismissal was the cue for a magnificent rearguard action from Inter who dealt with almost everything the fearsome Barca attack could throw at them.

6. This is because the road from growers to consumers is typically long, so growers must pick fruit while it's as hard as a cue ball.

7. Senior Zhou ever claimed the punishment sounds " ridiculous " and was ready to filing lawsuits with a court against cue administration officials for defamation.

8. A rocket fired from the town hall was the cue for start of the event for which local authorities provided 120 tonnes of tomatoes.

9. Taking its cue from how Beijing prepared for last year's Olympics, the local government has unleashed groups of guards at metro stations across the city.

10. Zhou's parents were on the offensive again yesterday, filing lawsuits with a court in Shanghai against several cue administration officials for defamation.

cue 英英释义



1. sports implement consisting of a tapering rod used to strike a cue ball in pool or billiards

Synonym: cue stickpool cuepool stick

2. a stimulus that provides information about what to do

Synonym: discriminative stimulus

3. evidence that helps to solve a problem

Synonym: clueclew

4. an actor's line that immediately precedes and serves as a reminder for some action or speech


1. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned

Synonym: promptremind