

thumb:[英 [θʌm] 美 [θʌm] ]


过去式:thumbed;   过去分词:thumbed;   现在分词:thumbing;   复数形式:thumbs;

thumb 基本解释


名词拇指; (手套的)拇指部份

不及物动词翘起拇指请求搭乘(过路汽车),示意请求搭便车; 翻阅

及物动词翻阅; 作搭车手势; 用拇指翻脏[翻坏](书页等)

thumb 相关词组

1. stick out like a sore thumb : 不自在, 处境尴尬;

2. thumb through : 翻查;

3. weigh the thumb : 骗秤头;

thumb 相关例句



1. These books were badly thumbed.


2. The books were badly thumbed.



1. I went out onto the road to start thumbing.



1. thumb的翻译

1. There is a hole in the thumb of his mitten.


thumb 情景对话

Shopping in the Dime Store-(在低价商店购物)


A:Do you carry black ink?



B:The ink should be next to the paper clips and thumb tacks in the stationary section, sir.



A:Ive looked, but I didnt see any black ink.


B:Then Im afraid theres none in stock.


A:Well, Ill settle for blue-black. Ill also take a dozen airmail envelopes.


B:They come in packages of ten or twenty.


A:Give me a package of twenty, then. And where do I find shoelaces?


B:On counter three.


A:Thank you. I never can find my way around this store.



B:I know. It took me three weeks, and I work here.


thumb 网络解释

1. 大拇指:也可把编组后的对象转变成单一的图象或取消编组设置;Docupal可以提供了Undo和Redo的功能,并且用户能够自行设定保存操作的步骤数;Docupal可以直接把页面以HTML的形式输出;支持中文、英文两种界面;大拇指(Thumb)浏览图形,可观看多种格式的图片;

2. 缩略图:支持根据16/9或4/3显示屏实际分辨率对图片进行缩放或切图处理以适应原图长宽比率,保证显示图像不变形. 支持JPEG缩略图(Thumb)浏览.

3. thumb的翻译

3. 姆指:互评 自评 右手运球 以手指(finger)而不是手掌(palm)去控制篮球持球 手指在球的两边分开,姆指(THUMB)指向胸口出球时 双手完全伸直,食指(INDEX FINGER)指向传球目标持球 手指在球的两边分开,姆指(THUMB)指向胸口出球时 双手完全伸直,

thumb 双语例句

1. To deal with the use of both sides of the face, the left side are concave thumb position, the use of anti-network design, the right side to support the design and ring for intense and long-lasting comfort to provide the best games and the most control of.


2. Your left thumb is invited to push the S button, a controversial move that quickens the throttle response, ups the in-cabin noise level, and pneumatically narrows the side bolsters until it hurts.


3. thumb的意思

3. Artest, who has a sprained left thumb, missed the final two games after scoring 22 points in a 94-91 victory over New Orleans on Saturday night, a triumph that opened the door for the Lakers to win the West.


4. Double right-thumb click with a left-panel twist.


5. Then Friday, X-rays revealed that guard Jameer Nelson -- who has been starting for Francis -- sustained a hairline fracture in his left thumb.


6. thumb的近义词

6. When the vertical scrollbar is visible, not in focus, and the user drags its thumb?


7. 13 Assembled fixture welded on pipeline can't be removed by knock or breaking off with fingers and thumb.

7.2.13 焊接在管道上的组对卡具不得用敲打或掰扭的方法拆除。

8. Now, compress the lower jaw of the fish between your thumb and forefinger.


9. He made out like he was only pinching it, but he was really getting the old thumb right in there.


10. Snap one's fingers make a clicking noise by moving the second or third finger quickly against the thumb, eg to attract sb's attention, mark the beat of music, etc


11. And there was this rule of thumb — it was not a regulation, but we strictly stuck to it — you dig a trench close to a shell or mine hole. Because we, as artillerists, knew, that it is very hard to hit the same spot twice...


12. I`ll go to the left head side of aircraft and give a thumb-up signal for taxi clearance.


13. Or choose a Bonika Twister which will force you to cut with a more relaxed hand even in a thumb-up position.

或者选购一款Bonika Twister剪子(这是一款大拇指环可以旋转的剪刀,当然价格不菲

14. thumb是什么意思

14. Thumb拇指; *The boss gave the thumb-up to the project.


15. The local-lovers, Nasi Lemak, the delicious sambal and the rendang chicken are thumb-up dishes.


16. thumb的近义词

16. Lawyer Liu has represented civil and commercial cases involving Hong Kong and Taiwan regions, the United States, Germany, France, Japan, Pakistan, Madagascar, with thumb-up and reputation from Beijing International Arbitration Committee, higher courts, domestic and foreign clients.


17. Assembly consists of thumb screw, hooks, swivel joint, and stem, threaded at one end.



18. Very good thumb input method, but are free of charge.


19. thumb

19. If so, then we say that you have a green thumb.


20. thumb是什么意思

20. I'm afraid I haven't got green thumb.


thumb 词典解释

1. (大)拇指

Your thumb is the short thick part on the side of your hand next to your four fingers.

e.g. She bit the tip of her left thumb, not looking at me.


2. (手套的)拇指部分

The thumb of a glove is the part which a person's thumb fits into.


3. (站在路边,伸出手,拇指向上)请求搭便车,拦车

If you thumb a lift or thumb a ride, you stand by the side of the road holding out your thumb until a driver stops and gives you a lift.

e.g. It may interest you to know that a boy answering Rory's description thumbed a ride to Howth...


e.g. Thumbing a lift had once a carefree, easy-going image.


4. see also: well-thumbed

5. 扎眼;碍眼

If you say that someone or something sticks out like a sore thumb or stands out like a sore thumb, you are emphasizing that they are very noticeable, usually because they are unusual or inappropriate.

e.g. Does the new housing stick out like a sore thumb or blend into its surroundings?...


e.g. In Japan a European stands out like a sore thumb.


6. 无所事事;闲着无聊

If you say that someone is twiddling their thumbs, you mean that they do not have anything to do and are waiting for something to happen.

e.g. The prospect of waiting around just twiddling his thumbs was appalling...


e.g. The Government cannot expect graduates to twiddle their thumbs on the dole.


7. 在…控制下;深受…影响

If you are under someone's thumb, you are under their control, or very heavily influenced by them.

e.g. I cannot tell you what pain I feel when I see how much my mother is under my father's thumb...


e.g. She has Rachel firmly under her thumb.


8. green thumb -> see green

to thumb your nose at someone -> see nose

rule of thumb -> see rule

相关词组:thumb through

thumb 单语例句

1. Some get carpal tunnel syndrome and thumb disorders from pushing the buttons, while others suffer eyestrain.

2. The mobile phone has brought a communications revolution to China, but doctors point out it is also causing a health problem - with the thumb.

3. Dietary habits differ from country to country and region to region, and there cannot be a rule of thumb for all.

4. Place one hand on the other and use the thumb and index fingers to press on the top of the dough wrapping to seal.

5. Create a little well with your thumb and index finger and gently push the dumpling into the palm of your hand.

6. He injured the thumb while being fouled on a dunk attempt in Sunday's win over the Knicks.

7. Her name comes from the Hans Christian Andersen fairytale of a woman the size of a thumb.

8. Pick up chabei using thumb and forefinger on the lip and middle finger on the base.

9. The thumb and index finger are placed on the corner of the mouth and outer eye to prevent wrinkles from forming.

10. Corry replaces injured fullback Jason Robinson who was ruled out of the last two matches of the championship with a thumb injury.

thumb是什么意思thumb 英英释义


1. a convex molding having a cross section in the form of a quarter of a circle or of an ellipse

Synonym: ovoloquarter round

2. the part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb

3. the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb

Synonym: pollex


1. feel or handle with the fingers

e.g. finger the binding of the book

Synonym: finger

2. travel by getting free rides from motorists

Synonym: hitchhikehitch

3. look through a book or other written material

e.g. He thumbed through the report

She leafed through the volume

Synonym: flickflipriffleleafriff