

cod:[英 [kɒd] 美 [kɑ:d] ]


过去式:codded;   过去分词:codded;   现在分词:codding;   复数形式:cods; cod;

cod 基本解释

名词鳕鱼; 鳕鱼肉; 袋,包; 阴囊



cod 网络解释

1. 鳕:内容摘要: 6月11日讯,冰岛政府今日出台未来五年大西洋鳕(cod)捕捞新政策,新政策要求其捕捞量不得超过海域储量的20%. 冰岛政府已将此政策变化告知国际海洋探索委员会. 冰岛海洋研究所(MRI)所长Jóhann

2. 鳕鱼:鱼肝油----fish liver oil有食字及药字产品,多以瀪(鳕)鱼(cod)或比目鱼肝(halibut)为来源,富含vit A,vit D,消费者多数以保护眼睛,保护气管为目的而购买.

3. cod:content of chemical oxygen demand; 化学需氧量

4. cod:collect on delivery; 货到付款


5. cod:courseware-on-demand; 课件点播

6. cod:crack tip opening displacement; 裂纹张开位移

cod 双语例句

1. We specialize in and are capable of producing salmon(chum, sockeye, pink salmon rare or grilled) portions, fillets, salmon roe, scallop, tuna, pollock, pacific cod, whiting portions or fillets, various crab products, halibut portions or filets or belly.


2. cod的解释

2. As a result, the above factors must be considered during the calculation of the fracture parameter COD of welded joints containing the mixed mode Ⅰ+Ⅱ cracks.


3. Caudal peduncle of Mary River cod is shorter and the pelvic fins are longer than in Murray cod.


4. cod的近义词

4. The floc sludge of PFC can be removed 75% organics and the effluent COD is 800mg/L under condition of 1.5 days HRT and treated by thermophilous EGSB anaerobic reactor, and the reactor volume organic load is 2.65kgCOD/m〓.

投加聚合氯化铁混凝剂得到的絮凝污泥在35℃环境中控制1.5d的水力停留时间,出水有机物含量可以降到800mg/LCOD〓左右,去除率在75%左右,厌氧反应器最大负荷为2.65kgCOD/m〓。d; 5。

5. A full scale experiment was conducted to treat municipal wastewater with combined physichemical and biochemical process.

采用物化生化联合工艺进行了城市污水处理的生产性试验,试验结果表明:联合工艺同时具有物化法和生化法的优点,用它来处理城市污水时,处理效率高,时间短,运行费用低,COD、BOD5、SS、NH3-N、T -P的平均去除率分别为 70 。

6. The bleaching effluents are treated by P. chrysosporium in stationary batch culture under the optimum culture condition (0.1% glucose, 0.02% ammonium tartrate, pH4.3-4.5, 32℃-42℃, full of Oxygen). The removal percentage follows: COD〓 50-56%, TOCl: 43-49%, Color: 63-68%.


7. The removal rates of COD and oil are 97.7% and 99.8% respectively.

出水 COD和石油类的去除率分别达到 97.7%和 99.8%。

8. His own study of the cod fisheries also appeared as part of the series.



9. The paper discussed different effects (such as oil-water ratio, extraction, mixing time, equipment time and so on) on the removal efficiency of COD and the acidity of raffinate, and the effect of active carbon dosage and temperature on the discoloring efficiency.


10. Comparetion between the appraisal result and the national criteria shows that: In Fuxin, the excessive total suspended particulate and Sulfur dioxide in atmosphere is the result of coal burning; Some monitored projects as BOD and COD exceed the allowed figure indicates that industrial waste water and sanitary sewage have caused the surface water pollution; The main reason to the excessive nitrite in the groundwater is the trash piled up open-air and the gangue soak liquid.


11. A food fish of European Atlantic waters resembling the cod; sometimes placed in genus Gadus.


12. Cod=Any of various marine fishes of the family Gadidae, especially Gadus morhua, an important food fish of northern Atlantic waters.


13. There are good remove effect on the kjeldahl nitrogen and COD of leachate in aerobic reciculation, the rate of exorcize of kjeldahl nitrogen in aerobic columns rise steadily to about 90% in the start, steady about 90% finally.


14. With the increase of Hydraulic loading in anaerobic columns, the rate of exorcize of kjeldahl nitrogen and COD drop gradually, when the hydraulic loading increase to 20 ml/L. d, the the rate of exorcize of kjeldahl nitrogen drop to 60%; when the hydraulic loading increase to 21-23 ml/L. d, the rate of exorcize of COD drop to 20%.

厌氧柱中随着水力负荷的增大,凯氏氮和COD的去除率均呈现逐渐下降,水力负荷增加到约20ml/L·d,凯氏氮的去除率直线下降到60%以下;水力负荷增加到21~23 ml/L·d,COD的去除率直线下降至20%。

15. Excellent and mature COD delivery system of corporation is an advantage of the corporation to provide financial and delivery support to ticket marketing service which covers every places of Harbin city.


16. The volume ratio of Fe and C was fixed to 1:1, and the effects of varying Hydraulic Retention Time and pH value on pollutant removal efficiency were investigated under this condition.

在对原水不进行pH调节的条件下,HRT为1 h时,铁碳内电解工艺对安普霉素废水中的COD和安普霉素去除率均可达50%以上,对NH3-N的去除率可达70%以上,废水可生化系数从处理前的0.26提高到处理后的0.45。

17. The removal efficiency of COD is about 60%~70% and 80%, respectively.


18. cod在线翻译

18. GROUNDFISH: The amount of cod caught by Dutch vessels is reported to have declined.


19. cod的解释

19. The process waste water of EBR polymerizer and grafting reactor in ABS equipment was treated by the method of reusing the materials in waste water. The treated waste water occupied the 2.5% of total waste water in ABS equipment. After reusing the materials in waste water, the overall COD value decreased 20%, thus reduced the treatment load in subsquent waste water.

采用回收废水中物料的方法对ABS 装置 EBR聚合釜和接枝釜生产排放的工艺废水进行处理,2种废水占装置总废水量的 2 。5 %,废水中有用物料回收后,排放废水总COD含量下降 2 0 %,从而减轻了后续废水处理负荷

20. Through researching the mechanism of biological nitrification and denitrification and actual project application of the technology and related literature materials, the obtained results are as follows:(1) Anoxybiosis is effective to the removal of COD; after the anoxic process, BOD/COD of the outflow increases, it shows that the degradation ability of wastewater is improved; anoxybiosis is insensitive when shock loading of inflow wastewater varies greatly; (2) It is demonstrated by the operation of inoculation and cultivating that biofilm takes two weeks to succeed in cultivating on packings and the removal ratios of NH3-N and COD get 50% and 70% respectively, when gas-water ratio is 6:1, HRT is 7.3 hour, water temperature is above 15°C; (3) It is demonstrated that gas-water ratio, hydraulic loading, HRT, temperature, pH etc are important factors which influence the removal effect of pollutants, when the gas-water ratio is 6:1, hydraulic loading is about 0.38kgNH3-N/m~3.d, water temperature ranges from 15°C to 27°C, pH ranges from 7.5 to 8.0, the BIOFOR removal effect of pollutants is the best; (4) The operation indicated that, this technology has strong ability of nitrification and denitrification; it has extremely vital significance for reducing the water body eutrophication; (5) It is confirmed the feasibility and the usability of preanoxic-BIOFOR process to treat L-lactic acid production wastewater. The experiment indicated that the treatment effect of this technology is very good and also shows that the technology has many advantages, such as small volume, high treatment efficiency, good effluent quality and strong endurance to load variation, this technology is a new and economical wastewater treatment process.


cod 词典解释

1. 鳕鱼

Cod are a type of large edible fish.

2. 假的;仿真的;骗人的

You use cod to describe something which is not genuine and which is intended to deceive or amuse people by looking or sounding like the real thing.

e.g. ...a cod documentary on what animals think of living in a zoo.


cod 单语例句

1. A buttery sweet dish was the flaky baked cod fish with mushroom sauce.

2. Miles of popular Cape Cod beaches were closed to swimmers on Friday after spotter planes saw several great white sharks close to shore.

3. A year ago, state biologists successfully attached more sophisticated electronic tags to five great whites off Cape Cod.

4. Kennedy was hospitalized May 17 at Massachusetts General Hospital after undergoing a seizure at his home on Cape Cod.

5. Cod melts quickly in the mouth and the meat is fine and smooth, but oilfish tastes greasy and coarse.

6. However, the COD failed to meet the provincial government's target.

7. Liana is conspicuous among the surrounding unassuming structures lining by the traditionally styled, massive mural depicting multicolored cod splashing in the sea that spans its exterior.

8. One Beijing resident commented online that her daughter's inexplicable oily excretions a month ago were caused by eating oilfish sold as cod.

9. Other signature dishes include braised cod with a splash of rum and sweet and sour eel on potato chips.

10. Grilling the watermelon tones down the fruit's sweetness, but it remains crisp and a fine contrast to the soft meat of the cod.

cod 英英释义


1. major food fish of Arctic and cold-temperate waters

Synonym: codfish

2. lean white flesh of important North Atlantic food fish

usually baked or poached

Synonym: codfish

3. the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)

Synonym: podseedcase


1. harass with persistent criticism or carping

e.g. The children teased the new teacher

Don't ride me so hard over my failure

His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie

Synonym: teaserazzragtantalizetantalisebaittaunttwitrallyride

2. fool or hoax

e.g. The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone

You can't fool me!

Synonym: gulldupeslangbefoolfoolput ontake input one overput one across


1. payable by the recipient on delivery

e.g. a collect call

the letter came collect

a COD parcel

Synonym: collect