

tusk:[英 [tʌsk] 美 [tʌsk] ]



tusk 基本解释


名词獠牙; (象等动物的)长牙; 尖形物; 尖头




tusk 网络解释

1. 牙:这似乎提醒人们注意他们还是很艺术的. 值得表扬的是,门诊部将激进、喧哗的桥段处理得井井有条脉络清晰,而不是简单的循环、重复,让人头疼,这在(Tusk)里非常明显. 回到成功的过去实在是很自然和容易的,

2. 獠牙:IVORY 这个英文单字传统上仅指象牙,但是事实上因为哺乳类动物的牙齿 (teeth) 与獠牙 (tusk) 其化学成分一致,故广义而言,IVORY 泛指任何体积够大、足以供切割或雕刻使用哺乳类动物的牙齿或獠牙(本文中所谓之象牙采广意说法).

3. 长牙:turtle 龟 | tusk 长牙 | tusk shells 掘足类

4. tusk的反义词

4. 象牙:trunk象鼻 | tusk象牙 | whale鲸鱼

tusk 双语例句

1. You question me about the wicked tusk of the narwhal


2. An article carved or engraved from whalebone, whale ivory, walrus tusk, etc., usually by American''.


3. tusk的近义词

3. The actual base of the tusk is hollow and contains the pulp cavity.



4. This usually extends quite far, and in males may reach beyond the lip line. The tusk grows from its base as fresh dentine is slowly deposited over the surface of the pulp cavity.


5. For Poland`s friends and neighbours, condolences are mixed with questions about Poland`s future. Mr Kaczyński was already facing an all but insuperable challenge from Mr Tusk`s Civic Platform party in the presidential elections in October.


6. Plunge or bury in flesh, as of a knife, sword, or tusk.



7. I would not describe what is going on today as a defeat for Poland, Tusk said.


8. A tusk can be as long as a person.


9. Since Mr Tusk`s government took office in 2007, however, that has begun to change.


10. As these times are very difficult for me, I have come to beg from you just a little piece of tusk.



11. So he is no threat to Mr Tusk.



12. If he ran this autumn, it would solve a problem for the prime minister, Donald Tusk.

如果他在秋天的选举胜出,这将解决总理Donald Tusk的一个大难题。

13. tusk

13. Mr Tusk`s aim is to have a German-style ceremonial presidency, with much reduced powers of veto.



14. Disquiet about the brothers` vengeful, chaotic and weird reputation led to their downfall in 2007 and the election of Mr Tusk`s Civic Platform party.


15. To pierce or stab with a horn or tusk.



16. One day, after warning 你好m thus, she left for olympus inher carriage. quite by chance adonis''hunting dogs found aboar, w你好ch roused adonis to enthusiasm. he 你好t the beast with an arrow, but the boar, turning on 你好m, buried its w你好te tusk deep into 你好s tender side and trampled 你好m to death. when aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death, she burst into apassion of tears. unable to take 你好m back from the lower world, she sprinkled wine on adonls''blood and turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower.


17. Elephants wear the tusk down faster than they can grow it.


18. tusk的翻译

18. Figurine of walrus tusk (excl. original sculptures and statuary)


19. It features a bevy of sassy women who contrast with Mr Tusk's mainly grey, male and middle-aged cabinet.


20. The wild boar had its tusk sunk deeply into a tree and howled desperately.


tusk 词典解释

1. (象、野猪、海象等的) 长牙

The tusks of an elephant, wild boar, or walrus are its two very long, curved, pointed teeth.


tusk 单语例句tusk什么意思

1. Prime Minister Donald Tusk said late last year he wanted obligatory castration for pedophiles, whom he branded'degenerates'.

2. The coalition between Tusk's Civic Platform party and the centrist Peasants'Party must win a vote of confidence in parliament.

3. A drawing inscribed on a piece of gold ware shows a man on his knees carrying an elephant tusk on his back.

4. Judging by the initial comments of the Tusk camp on Sunday evening, caution is likely to remain the hallmark of the new government.

5. TUSK system can carry out a random inspection on individual records so as to manage the social order.

6. Tusk said it particularly lamentable that the victims " were returning to their units from a conference devoted " to flight safety.

7. Lech Kaczynski had vetoed a number of Tusk's bills before his death.

8. This is seen as a formality as Tusk's Civic Platform party holds a majority of its 100 seats.

9. We didn't even intend to buy anything made of bone, for fear it might turn out to be something made out of a tusk.

10. Tusk replaces the president's twin brother Jaroslaw Kaczynski, whose conservative Law and Justice party came second in the October 21 vote.

tusk 英英释义


1. a long pointed tooth specialized for fighting or digging

especially in an elephant or walrus or hog

2. a hard smooth ivory colored dentine that makes up most of the tusks of elephants and walruses

Synonym: ivory


1. remove the tusks of animals

e.g. tusk an elephant

Synonym: detusk

2. stab or pierce with a horn or tusk

e.g. the rhino horned the explorer

Synonym: horn