

mature:[英 [məˈtʃʊə(r)] 美 [məˈtʃʊr] ]


过去式:matured;   过去分词:matured;   现在分词:maturing;

mature 基本解释

形容词(人、树木、鸟或动物)成熟的; 仔细考虑过的; 到期(应该支付)的; 成年人的

不及物动词成熟,长成; (票据等)到期

及物动词使…成熟; 使…长成; 慎重拟定(计划等)

mature 同义词



mature 反义词




mature 相关例句


1. She has the figure of a mature woman.


2. mature的近义词

2. Can't you behave in a mature way?


3. This is the most mature of his plays.



1. He matured his plans for the long trip.



1. Wine and judgement mature with age.


mature 情景对话


A:What do you think about mature student?


B:What do you mean by mature student?



A:You know, people who go back to school later on in life?


B:I don’t know. I guess I’ve never really thought about it before. Why? Are you thinking about going back to school?


A:Yeah, I am. I never finished my undergraduate degree.


B:I didn’t know that. What were you studying?





B:Why didn’t you finish?



A:I didn’t think it was necessary to have a degree.


B:Would it help you get a better job now?



A:I think so. Besides, I want to travel around. If I don’t have a degree, I won’t be able to get a work visa.


B:Sounds like your mind is made up. Go for it !


mature 网络解释

1. 成熟的:它可以让你给你的应用程序添加索引和搜索能力. Lucene是一个成熟的(mature)免费的open-source 项目,使用Java实现,它是广泛流行的Apache Jakarta项目大家庭中的其中

2. 麦卓:正在火热进行中的圣迭戈动漫展(SDCC09)上,著名格斗系列(King of The Fighter)最新作放出了3对3游戏视频,不过遗憾的是演示玩家并没有选择家用机上新增加的角色,伊丽莎白(Elizabeth)和麦卓(Mature).

mature 双语例句

1. Foals are born to a mare, a sexually mature female.


2. mature什么意思

2. Obvious cartilage and island-distributed immature bone formation in implants of the experiment side were observed at 2 weeks after operation, and massive mature bone observed at 4 weeks. Newly formed bone had fused and formed mature lamellar bone and trabecularism. No bone formation was observed in the control side of the mice.


3. Botany To mature or develop, as after pollination.



4. However the spontaneity of credit money system is not mature, and this un-maturity lead to the collapse of itself in 1930s, and this collapse of money system made the system of division of labor which take money as its exchange medium can not continue to work.


5. Primary mediastinal germ-cell tumors without gonadal involvement are rare and can be divided into benign mature teratoma and malignant seminoma or nonseminoma.


6. mature是什么意思

6. The conclusion is that the writer should go through mature period if he wants to keep raising momentum.


7. mature的反义词

7. Based on these results and inferred to related reports from other labratories, it was possible to make some analyses and conclusions or inferrences:(1) CD〓AK with tumoricidal activity were induced and expanded in number througth costimulation of PBMC with anti-CD〓 McAb. and r IL-2; (2) CD〓AK induced and expanded in such manner did exibit more potent proliferation·ability and cytotoxicity which maintained for lonser time than those of LAK cells, thus CD〓AK was a new variety of antitumor effector cells worth to be explored; (3) CD〓AK could mediate MHC nonrestricted cytotoxicity and kill tumor target cells through inducing necrosis and apoptosis; (4) Normal mature lymphocytes of PBMC could be induced to proliferate and /or to die from apoptosis when they were costimulated by anti-CD〓McAb and rIL-2. Both proliferation and apoptosis were existing in the same cultivation system sugsesting that the presence of rIL- 2 might provide some accessary signals for apoptosis.


8. mature

8. He knows how to play and he is already mature enough to play at a high level.



9. Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills.


10. BOPP, PVC, double-sided adhesive tape, textured paper, kraft paper, such as adhesive materials Slitter, Slitter, Rewinding Machines, Lamination machine to become more perfect and mature.


11. mature是什么意思

11. Leaves detached from mature plant of resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica R.

本文在邓馨的研究基础上以复苏植物牛耳草Boea hygrometricaR。

12. I hope you are a mature person.


13. I think I am a mature man now.


14. Our goal: Attract more mature clients with our rich human resources and build an unparalleled translation brand with quality work.


15. mature

15. The results show that in the southwestern Sichuan Basin the evolution of organic matter of the Paleozoic source rocks, which became mature in middle Late Permian, was strongly affected by the ESMP.


16. The following chart indecate that parents of 09-0010 are so much alike to each other, almost indicating at time of mating, that this young cock will likely follow their patten at time of sex mature.


17. The prolipase and mature lipase gene was amplified by PCR method using the genomic DNA isolated from Rhizopus chinensis CCTCCM201021. The target genes were then inserted into the expression vector pET-28a and expressed in E. coli BL21 with IPTG induction.

以华根霉(Rhizopus chinensis CCTCCM201021)为出发菌株,提取总DNA,PCR扩增出前导肽脂肪酶基因及成熟肽脂肪酶基因,克隆到原核载体pET-28a,转化E.coli BL21(DE3),诱导表达并纯化出活性目的蛋白。

18. Sodium phosphate salts, which mainly include sodium orthophosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, sodium polyphosphate, and sodium metaphosphate, are the largest produced and consumed phosphate products in industrial phosphates. Their technical exploitation and market development are both relatively mature.



19. To the autumn in October, is the season of red-orange mature, trees covered with fruit.


20. Well rounded, elegantly balanced and complex red wine with the aroma of mature fruits and subtle nuances of Vanilla.


mature 词典解释

1. 长大(成人);发育成熟

When a child or young animal matures, it becomes an adult.

e.g. You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically...


e.g. The eggs hatched and the chicks matured.


2. 成熟;完善

When something matures, it reaches a state of complete development.

e.g. When the trees matured they were cut in certain areas...


e.g. Their songwriting has matured.


3. (在性格、感情等方面)趋于成熟

If someone matures, they become more fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour.


e.g. Hopefully after three years at university I will have matured...


e.g. I thought you had matured enough not to be giggly and silly about serious art.


4. (性格、感情等方面)成熟的;明白事理的

If you describe someone as mature, you think that they are fully developed and balanced in their personality and emotional behaviour.

e.g. They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly...


e.g. You and I are mature, freethinking adults.


5. (画家、作家、音乐家等的技艺、能力等)成熟的,炉火纯青的

If you describe the work of an artist, writer, or musician as mature, you mean that it is thoughtful and skilful and shows that their abilities have fully developed.

e.g. It is his most mature comedy yet.


6. (使)(葡萄酒、干酪等)发酵成熟;酿成

If something such as wine or cheese matures or is matured, it is left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop.

e.g. Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.


e.g. ...the cellars where the cheeses are matured.


7. (干酪、葡萄酒等)发酵成熟的,酿熟的

Mature cheese or wine has been left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop.

e.g. Grate some mature cheddar cheese.


e.g. ...the best place to enjoy fine, mature wines.


8. (存单、养老金计划等)到期

When an investment such as a savings policy or pension plan matures, it reaches the stage when you stop paying money and the company pays you back the money you have saved, and the interest your money has earned.

e.g. These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time.


e.g. ...an endowment policy that matured on September 1.


9. 成熟的;不再年轻的;老成的(婉词)

If you say that someone is mature or of mature years, you are saying politely that they are middle-aged or old.


e.g. ...a man of mature years who had been in the job for longer than most of the members could remember.


mature 单语例句mature的意思

1. Kids want to feel mature by imitating adult behavior, and many see smoking as a symbol of being an adult.

2. The actress also said she enjoyed the portraying Canter because she identifies with being a mature woman in an industry that favors youth.

3. Commercial lenders could issue new debt and equity capital instruments when conditions are mature, the China Banking Regulatory Commission said in a statement published on its website.

4. A female panda is in heat only once every year and 80 percent of female pandas don't develop mature eggs in captivity.

5. Female pandas in captivity become sexually mature earlier than their male counterparts, and their pregnancies continue for 83 to 200 days.

6. The documents also stressed that China should constantly carry out safety upgrades on currently operating reactors and use the most advanced mature technologies.

7. The ratio of cash dividend to net profit of companies listed on the mainland has remained much lower than those in mature markets.

8. The caviar concentrates in this mask seek to revive and rejuvenate tired, mature skin.

9. The birth was risky for a mature mother like Huang, who had her son delivered by cesarean section.

10. It's not hard to turn a good idea into a viable business, but it's naive to not expect windfalls in a mature market like Hong Kong.

mature的翻译mature 英英释义


1. cause to ripen and discharge pus

e.g. The oil suppurates the pustules

Synonym: suppurate

2. grow old or older

e.g. She aged gracefully

we age every day--what a depressing thought!

Young men senesce

Synonym: senesceageget onmaturate

3. cause to ripen or develop fully

e.g. The sun ripens the fruit

Age matures a good wine

Synonym: ripen

4. develop and reach maturity

undergo maturation

e.g. He matured fast

The child grew fast

Synonym: maturategrow

5. become due for repayment

e.g. These bonds mature in 2005

6. develop and work out fully in one's mind

e.g. I need to mature my thoughts


1. fully considered and perfected

e.g. mature plans

Synonym: matured

2. (of birds) having developed feathers or plumage

often used in combination

Synonym: fledged

3. having reached full natural growth or development

e.g. a mature cell

4. characteristic of maturity

e.g. mature for her age

5. fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used

e.g. ripe peaches

full-bodied mature wines

Synonym: ripe