

sojourn:[英 [ˈsɒdʒən] 美 [ˈsoʊdʒɜ:rn] ]



sojourn 基本解释


sojourn 相关例句


1. Jesus sojourned many days in the desert.


sojourn 网络解释

1. sojourn的解释

1. 逗留:soja 大豆 | sojourn 逗留 | sojourner 旅居者

2. 停留:soil 泥土 | sojourn 停留 | solace 安慰

3. 逗留;寄居:sniff#以鼻吸气 | sojourn#逗留;寄居 | spawn#产卵

sojourn 双语例句

1. You shall sojourn at Paris, Rome, and Naples: at Florence, Venice, and Vienna: all the ground I have wandered over shall be re-trodden by you: where I stamped my hoof, your sylph's foot shall step also.


2. sojourn

2. On the fourth day of his sojourn, the Time traveler understands why the Eloi are terrified after nightfall.


3. And a certain man of Bethlehemjudah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he, and his wife, and his two sons.

1:1 当士师秉政的时候,国中遭遇饥荒,在犹大伯利恒,有一个人带著妻子和两个儿子,往摩押地去寄居。

4. And I will pick out from among you the transgressors, and the wicked, and will bring them out of the land where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and you shall know that I am the Lord.


5. Go hence; good night; and here stands all your state: Either be gone before the watch be set, or by the break of day disguised from hence: Sojourn in Mantua; I'll find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you that chances here: Give me thy hand; 'tis late: farewell; good night.


6. That dairy-house, so humble, so insignificant, so purely to him a place of constrained sojourn that he had never hitherto deemed it of sufficient importance to be reconnoitred as an object of any quality whatever in the landscape; what was it now?


7. To sojourn is to reside temporarily in a place

Sojourn 指在一处暂住

8. sojourn的反义词

8. so that none of the remnant of Judah, that are gone into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or be left, to return into the land of Judah, to which they have a desire to return to dwell there: for none shall return save such as shall escape.


9. sojourn

9. After his sojourn on Davin, the Warmaster was a


10. Themes, characters and story points from Moli re's later plays are imagined having their fons et origo in this fantasy sojourn.


11. Don`t forget that, as cultural figures, their sojourn in this place is very different from a passenger`s stay in the transit lounge of an airport.


12. Each of us is here for a brief sojourn.


13. For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; Evil will not sojourn with You.

5:4 因为你不是喜悦邪恶的神;恶人不能与你同居。

14. sojourn什么意思

14. From 382 to August 385 he made another sojourn in Rome, not far from Pope Damasus.

从382到385 8月,他又在罗马逗留,而不是远离教皇达玛斯。

15. Thus ended one man's sojourn in this world.


16. And if a stranger sojourn with you in your land, all of you shall not vex him.

033 若有外人在你们国中和你同居,就不可欺负他。

17. And they said, This fellow came to sojourn, and he has become the judge!


18. During the sojourn of Erasmus at Oxford (1497-9) he found kindred hellenistic spirits in William Grocyn and Thomas Linacre, both of whom had been educated in Italy.

在逗留的伊拉斯谟在牛津( 1497-9 ),他发现类似的古希腊精神Grocyn和威廉托马斯利纳克尔,两人已在意大利接受教育。

19. In vs.1, 2, 1 In the days when the judges ruled there was a famine in the land, and a man of Bethlehem in Judah went to sojourn in the country of Moab, he and his wife and his two sons.

第 1、2 节:「 1 在士师统治期间,国内发生了饥荒。

20. The description finished, the district-attorney resumed with an oratorical turn calculated to raise the enthusiasm of the journal of the prefecture to the highest pitch on the following day: And it is such a man, etc., etc., etc., vagabond, beggar, without means of existence, etc., etc., inured by his past life to culpable deeds, and 8ttt8.com little reformed by his sojourn in the galleys, as was proved by the crime committed against Little Gervais, etc., etc.; it is such a man, caught upon the highway in the very act of theft, a few paces from a wall that had been scaled, still holding in his hand the object stolen, who denies the crime, the theft, the climbing the wall; denies everything; denies even his own identity!

检察官刻画完毕以后 ssbbww ,为了 dd dtt。com 获得 s sbb ww 明天《省府公报》的高度表扬,又指手画脚地说下去:并且他是这样一种人,等等,等等,等等,流氓,光棍,没有生活能力,等等,等等,生平惯于为非作歹,坐了牢狱也不曾大改,抢劫小瑞尔威这件事便足以证明,等等,等等,他是这样一个人,行了窃,被人在公路上当场拿获,离开一堵爬过的墙只几步,手里还拿着赃物,人赃俱获,还要抵赖,行窃爬墙,一概抵赖,甚至连自己的姓名也抵赖,自己的身份来历也抵赖!

sojourn 词典解释

1. 逗留;暂住

A sojourn is a short stay in a place that is not your home.

sojourn 单语例句

1. She turned her Chinese sojourn into a book named after the serial, picked up soon after by Paramount Pictures for a screen adaptation.

2. This fall BMW will hold an exhibition of pictures, video and objects that highlight the sojourn.

3. What he is left with now is his lonely sojourn in this world, where he could gain publicity for his unpopular and unaccepted selfish ambitions.

4. Wang said the NBA stars'impact on improving the league's international image was positive, but he also warned of a potential void after their China sojourn.

5. Modern pilgrims still sojourn to this place to reaffirm their spiritual devotion.

6. Still, the NBA's 2010 Most Improved Player doesn't regret his China sojourn at all.

7. Murakami spent two seasons with the Giants from late 1964, and his sojourn eventually led to tighter rules on Japanese playing overseas.

8. A two or three day sojourn offers enough time to see Linyi and its nearby scenic spots.

9. Assessments about Delhi's winter fog are making Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh begin his sojourn to China earlier than expected.

10. Therefore the Mandarins in Beijing as well as South Asian think tanks are expected to follow closely Obama's sojourn to South Asia.

sojourn 英英释义



1. a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest)

Synonym: visit


1. spend a certain length of time

reside temporarily