

obstinate:[英 [ˈɒbstɪnət] 美 [ˈɑ:bstɪnət] ]


obstinate 基本解释

形容词顽固的; 固执的; 难于控制的; 方头不劣

obstinate 同义词




obstinate 反义词




obstinate 相关例句


1. She was as obstinate as a mule.


2. These weeds are really very obstinate.


obstinate 网络解释


1. 固执:无法解释的行动或事件魔术(magic) 一种能把迷信变成钱币的艺术噪声(noise) 这是一种未被驯化的音乐,一种进入耳朵的恶臭,它是文明的主要产品,也是鉴定文明的标志固执(obstinate)经过我们的雄辩,真理已够明白了,


2. 我不是听你的--固执的:18) Appall:我怕--吓人 | 19) Obstinate:我不是听你的--固执的 | 20) Lynch:凌迟--私刑处死

3. obstinate的近义词

3. 固执,不屈服的:obstacle 障碍 | obstinate 固执,不屈服的 | obstruct 妨碍

obstinate 双语例句

1. Men of complacence are obstinate and consider themselves always right.


2. There was then a long and obstinate silence.


3. Obstinate are the trammels, but my heart aches when I try to break them.



4. If you think you sound obnoxious or obstinate by not answering the question, think of how he feels asking the question more than once. The interviewer is just trying to get a leg up on you in negotiations.


5. Obstinate people can be divided into the opinioned, the ignorant, and the boorish


6. Woe to you, ye obstinate of heart, who work wickedness and eat blood


7. They fathom no transparent time just the time for to condition, one is obstinate come being called tenant peasant of Moli · Geleifusi walking, be informed of from him in, all households intend to go to California all already or exactly in this locality.


8. Can I inquire about your reasons for being so obstinate?


9. A lot of obstinate constipation patients have resistance to most of the medicine, even we use a very flexible Traditional Chinese Medicine theory to diagnose and treat very carefully, after several medicament, without any changes on diagnostic, the constipation comes back., unless treat with different doctor with complete different opinion, the disease could get well again.


10. Outside soft inside firm Li Yan grand, once decided to do a business, meet a person leave infinite expectation, and individual character the person that the Ma Yun of candid, obstinate and unruly dares to meet a challenge namely.


11. Whole town is already complete come to, in the air of heavy traffic already OK the smell of gunpowder with appreciably light smell out, reveal the city that gives Barcelona obstinate and unruly to taste.


12. Comparing it with The Scholars, We find out that both authors not only lived at the same age, but also led a rough life, furthermore, they had obstinate and unruly personality, and special responsibility for society and firm beliefs in pursuing free lives.


13. Obstinate and unruly, Dragon emperor is first.


14. Now, I'm a plain-spoken man, Yu-ting, and I don't mind telling you if Wu Sun-fu's going to be so obstinate and refuses to come to his senses, that's quite all right with me


15. Between these two parties--Antony and the mob on one side, and the majority of the Senate on the other--stood the young Octavius, Caesar's grand-nephew and heir, with an army at his back; a young man, not yet twenty, but wiser than other young men, with a handsome, expressionless, inscrutable face, a heart without feeling, and a temper inhumanely cold and obstinate--an enigma to all, and as yet perhaps even to himself.


16. Which two mighty powers have, as I was going to tell you, been engaged in a most obstinate5 war for six and thirty moons past.



17. Due to the poor health of my parents, I had to drop out of the school after graduating from junior high school. At that time, I used to work as an electrician at a construction site, serve as a waiter at a restaurant, make cakes at a food factory, sell vegetables and work as a coolie in a cement prefabrication factory. In 1995, I joined the army. The army was a great smelter, which did a lot of good to me. My obstinate tempter was changed a lot because the army units value so much on hewing to the lines and toeing to commands.


18. If you come across an obstinate person, you will find it is difficult to deal with him.


19. They had exhausted all the expedients of a theological and canonical discussion more obstinate than sincere.


20. Others, the more obstinate crowd, refused to accept the new calendar and

其它固执己见的人拒绝接受新日历并且沿袭在 4 月 1

obstinate 词典解释

1. 固执的;执拗的;倔强的

If you describe someone as obstinate, you are being critical of them because they are very determined to do what they want, and refuse to change their mind or be persuaded to do something else.

e.g. He is obstinate and determined and will not give up...


e.g. She was a wicked and obstinate child.



I stayed obstinately in my room, sitting by the telephone...


Smith obstinately refused to carry out the order.


I might have become a dangerous man with all that stubbornness and obstinacy built into me.


2. 难以移动的;难以改变的;难以消除的

You can describe things as obstinate when they are difficult to move, change, or destroy.


e.g. ...rusted farm equipment strewn among the obstinate weeds.



...the door of the shop which obstinately stayed closed when he tried to push it open.

他怎么使劲也推不开的店门obstinate 单语例句obstinate什么意思

1. I don't like obstinate people who cling stubbornly to their opinions or entrepreneurs with too many elaborate ideas and no focus.

2. The crux of the college corruption issue lies in the coincidence of over commercializing and obstinate bureaucratization in universities.

3. The infringement of lawful rights constitutes a malignant obstinate disease of American society.

4. The Iraqi chief judge in Baghdad adjourned the stormy trial until April 5 after the obstinate former dictator outright refused to answer prosecutors'questions.

5. It is difficult to rectify these chronic and obstinate maladies but we must make a move to overcome them.

6. Italian people can be very obstinate when their private time is at stake.

7. Some investors are obstinate in their refusal to study the trends, weigh conditions and to change their strategies amid the market tumult.

8. But it is so obstinate that it has never been rooted out and does not show any sign of ever being completely stopped.

9. There are still many obstinate problems in China's medical care system as well as in its higher education system.

obstinate是什么意思obstinate 英英释义


1. persist stubbornly

e.g. he obstinates himself against all rational arguments


1. resistant to guidance or discipline

e.g. Mary Mary quite contrary

an obstinate child with a violent temper

a perverse mood

wayward behavior

Synonym: contraryperversewayward

2. stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing

Synonym: cussedobdurateunrepentant

3. tenaciously unwilling or marked by tenacious unwillingness to yield

Synonym: stubbornunregenerate