

lament:[英 [ləˈment] 美 [ləˈmɛnt] ]


过去式:lamented;   过去分词:lamented;   现在分词:lamenting;   复数形式:laments;

lament 基本解释


及物/不及物动词悲叹; 悔恨; 痛惜; (为…)哀悼

名词哀歌,挽歌; 悲恸,恸哭; 悲痛之情; 悼词

lament 同义词



lament 反义词


lament 相关例句


1. The royal members lamented the passing of aristocratic society.


2. lament

2. We lamented his absence.


3. lament

3. The widow lamented the death of her only child.



1. She lamented to us about her wretched lot.



1. lament的意思

1. We heard her laments at midnight.


lament 网络解释

1. 哀悼:这样做的方式便是哀悼(lament),它从所有的回忆中升起. 正如歌德(在的献辞中)所言,这种哀悼乃是:在哀悼中,重复所产生的悲剧效应影响到所有行动中的一个关键因素:它带给行动以意义,并造成了一种进入到历史之中的深远意蕴.


2. 悲伤:allay#缓和 | lament#悲伤 | rally#召集;恢复

lament 双语例句

1. He lament ed over the death of his wife.


2. It is a familiar, selfish lament the world over.


3. lament的反义词

3. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn`t give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.



4. And many other sheep He sent to those sheep to testify unto them and lament over them.



5. She always lament s over her misfortunes.


6. Today I can lament over all that my parents didn't give me when I was growing up or I can feel grateful that they allowed me to be born.


7. 4 Groan in silence, make no lament for the dead, bind on your turban, put your sandals on your feet, do not cover your beard, and do not eat the customary bread.



8. Dream suddenly look into the sky like a daytime Choi Wan, and then view the mountains, busy wood, Zen Nai Ho, night dreams go, though, such as spring water gurgling, leisurely around the home without putting too much does not lament the worldly Nan Ke.


9. lament的意思

9. Men and women of every age, who have understood that it is no use to condemn, to lament, to recriminate, but it is better to respond to evil with good.


10. Job continued his lament in chapter seven, expounding upon the miseries of life and the hardship that is the common lot for mankind.

提要 在第七章,约伯继续著他的哀歌,详述生命的悲惨和艰苦,乃是人类的共同命运。

11. lament的翻译

11. The first series, furthermore, is opened by a lament from Job, and the second closes with a speech by Eliphaz in which he weakly reproaches Job (xxii - it is generally held that this chapter begins a new series), who rightly leaves this address unanswered.

第一个系列,此外,开放的感叹,从工作,第二次关闭了讲话Eliphaz他在弱责备工作( 22 -人们普遍认为,这章开始一个新的系列),谁正确离开这个地址找到答案。

12. After Job had finished his lament, Bildad spoke up in his turn.

提要 约伯唱完了哀歌之后,比勒达接著发言。

13. lament

13. You buried the soul stone, commissioned poor bone dust, most likely to give birth on Bao Zhao's lament as Guangling County.


14. And her gates shall lament and mour and she being desolate shall sit upon the ground.

3:26 锡安的城门必悲伤,哀号。他必荒凉坐在地上。

15. Among the company was a certain Subhadda(18), who had entered the Order in his old age, and he said, Enough friends, do not grieve or lament; we are well freed from the great ascetic.



16. Bly and others lament the growing distance between fathers and sons in the modern world.


17. When a United States, the United States have people know what to do, but also had to hand-dance of, the tread of feet; when a plain, pale people have no taste, you can only lament the Xi's, the reward of praise.


18. lament

18. During Queen Amidala's escape from Naboo, Captain Panaka was heard to lament the likelihood of their being hit by Trade Federation cannonades.


19. lament的反义词

19. That from year to year the daughters of Israel assemble together, and lament the daughter of Jephte the Galaadite for four days.


20. lament在线翻译

20. It is the thing he cannot bear to lose, it is the thing whose passing he watches with infinite sorrow and regret, it is the thing whose loss he must lament forever, it is the thing whose loss he really welcomes with a sad and secret joy, the thing he would never willingly relive again, could it be restored to him by any magic.


lament 词典解释

1. 为…悲痛;哀叹;痛惜

If you lament something, you express your sadness, regret, or disappointment about it.

e.g. Ken began to lament the death of his only son...


e.g. He laments that people in Villa El Salvador are suspicious of the police...


2. 悲痛之情;哀叹;痛惜

Someone's lament is an expression of their sadness, regret, or disappointment about something.

e.g. She spoke of the professional woman's lament that a woman's judgment is questioned more than a man's.


3. 悼词;挽歌

A lament is a poem, song, or piece of music which expresses sorrow that someone has died.

e.g. A singer on the country music station was singing a lament for the late, great Buddy Holly.


lament 单语例句lament的近义词

1. Many miners lament last year's closure of dozens of small smelters, which have been accused of damaging the environment and operating without licences.

2. The archaeologists lament it is very hard to tell what the broken murals depict, as there are few documents and relics to compare them with.

3. Anna comes to lament the shallowness of her life with her husband who behaves correctly but has no understanding of her innermost desires.

4. He has the same type of lament as you over the current generation's lack of concern for their fellow people.

5. Instead, we hear more and more people lament over society's moral degeneration.

6. These pictures are akin to a lament for them and for their past way of life and affluence.

7. The men tend to lament that their talent is being overlooked in the superficial society that emphasizes only presentation skills and employable knowledge.

8. If this is the brand of educators to whom parents entrust their children, then I can only lament about the future that lies in store for them.

9. While city folks lament the loss of bragging rights, the villagers in the vicinity of the proposed site are also upset.

10. It's seen in the generational lament about the adult children who can't get launched.

lamentlament 英英释义



1. a mournful poem

a lament for the dead

Synonym: elegy

2. a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person

Synonym: dirgecoronachrequiemthrenody

3. a cry of sorrow and grief

e.g. their pitiful laments could be heard throughout the ward

Synonym: lamentationplaintwail


1. regret strongly

e.g. I deplore this hostile action

we lamented the loss of benefits

Synonym: deplorebewailbemoan

2. express grief verbally

e.g. we lamented the death of the child

Synonym: keen