

safari:[英 [səˈfɑ:ri] 美 [səˈfɑri] ]



safari 基本解释


名词游猎,陆路旅行(尤指在东非或中非); 类似游猎的假日旅行; 旅行队

safari 网络解释

1. 狩猎远征:我和一个中国人以及两个法国人,带上本地的黑人司机、厨师和充足的食品、水以及扎营设备,开着那辆带天窗的专业狩猎远征(SAFARI)越野车,做一次彻底的狩猎远征.

2. 旅行:现有使节(Envoy)、峡谷(Canyon)、西拉(Sierra)育空河(Yukon)、旅行(Safari)、Savana等一系列车型. 通用在中国 通用汽车公司进入中国已超过80年. 通用汽车在中国的发展愿景是:携手战略合作伙伴,致力于成为中国汽车工业的最佳参与者和支持者.

3. 野生动物园:基本上该玩的 该吃的 都玩遍吃遍了~先告诉你都哪比较好玩把~韩国有三大主题公园 特别好玩 我觉得这你要是去的话 一定要去玩玩的 爱宝乐园我觉得很不错 去那还能体会到欧洲风情,到爱宝乐园决不能错过的野生动物园(safari)班车一直运行到晚间

safari 双语例句

1. Hemingway once recounted receiving an offer from a woman who would happily bankroll his return to Africa provided she could join him on safari.


2. With three game modes and 60 brain-twisting levels, Safari Island is an expedition the whole family will take again and again!


3. A Netherlands newspaper, the Brabants Dagblad, says he was in South Africa on a safari with his parents and brother.



4. The wholesale, the group buys, sale: The ostrich meat, the palm, the treasure, the muscle, the heart, the liver, the stomach, the neck, the spareribs, the wing, the oil, the ostrich egg, for the land's the size restaurant, the dining room, the safari park delivers goods the shop and delivers goods to the doorstep.


5. Nevertheless, i have visited a lot of places, such as: Singapore zoological garden, Night Safari, Little India and China Town.


6. I sit on MAXTHON, waiting for the shitting is going on SAFARI.



7. I wouldn't go on a safari in a three-piece suit.


8. Especially in recent years, accompanying the bitter fleabane break out of network technology to exhibit, more and more browsers give heat early or late, the fox that be like fire, Safari and Opera.


9. Internet Explorer 5 for the Mac and Safari do not recognize text-align declarations.

Mac和Safari的Internet Explorer 5 不能够识别text-align 声明。

10. Safari2 trips are popular in Kenya because it has all of the Big Five animals—lions, elephants, buffalo3, rhinos4, and leopards.


11. At the Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a more natural environment than a normal zoo.


12. safari

12. At the NIght Safari, you can watch theae animals in a more nayural environment than a normal zoo.


13. Even more interesting is the Night Safari, the world's first nocturnal zoo.


14. But when you go to the safari parks, a tiger break loose of the cage and want to make you to be its lunch. How can you do?


15. With an abundance of wildlife reserves, game-watching parks and safari parks, there is really no better place for groups to travel to and around.


16. At safari parks, live sheep and poultry are fed to lions as spectators cheer.


17. They... zoos, safari parks, model railways, and small museums — anything that... will pay...


18. Animals: apart from zoos and safari parks, there are also wildlife parks and bird sanctuaries, where children can see wildlife in a more natural environment.


19. I'd be surprised if they weren't a hit. The palette was heavy on artfully aged pastels, like the sea-foam suede overcoat paired with a light pink shirt, or the tonal double-breasted silk safari shirt and cargo shorts.


20. We provide the highest quality products Hats, Santa Hat, Cowboy Hat, Winter Hats, Party Hat, Ski Hats, Sun Hats, Military Hats, Womens Hats, Novelty Hats, Dress Hats, Knit Hat, Safari Hat, at the lowest factory level prices and ship them direct to our customers in the shortest amount of time.


safari 词典解释

1. (尤指在东非的)观兽旅行,游猎

A safari is a trip to observe or hunt wild animals, especially in East Africa.

e.g. He'd like to go on safari to photograph snakes and tigers.


safari 单语例句safari的反义词

1. Recent critical news reports abroad of the practice of feeding live cattle, goats and chickens to big cats at the Badaling Safari Park are riddled with hypocrisy.

2. Getting up close with nature at this " zoo in the woods " is easily a daylong safari.

3. A rare dog species at the Shanghai Safari Park has been working the treadmill to beat the cold.

4. Zoos are now emphasizing conservation centers that are less like zoos and more like ranches or a safari park.

5. Four cubs accidentally crossbred by a female African lion and a male Siberian tiger were born at the Shanghai Safari Park last week.

6. The new cubs are expected to boost visitor numbers to the safari park, which is considering letting the young pandas have close contact with tourists.

7. A pair of koala twins finally emerged from their mother's pouch on Tuesday, much to the delight of visitors to Guangzhou Xiangjiang Safari Park.

8. A pair of super pigs from the United States have become stars in Shenzhen Safari Park.

9. The Beijing Badaling Safari World Co Ltd moved quickly to express its willingness to donate a lion to Kabul Zoo as support.

10. The world's first koala twins recently gave birth to cubs at the Guangzhou Xiangjiang Safari Park.

safari 英英释义


1. an overland journey by hunters (especially in Africa)

Synonym: campaignhunting expedition