

fearful:[英 [ˈfɪəfl] 美 [ˈfɪrfl] ]


fearful 基本解释


形容词胆怯的; 害怕的,担心的; 吓人的,可怕的; 极端的


fearful 同义词


fearful 反义词



fearful 相关例句


1. What a fearful mess!


2. We were fearful of losing our way in the forest.


3. What a fearful waste of time and money!


4. I heard a fearful explosion.


5. He was fearful of her anger.


fearful 网络解释

1. 畏惧:awe:是一种并不那么令人愉快的(joyous)的惊异(wonder),带有畏惧(fearful)与尊敬(respectful). 通常指面对力量强大的事物. 例如在雷鸣般奔流而下的大瀑布或高耸的吉萨金字塔面前人们会感觉到awe,但在彩虹面前人们通常感受的是wonder或joy.


2. 担心:霍华德提醒家长不要一看到孩子有独立(independence)的倾向(sign)就压制(suppression)他们,不要担心(fearful)现在的稍许(Slightly)让步就意味着孩子们离吸毒不远了.

3. fearful的反义词

3. 可怕的:fear 害怕 | fearful 可怕的 | fearless 不怕的


4. 吓人的:fear 恐惧,担心 | fearful 吓人的 | feasible 可行的

fearful 双语例句

1. fearful的反义词

1. He complained, fearful of what could happen to me.


2. She is too fearful of the Hand.


3. And now, I decide to make the fearful financial crisis of human history.


4. fearful的翻译

4. I am, at least, fearful of it


5. It is a strong and fearful disease.


6. I am, at least, fearful of it.



7. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

10:31 落在活神的手里是可怕的。

8. It is fearful that you have no confidence.


9. Therefore, he tells the family member and the neighbor this fearful news and persuades they quickly to leave.


10. fearful的意思

10. Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being desirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies.


11. The 100 sheep under the leadership of one lione are more fearful than the 100 lions under the leadership of one sheep.


12. His words just fearful bosh, you don't need to be serious.



13. The night is dark and my heart is fearful — yet I will take up the lamp, open my gates and bow to him my welcome.


14. These last two statements both express an absence—both of knowledge and of the physical presence—that constitute a type of silence, and Ben's repetitive queries try to cover this naked, fearful mystery with extraneous speech.


15. After making my decision to work with the Buckland Group I was thrilled and excited, but also very nervous and fearful.


16. O fearful meditation, where alack, Shall Time's best jewel from Time's chest lie hid?


17. It was not easy to determine, for she was timid and fearful of being repulsed.


18. In the other hand, Yimin who help official's to attack the resister, also be worshiped, and get official's support, even become Hakka's believe point. But the origin of it, is still fearful spirit worships.


19. fearful

19. I decided not to think about it, to leave the incident unanalyzed, fearful of what conclusions I might draw.


20. They do not hear our whimpers or understand our pleas. We`re miserable and it`s scary here we all would rather die. But since we don`t we do our best to run away and hide. I know you think my story too sad to leave me be. You want to take me home with you, a happy little puppy. But please, though it is fearful to live here against our will. If you take me that leaves a spot another pup will fill. You can stop our suffering but not by taking us home. You must be strong and leave us here, unsold and all alone. For if you do not take me, then another pup won`t come. And maybe he will not be shipped so far away from home. Tho some of us may not survive the cycle `ere it falls. If we don`t sell they will not need more puppies in these halls. And if they need no puppies then the Man will not bring more. Eventually it can all stop! You CAN close the door. So when you see a puppy face so sad and sweet and small.


fearful 词典解释

1. 恐惧的;害怕的

If you are fearful of something, you are afraid of it.

e.g. Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis...


e.g. I had often been very fearful, very angry, and very isolated.



'What are you going to do to me?' Alex asked fearfully.


2. 可怕的;严重的

You use fearful to emphasize how serious or bad a situation is.

e.g. The region is in a fearful recession.


e.g. ...the fearful consequences which might flow from unilateral military moves.


3. 非常坏的;极坏的

Fearful is used to emphasize that something is very bad.

e.g. You gave me a fearful shock!


e.g. 'It sounds the most fearful hard work,' Sybil said later.



This is fearfully expensive compared with the last one I bought.

这和我上次买的相比贵得吓人。fearful 单语例句

1. Even though Cage was fearful of his and his family's safety he never at any point contemplated using violence to get rid of the intruder.

2. Arsenal now face Celtic in Champions League qualifying on Tuesday and Everton manager David Moyes was fearful for his former club.

3. Yew said the rats and monkeys both became fearful, suffered delusions and showed signs of other cerebral problems after prolonged injection of ketamine.

4. Wang criticized some local officials for continuing to cover up cases of HIV infection, fearful that acknowledging the epidemic would harm economic growth and promotion prospects.

5. They were most fearful that China would devaluate the Renminbi in step, thus canceling any relief gained in devaluating.

6. A fearful Lu went to the hospital because he had frequent tightness of the chest, shortness of breath and dizziness.

7. The emergency plan marked a rare moment of cooperation among political rivals fearful that an ailing economy during an election year would invite voter retaliation.

8. HOLLYWOOD - Harry Potter moviemakers are trimming the next installment of the fantasy franchise, fearful it's too long and will turn moviegoers off.

9. Maybe that is why the West is so fearful of the " China threat ".

10. Ferguson has been concerned at the treatment his young winger receives from opponents but says the heavy tackles show how fearful they are of him.