

cataract:[英 [ˈkætərækt] 美 [ˈkætəˌrækt] ]



cataract 基本解释


名词大瀑布,急瀑布; [医]白内障; 暴雨,洪水; 奔流



cataract 相关例句


1. The rotor cataracts water over the top of the machines.



1. Cataracts of rain flooded the streets.


cataract 网络解释

1. 白内障:白内障(Cataract)晶状体混浊称为白内障.老化遗传代谢异常外伤辐射中毒和局部营养不良等可引起晶状体囊膜损伤使其渗透性增加丧失屏障作用或导致晶状体代谢紊乱使晶状体蛋白发生变性形成混浊.分先天性和后天性.

2. 大瀑布:他们穿过很多美丽的峡谷,绕过无数大瀑布(cataract)、激流(rapid)和瀑布(waterfall). 带着仅有的两艘船,和几乎完全耗尽的给养,剩余的六个人终于到达了维尔京河(Virgin)的摩门教定居点. 这里,是他们一百天探险的终点.

3. cataract

3. 内障,白内障:白内障白内障(Cataract)晶状体混浊称为白内障,石家庄联谊医院是专业治疗白内障疾病的专科医院. 采用中西医结合治疗老化、遗传、代谢异常、外伤、辐射、中毒和局部营养不良等引起的白内障疾病效果卓著.

4. 瀑布:而聚合影相於视网膜,并可过泸掉紫外线. 水晶体的这个适应性在 40 岁起会逐渐退化,这现象也就是老花眼. 同时水晶体也随年龄逐渐氧化混浊,造成好像是从瀑布 (cataract) 后方看东西,这现象也就是白内障 (cataract).

cataract 双语例句


1. If the cataract is on the outer edge of the lens, no change in vision may be noticeable.


2. Purpose: To report four cases of vertical strabismus after cataract surgery and the results after surgical correction.


3. Objective To discuss the clinical effect of the manual small incision cataract sugery.

目的 探讨手法小切口白内障手术硬核碎核技术的临床效果。

4. cataract的近义词

4. Stable-nucleus chopping is fit for the management of nucleus with degree IlI or harder and the technique is safe and effective in small incision non-phacoemulsification cataract surgery.


5. Anteroposterior interceptive chop for splitting nucleus in phacoemulsification is an effective, convenient and safe method to operate on hard nucleus cataract.


6. AIM: To evaluate the safety of small incision cataract extraction by manual nucleus division and intraocular lens implantation for agerelated cataract to analyze the intraoperative complications and put forward corresponding treatment measures.


7. cataract的近义词

7. This study is useful to further research of ERK in formation of cataract and posterior capsular opacification.


8. cataract

8. After treatment, recurrent vitreous hemorrhage developed in 6 eyes (11%), tractional retinal detachment in 3 eyes (6%), corneal epithelial defect in 2 eyes (4%), and 2 eyes (4%) underwent cataract operation.


9. The average time of silicone oil temponade was 10.5 months, the incident rate of silicone oil emulsification was 28.6%, the incident rate of ocular hypertension was 15.7%, corneal degeneration was 2.9%, severely cataract was 46%.


10. cataract

10. The three genes causing fan-shaped cataract, cerulean cataract and sutural cataract has been identified by a research team led by Prof Jai Rup Singh at the Centre for Genetic Disorders, Guru Nanak Dev University.


11. Objective To analyze the clinical features and pathology of the capsule using diathermy capsulotomy and capsulorhexis in cataract surgery.

目的 分析超声乳化术中电子与手工连续环形撕囊2种方法的临床特点及晶状体囊膜边缘的病理结果。

12. cataract

12. AIM: To evaluate the clinical effect of phacoemulsification and low power intraocular lens implantation for super high myopia with cataract.


13. Rothmund-Thomson syndrome is an unusual autosomal recessive condition characterized by poikiloderma, short stature, juvenile cataract, and a predisposition to malignant tumors, particularly osteosarcomas.

Rothmund-Thomson 综合征是一种少见的常染色体隐性遗传性皮肤病,主要特征为皮肤异色病、身材矮小、白内障、骨骼畸形和肿瘤易感性尤其是骨肉瘤。

14. Objective To observe the clinical effect of Ziyinmingmu pill on senile cataract.

目的 观察滋阴明目丸治疗老年性白内障的临床疗效。


15. Methods One hundred and three cases with rupture of lens posterior capsular, non-envelope and extension of the zonule in cataract surgery from October 1997 to October 2006 were reviewed retrospectively.


16. cataract是什么意思

16. His knees were weak, his hearing was going and he had a deteriorating cataract.



17. Each medicine used in the study totally has obivious effect on lens sodium-pump. Either on the molecular and cellular level or on the histological and organic level, they all have their distinctive demonstration. 1.Ouabain、Digoxine、DMSO decrease the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level, the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure demonstrated destructive effect, it indicates the cause of cataract of the medicines.2.D-thyroxine、Amphotericin B、Vitamin E increase the expression of αsubunit of sodium pump on mRNA level, from the demonstration of the cell morphology and ultramicroscopic structure, it indicates the medicines have protective or anti-distructive effect on lens.3.The medicines have isoform-specific action on lens sodium-pump, it indicates exploitting isoform-specific medicine has a promising clinical application.4. Lens sodium-pumps are inhibited probably lead to cataract, so in clinical medication, especially to the cardiovascular doctor, while he is using the sodium-pump inhibitors, he should pay more attention to adjust the dosage and duration of the drug therapy. 5. To creat the animal model of cataract through inhibiting lens sodium-pump, whether it can be a kind of classical method or not, it is worthy of further research.

本研究所选用的药物对晶状体钠泵均有明显的影响作用,在分子水平、细胞水平、组织器官水平均有特异的表现:1、哇巴因、地高辛、二甲基亚砜三种药物可降低晶状体钠泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,在细胞形态和超微结构上表现为损伤效应,提示了其潜在的导致白内障的可能。2、D甲状腺素、两性霉素B、维生素 E三种药物可升高晶状体钠泵α亚单位在 mRNA水平的表达,从细胞形态和超微结构上的表现,提示了其对晶状体有保护作用或抗损伤效应。3、药物作用于晶状体钠泵具有重整异构特异性,提示了开发出特异的具有重整异构作用的药物是极有临床应用前景的。4晶状体钠泵抑制后可能导致白内障的发生,故临床用药,尤其是心内科医生在使用这些钠泵抑制剂时应注意调整用药剂量及药物疗程。5 通过抑制晶状体钠泵来制作白内障动物模型能否成为一种经典的制作方法,还有待于进一步研究。

18. Cataract s causing central visual-field defects are most likely to affect vision.


19. cataract

19. Objective: To investigate the effect of Epibueropyridinium A, extracted from Scrophularia ningpoensis, in prevention of D-galactose-induced cataract in rats.

目的:探讨玄参中环烯醚萜Epibueropyridinium A对D-半乳糖性白内障形成的干预作用。


20. How to judge the cataract that is congenital cataract; or posteriority?


cataract 词典解释

1. 白内障

Cataracts are layers over a person's eyes that prevent them from seeing properly. Cataracts usually develop because of old age or illness.

e.g. In one study, light smokers were found to be more than twice as likely to get cataracts as non-smokers...


e.g. Age is not a factor in cataract surgery.


2. 大瀑布

A cataract is a large waterfall.

cataract 单语例句

1. " This test does correlate significantly with cataract formation, " Stark says.

2. Zhou lost his sight to a cataract when he was 9, despite his parents'best efforts to stave off the worst.

3. A checkup revealed that the panda suffers from fractures in the thoracic vertebra and that a cataract has blinded his right eye.

4. In the last trip of the Chinese medical team in May 2011, a total of 248 Myanmar cataract eye patients benefited from the free medical service.

5. Xuchang Zoo in Henan province is seeking experts and animal doctors from around the country to carry out cataract surgery on a northeast China tiger.

6. This year is the second time the organization is sponsoring a medical group to give Myanmar patients free cataract operations.

7. Chinese vets and doctors have reported success in cataract removals on Siberian tigers, but have never operated on a South China tiger.

8. Many rural cataract suffers in China go without proper medical treatment due to the poor state of rural medical services.

9. Due to the time limitation of each medical checkup, each patient can only receive free cataract surgery on one eye.

10. He has donated 80 percent of his wealth to help cataract suffers regain their eyesight.

cataract什么意思cataract 英英释义


1. a large waterfall

violent rush of water over a precipice

2. an eye disease that involves the clouding or opacification of the natural lens of the eye