

moonlight:[英 [ˈmu:nlaɪt] 美 [ˈmunˌlaɪt] ]


过去式:moonlighted;   过去分词:moonlighted;   现在分词:moonlighting;   复数形式:moonlights;

moonlight 基本解释



moonlight 相关例句


1. Policemen with families have to moonlight to make ends meet.


2. These workers moonlight to live on a higher plane.


3. He's been moonlighting for the past year as a driver.



1. The moonlight shone on the calm sea.


2. Ice glitters in the moonlight.


moonlight 网络解释

1. 月夜传奇:(Entourage)等等阿莱克斯-奥洛林(Alex OLoughlin)饰演安迪-雅博洛斯基(Andy Yablonski)医生拥有爱尔兰和苏格兰血统的奥洛林凭借(August Rush)以及(The Invisible) 等片崭露头角,随后他涉足美剧圈,(Moonlight)一片让他

moonlight 双语例句

1. Drink deep the cup of moonlight, drink deep the magic cbarms.


2. moonlight什么意思

2. When she was very young, she doodled all over the wall of her room: the fairy-tale castles, the moonlight circus, the carnival dolls with beautiful masks and the three-leg cat with a human face.


3. Night, I opened the window-xuan, Ren ray face the wind and the wind blowing, dancing if the plume of Ni tours, so that water was sprinkled on the moonlight, look switchgrass touched the issue of the happy, listening to allocate thin section of bamboo tenacious of life, upon me in the wind, with a pot of warm memory of moonlight, quietly enjoy a person will miss glass filled, will be touched with alcohol into the intestines, however, I have not been drunk a toast has been unable to find the former the direction of line......


4. I know that in this world, there is no let turn the clock back to Moonlight, promised, only a wish.


5. moonlight在线翻译

5. Suddenly there came Pieces leisurely, this moonlight, the fluttering of the street plucked string yo-yo, I do not know why, I suddenly remembered that when the plane had just two river from Guilin International Airport when they go to the Guilin bus ride Car audio, then pull the situation of the female voice: the mountains drop of water, winding eddy whirl, then drained out of a Li River; the sea a stone, lift ups and downs, then out of this piece of spectacle.

oVld4c beW0 忽有琴声悠悠传来,将这月色里的小街弹拨的飘飘游游,不知为何,我又突然想起了那刚下飞机时从桂林两江国际机场去到桂林市区时所乘坐的大巴车音响里那牵情的女声:高山上一滴水,曲折潆洄,便流出了一条漓江;大海中一片石,升降沉浮,便化出了这片奇景。

6. My dear, can you hear my heart beating in the soft moonlight? I miss you so.


7. moonlight在线翻译

7. A mini Indicolite and a small Moonlight crystal in the exclusive Toupie cut sparkle on a delicate rhodium-plated chain necklace.


8. A school of minnows rises up, flashing silver in the moonlight like a new constellation.


9. In the moonlight, the earth seems to be covered with a layer of the veil of mystery may be Yuemingxingxi...... the truth, not many of today's stars, a relatively bright, while the other one luster, is extraordinarily humble.


10. Such a moonlight with good wind blowing past the mansion!


11. Xiamen's famous landscape includes: The drum wave dwelling place ofBuddhist immortals, the bright moon strong wind, beans Zhuang Canghai, Hu Libao the king, the big wheel buddhist day, five Lao Ling 霄, tenthousand 石涵 green jade, peaceful Shi Xiao, 云顶 view date, Jinshan loose rock, a tiger brook night of month, the gold list fish矶, great wild goose Shan Zhiyu, □o□Y the moonlight, the day dawnclock, travels to the east flies the rainbow, east the link looks thesea, the blue reef kindly aids, 鳌 the garden parental affection, theBeishan Mountains Longtan and so on the famous scenery.


12. moonlight的解释

12. At the far right, the Moon is nearly hidden by an approaching cloudbank, but the clouds themselves actually cast shadows in the bright moonlight, creating the effect of Moon rays across the evening sky.


13. moonlight的反义词

13. Yesterday, in the moonlight, saw the shadow of your past, ...


14. I stay, I pray, I see you in heaven far away.——Moonlight shadow


15. moonlight的解释

15. I watched your vision forming, carried away by a moonlight shadow.


16. Moonlight on the pool was not uniform, but light and shadow made up a harmonious rhythm like a beautiful tune played on a violin.


17. Pond in the moonlight was not uniform; but light and shadow has a harmonious melody, such as the Vatican on playing the graceful-ling tomorrow.


18. He turned about, the moonlight showing like a layer of snow upon his massive shoulders.


19. moonlight是什么意思

19. I pray for the swan goose, the moonlight and the spring breeze for thousands


20. I pray for the swan goose, the moonlight and the spring breeze for thousands of times


moonlight 词典解释

1. 月光;月色

Moonlight is the light that comes from the moon at night.

e.g. They walked along the road in the moonlight...


e.g. We went to the temple of Atlantis and saw it by moonlight.


2. 兼职,从事第二职业(尤指不为专职工作的老板和税收部门所知)

If someone moonlights, they have a second job in addition to their main job, often without informing their main employers or the tax office.


e.g. ...an engineer who was moonlighting as a taxi driver...


e.g. Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight.


moonlight 单语例句

1. These young people are a major driver of the consumption market, but have become the hotly discussed phenomenon of the overspending " moonlight clan ".

2. I return to my compartment, as the train passes by palm and coconut trees silhouette against the moonlight sky.

3. In addition, she makes no attempt to cover up her moonlight shows and TV advertisements.

4. The visitors can collect whelks and shells under the moonlight and dive into the sea to see how sea turtles sleep.

5. " Elopement " is a scene from a movie or romance novel, conjuring images of teenage lovers sneaking out of windows by moonlight.

6. The dance ushered in a golden age with a world of moonlight and ethereal sprites.

7. The sound trickled with the gentle stream, rustled with the leaves and shone like the cool moonlight.

8. Organizers hoped the student would relax under the moonlight, get in tune with nature or think about their lives.

9. It is especially worth mentioning that " moonlight goddess " Sarah Brightman will pay tribute to the festival with her melodious singing.

10. Moonlight was rippling over the lagoon and stars dazzled in the night sky.

moonlight 英英释义


1. the light of the Moon

e.g. moonlight is the smuggler's enemy

the Moon was bright enough to read by

Synonym: moonshineMoon


1. work a second job, usually after hours

e.g. The law student is moonlighting as a taxi driver