

pleura:[英 [ˈplʊərə] 美 [ˈplʊrə] ]


  复数形式:pleuras; pleurae;

pleura 基本解释


pleura 网络解释

1. 胸膜:(四)胸膜 胸膜(pleura)衬于胸壁内面、膈面与纵隔面的壁层胸膜和包绕于肺表面的脏层胸膜,正常时不显影,只有在胸膜反褶处X线与胸膜走行方向平行时,才在X线片上显示为薄层状或线状致密影,见于肺尖胸膜反褶及叶间裂反褶.

2. 肋膜:plessite 合纹石 | pleura 肋膜 | pleuron 侧板


3. 肋部;侧剖:肋笔石 Pleurograptus | 肋部;侧剖 pleura | 肋刺目 Pleuracanthodii

4. 胸膜;肋膜:pleomosteosis骨化过度 | pleura胸膜;肋膜 | pleurapophysis肋骨

pleura 双语例句

1. PCNL thorough changes the method from calculus removed by operation The complication of PCNL include hemorrhage, lacerated wound in the gather system of kidney, the wound of circa-organ comprehend pleura and intestinal canal, urinous infiltration.


2. The rate of pleural effusion to diagnose is 88.9% under thoracoscopy:tuberculous pleurisy displays mainly pleura hairy nubble and diffuse white millet nubs and pleural thickeningthe trabe-form conglutination can been found; and metastatic tumor of pleura shows gray tuberculum impar and inequality of size nodosities with diffused pleural congestive and edema in the CPA and disphragmatic muscle.


3. The rate of pleural effusion to diagnose is 88.9% under thoracoscopy:tuberculous pleurisy displays mainly pleura hairy nubble and diffuse white millet nubs and pleural thickening, the trabe-form conglutination can been found; and metastatic tumor of pleura shows gray tuberculum impar and inequality of size nodosities with diffused pleural congestive and edema in the CPA and disphragmatic muscle.


4. pleura什么意思

4. Objective To study the clinicopathologic characteristics of diffuse myxoid malignant fibrous histiocytoma of pleura.


5. For cancer of the pleura, a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy.


6. A cleft or infolding of the visceral pleura will form if the rate of pleural fluid formation exceeds that of alveolar air absorption.


7. pleura的近义词

7. Abduction of the arm reduces the depth of the brachialplexus but does not change the position of the axillary arteryrelative to the coracoid process or the pleura.


8. Distancesfrom the axillary artery to the skin, to the coracoid processand to the pleura were measured and noted with different degreesof arm abduction (0°, 45°, and 90°).


9. HRCT still can show tubercle and lobar flocculus structure and the concern of its and pleura.


10. It seems that asbestos fibers in the pleura can start a tumor as well as promote its growth; the tumor does not depend on any other processes for its development.


11. Varying degree of serofibrinous inflammation are occasionally encountered involving the pleura and peritoneum.



12. Results The ultrasonic examination of tuberculosis hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone with clear sound transparent; pleura was thickened uniformly; opaque dark area of fluid had no parenchymatous phyma.

目的 了解结核性与癌性胸腔积液超声显像特点,研讨两者超声鉴别诊断要点方法应用B型超声检查,回顾性分析50例结核性与癌性胸腔积液的超声显像特点。

13. Results The ultrasonic examination of tuberculosis hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone with clear sound transparent; pleura was thickened uniformly; opaque dark area of fluid had no parenchymatous phyma. Ultrasonic examination of cancerous hydrothorax showed that hydrothorax in thoracic cavity had no echo zone filled with full of thin light spots; sound transparent was not very clear; pleura showed uniform thickening; opaque dark area of fluid had parenchymatous uniform phyma.

结果 结核性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区透声清,胸膜均匀性增厚,液性暗区内未见实质性肿块;癌性胸腔积液超声检查显示胸腔内胸腔积液无回声区内充满细小光点,透声欠清,胸膜多呈非均匀性增厚,液性暗区内可见有实质非均质性肿块。

14. pleura

14. Ten-centimeter segments of three or four ribs were resected including the intercostal muscles and parietal pleura. The area of the defects was about 10×10 cm.


15. At a single millimeter in thickness, the visceral pleura is barely half the width of the parietal pleura.


16. Objective To investigate the expression of aquaporin-1 (AQP1) in visceral and parietal pleura in SD rats and to examine the effect of AQPT on pleural fluid turnover.

目的 探讨水通道蛋白1(AQP1)在胸腔积液发生机制中的作用。

17. Results All of the perieardial defects were repaired during operation, by direct suture in 65 patients, parietal pleura in 17 patients and dacron patch in 1 pa tient.

结果 全部病例均术中修补心包,其中术中直接间断缝合心包缺损65例,自体壁层胸膜修补心包17例,涤纶片修补1例。

18. One of the most common symptoms of mesothelioma is a pleural effusion, or an accumulation of fluid between the parietal pleura (the pleura covering the chest wall and diaphragm) and the visceral pleura.


19. The parietal pleura lines the inside of the chest and covers the ribs and the pericardium.


20. The parietal pleura lines the inner chest wall and the visceral pleura encases the lungs.


pleura 英英释义


1. the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest