

intersection:[英 [ˌɪntəˈsekʃn] 美 [ˌɪntərˈsekʃn] ]



intersection 基本解释

名词横断,横切; 交叉,相交; 交叉点,交叉线; [数]交集


intersection 情景对话

Asking Directions-(问路)


A:Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get downtown?


B:Yes, of course. Areyou familiar with the streets here?


A:NO, Im from out of town.


B:Well, let me see. What would be the quickest way? Ill tell you. Go to the end of This block, turn right, and walk six blocks. Then turn left for three blocks.Theres a Big intersection there.You cant miss it. The main business section is three or four blocks south of the intersection.

哦,让我想一想,哪一条是最近的路?我告诉您。顺这条街走到下一条横马路时向右转,再过六条马路 然后向左转再过三条马路。那儿有一个很大的交叉路口你不会错过的。从交叉路口向南过三条或四条马路就是主要的商业区。

A:Thanks a lot. Oh, one more thing. Are there any buses running this time of night?


B:No. They stop at eleven p.m.


intersection 网络解释


1. 十字路口:十字路口(Intersection)是我们驾车时最常见的一种路况,但又最难处理,因为有四面的来车及行人,如处理不好,极易发生危险. 掌握好十字路口的技巧是顺利通过路试及以后安全驾车的前提. 单纯的路口转弯控车是基本功,只有在基本功极其扎实、控车自如的情况下,

2. 相交:欧拉操作包括结合(joining)、相交(intersection)和相减(subtraction). 摄影机(Camera)坐标是xyz坐标,它描述该对象对于一个观察者如何出现在3D环境中的指定位置. 摄影机位置被称为视点(观察点)(Viewpoint). 屏幕坐标是x y坐标,

3. 交叉:可以进行三维物体的加(Union)、减(Subtraction A--B或Subtraction B--A)和交叉(Intersection)运算. 注意Subtraction (A--B)即A减B,与Subtraction (B--A)即B减A,是有选取物体先后之分的. 布尔运算虽然有它的优点,但它的计算比较耗资源,

intersection 双语例句

1. Timing optimization is an important method to improve the service level of signal controlled intersection.


2. intersection

2. A TPA MAY be created by computing the intersection of the two Partners'TPPs.


3. intersection什么意思

3. Today, including Kiyosada Master in, within the many people who care for and support my work, eminent monks and Whampoa fellow students have already passed away, I face the results, sad Yan intersection, but the Qing Chi Master, etc.



4. At any intersection where you want to turn left or right, you must yield the right-of-way.


5. intersection的解释

5. The intersection of medicine and law derives from the maintenance of life and health for human beings. The two of the oldest subects intersected in the practice and created an, subject-Medical Jurisprudence.


6. intersection什么意思

6. In this paper, three new subjects on the intersection of solid mechanics and material scicnces ar...


7. If my memory serves me right, at the next intersection we have to turn left.


8. In order to get the vehicle delays at the intersection, we use real-time GPS data to analyze the immanent relations among basic parameters in traffic flow, and use acceleration to propose two new models to identify the onset of velocity.


9. St. Petersburg, Fla., for example, has installed motion detectors at some crossings where there are no traffic signals; when a pedestrian approaches, a squawkbox urges him or her to push a button before crossing, triggering high-intensity flashing lights that drivers can see some distance from the intersection.


10. The intersection of literature and history is an academic tradition of the Chinese culture.


11. intersection的反义词

11. Difference, intersection, exclusive-or and union clip operations are supported.


12. When it comes to the monospaced chamfer at intersection line of orthogonal cylinder and cylindrical bore, however, no mature manufacturing method has been found yet.


13. Two men with missions met in the intersection of the roads in Wan Chai.


14. Both JACKIE Gua, plug in, coming from the fire, water and fire intersection, two gas sense of success.


15. cylinder, circular cone, intersection curve.

求相贯线上最右点的方法 1.V点与Ⅵ点是否特殊点有的教材上,对圆柱体与圆锥体垂直相交的选例,在确定了特殊点I、Ⅱ、皿、Ⅳ后(见图1 a),选用经过锥顶、与圆柱面相切的侧垂面N。

16. Firstly, the research history of signalized intersection is reviewed. Several popular and classical traffic control systems, such as TRANSYT, SCATS and SCOOT are analyzed.


17. Thank God, have word from our out of work and, through text, so that God can be·home, Sunrise Church, would like to praise the Lord go with us, dear readers, when you pray, when, I hope you remember us and look forward to We can bring the intersection of the text, understanding, unity.


18. Through an analysis of problems existing in intersection design scope and the design per se, and under the conditions of the heavily mixed motor and non-motor traffic in China, this paper pre-sents some ideas for intersection layout design. The design methods and procedures proposed here are intended to meet the requirements of operation efficiency, safety, and environ-mental considerations.


19. intersection的意思

19. Let's head back to the intersection.


20. In the part of implicit surface modeling, Boolean operation and morphing between implicit surface solids, the methods generating implicit offsetting object and implicit sweeping object are discussed, the method on shape controlling of Metaball model is studied, the algorithms on intersection of line/implicit surface, parametric surface/implicit surface or implicit surface/implicit surface are presented. In the part of implicit surface rendering, the two methods about implicit surface polygonization are presented, one of them is based on section curves method, the other is based on projection.


intersection 词典解释

1. 交点;道路交叉口;十字路口

An intersection is a place where roads or other lines meet or cross.

e.g. ...at the intersection of two main canals.


e.g. ...a busy highway intersection.


intersection 单语例句

1. Jerry Buss built a glittering life at the intersection of sports and Hollywood.

2. It turns out community members lobbied police for traffic lights at the intersection after a young woman was killed there by a speeding motorist.

3. Francie told him the name of the nearest intersection, and that she would hide the cell phone under the porch of a particular house.

4. A cleaner found the baby wrapped in a plastic bag near the intersection of King's Road and North Point Road around 2 pm.

5. When she told her story to some female friends, they said they would also watch the handsome cop when passing the intersection.

6. Bosch's corporate responsibility lies at the intersection of business and society, and environmental protection and resource conservation concerns.

7. Witnesses say the bus was crossing an intersection at a bridge as the lights changed when a cyclist pulled out in front of it.

8. All four were cycling across an intersection at the time of the incident.

9. US District Judge Ricardo Urbina dismissed the case against the guards accused of the shooting in a crowded Baghdad intersection in 2007.

10. It might not have without help from a British entrepreneur who has planted his business at the tricky intersection of film and music.

intersection 英英释义


1. the act of intersecting (as joining by causing your path to intersect your target's path)

2. a junction where one street or road crosses another

Synonym: crossroadcrosswaycrossingcarrefour

3. a representation of common ground between theories or phenomena

e.g. there was no overlap between their proposals

Synonym: overlapconvergence

4. a point where lines intersect

Synonym: intersection pointpoint of intersection

5. the set of elements common to two or more sets

e.g. the set of red hats is the intersection of the set of hats and the set of red things

Synonym: productCartesian product

6. a point or set of points common to two or more geometric configurations