

mien:[英 [mi:n] 美 [min] ]


mien 基本解释

名词风采; 神态; 仪表; 样子

mien 网络解释

1. mien

1. 米恩 米恩:luen 鲁恩 鲁恩n | mien 米恩 米恩n | nien 你恩 你恩n


2. 眠:免 miam 880 | 眠 mien | 绵 miagn


3. 风采,态度:midget 侏儒,极小者 | mien 风采,态度 | migrant 移民

mien 双语例句

1. He always had an ill-tempered air, seemed to wish to intimidate his customers, grumbled at the people who entered his establishment, and had rather the mien of seeking a quarrel with them than of serving them with soup.


2. Tibet has both the unique snowy sceneries on the plateau and the enchanting mien of the south country. Whereas, the integration of Mother Nature with cultural sceneries has given Tibet a real special charm in the eyes of tourists.



3. Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately raven of the saintly days of yore; Not the least obeisance made he; not a minute stopped or stayed he; But, with mien of lord or lady, perched above my chamber door- Perched upon a bust of Pallas just above my chamber door- Perched, and sat, and nothing more.

开着的这里我投了百叶窗,何时,藉由许多卖弄风骚的人和摆动,在那里中踏了往昔的极为圣洁的数天一只庄严的大乌鸦;不是最少的敬礼制造了他;不分钟停止或停留了他;但是在我的室门上面,藉由统治者或淑女的风采,栖息-在正好在上面我的室门 Athena 神名的一个半身像之上栖息-栖息,而且坐着,和无较多的。

4. Why don`t you come to see the deplorable mien of your unworthy descendant!


5. mien

5. For he brings down the pride of the haughty, but the man of humble mien he saves.


6. In the necessary time, I would contact with the elderships who has the sagaciousness and wonderful mien harmoniously and effectively. So we could deal with all the challenges.


7. mien

7. And I have the ample culture. I`m glad to do much more wonderful things with the elderships who has the sagaciousness and wonderful mien harmoniously and effectively together.



8. But the great era made our life unordinary. I would like to study with the elderships who have the wonderful mien. It is lucky for us to find the same ideas between us. I would balance our divarications, so we can create the beautiful future by easy stages.


9. Color PDP is just bob up like a cork, recurring in former days mien.


10. mien在线翻译

10. However, theold men got tired day after day. They lost their mien and turnedmoribund.


11. But he hid it cunningly from men, and walked among you with the mien of a spirit, mournful, because so pure in a sinful world!


12. Gone too from the world, Averroes and Moses Maimonides, dark men in mien and movement, flashing in their mocking mirrors the obscure soul of the world, a darkness shining in brightness which brightness could not comprehend.


13. Wells; a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien; a strict disciplinarian; a Spartan upbringing.


14. He had returned to his road from Gagny to Lagny, to make, under administrative supervision, broken stone for the good of the state, with downcast mien, in a very pensive mood, his ardor for theft somewhat cooled; but he was addicted none the less tenderly to the wine which had recently saved him.


15. He had the mien of the chief of the eunuchs in the slave mart, discovering a Venus among the blowsy females, and the air of an amateur recognizing a Raphael in a heap of daubs.


16. I sit enjoy the cool in the yard tonight, I remembered that I went across the lotus pond ever every day suddenly, in this light of plenilune, it should have another mien.


17. The statue treasure Venus in the Louver shows the glowing mien of the Godess of Beauty to thousands of eyes.


18. Every one in Starkfield knew him and gave him a greeting tempered to his own grave mien; but his taciturnity was respected and it was only on rare occasions that one of the older men of the place detained him for a word.


19. mien

19. Everyone in Starkfield knew him and gave him a greeting tempered to his owngrave mien; but his taciturnity was respected and it was only on rareoccasions that one of the older men of the place detained him for aword.



20. A Mirialan from Mirial, Luminara Unduli had an exotic mien marked by widely spaced, large blue eyes, a fruitwood complexion, and patterned tattoos denoting her dedication to physical disciplines.


mien 词典解释

1. 仪表;举止;神态;(尤指)面部表情

Someone's mien is their general appearance and manner, especially the expression on their face, which shows what they are feeling or thinking.

e.g. It was impossible to tell from his mien whether he was offended.


e.g. ...his mild manner and aristocratic mien.


mien 单语例句

1. Undoubtedly the most graceful voice and mien of artists will endow a indelible experience for audiences.

2. It was a way for your Chinese host to discover the real you that was hiding under that inscrutable Western mien.

3. The coach's serious mien and calm persona appear to be bringing dividends, as is a touch of modesty.

mien 英英释义


1. dignified manner or conduct

Synonym: bearingcomportmentpresence