

broom:[英 [bru:m] 美 [brum,brʊm] ]



broom 基本解释


名词扫帚; 金雀花; [无线]自动搜索干扰振荡器

及物动词扫除; 用扫帚扫


broom 相关例句


1. broom是什么意思

1. She broomed up the scraps of paper.


broom 网络解释


1. 扫把:请求好心的四月天扶她回家,但这位老妇人说话吞吞吐吐,走起路来健步如飞,其中必定有诈,四月天小心翼翼地走入老妇人的小屋,才发现她真的上了贼船;右边的柜子里好像有人被困住,用一旁的扫把(broom)将之撬开,便救出Ben-Bandu的哥哥,

2. 金雀花:须王 环(Tamaki Suou) 出生日期: 4月8日 诞生花: 金雀花 (Broom) 花语:仁善 花占卜:您天生有股如仙子般的独特气质,清逸脱俗,个性温柔,待人亲切有礼,平凡中有著高贵和神圣不可侵犯的威严.

3. 帚:屋里一片漆黑,除了扫帚(broom)外,别的都看不见. 拿起扫帚回到自己的卧室,用扫帚把贪睡的魔箱(Luggage)摇醒,取出里面的香蕉. 来到图书室,与管理员提到这本书,但似乎说不通,将魔箱里的香蕉给他,管理员很快就把那本书拿来了.

broom 双语例句

1. Cleansweep 11 (OP9) Ron's new broom - handle of Spanish oak with anti-jinx varnish, in-built vibration control, 0-70 in ten seconds


2. And I don't believe one see clock emote, I like green plum broom


3. In days gone by, cleaning was a job performed by using more primitive tools, like the trusty sweeping brush or broom.


4. For researching the fungistasis activity of broom cypress seed, this experiment used the tracing method of bioactivity to investigate fungistasis active component. Its ingredient were separated by column chromatography.



5. In the brush they gathered salt herbs, and their food was the root of the broom tree.



6. They pick the mallow upon the bushes, And the roots of the broom shrub are their food.

30:4 在草丛之中采咸草,罗腾的根为他们的食物。

7. He is clearing wheat husk on the floor with a broom.


8. Broom Broom Hill Temple sits at the top of the basin, which is a positive built in the Yuan Dynasty temple of years has been 600 years.


9. On one occasion, I went to school duty, coke burning sun baked the earth, I shot you blind eyes, is to see a cleaner in cleaning the school health aunt, she picked up a broom, you sweep you up, dust themselves Yang into her eyes, her eyes knead continue to sweep up, drop by drop of sweat Jingying from the upper reaches down to her cheek, sweat soaked through her clothes, she did not care, I was touched by this spirit, has been reluctant to leave alone.


10. Melodeon: We are sick and tired of that old geezer Mr Brown as our boss in the office and what we need is a new broom with some get up.


11. People will pay in Memphis and draw beside kiln rake, broom, even ShanChe etc.


12. Scavenger: such people kissing in the same manner as scavenger, but he is not the broom tool, but his tongue!


13. Harry can summon his Firebolt when he battles the Hungarian Horntail, but he can't transfigure a rock into a flying broom (as Cedric transfigured a rock into a dog).


14. broom什么意思

14. Early African American: Jumping the Broom In the times of slavery in this country, African American couples were not allowed to formally marry and live together.



15. To make a public declaration of their love and commitment, a man and woman jumped over a broom into matrimony, to the beat of drums.


16. Do you remember when I stuck that broom in your bike spokes, and you flipped over and hit your head on the curb?


17. broom的近义词

17. I can't find the broom. Can you see it?


18. It`s the fastest broom in the world.


19. Oh, I was meaning to ask you, do you have a broom?



20. I can`t find the broom.


broom 词典解释

1. 扫帚

A broom is a kind of brush with a long handle. You use a broom for sweeping the floor.


2. 金雀花(一种野生灌木,开许多黄色小花)

Broom is a wild bush with a lot of tiny yellow flowers.

broom 单语例句broom的近义词

1. Broom turned onto his back and covered his face with both hands.

2. He was ordered to bash it down with a broom handle, but his supervisor refused to stop the conveyor belt directly below.

3. Arthur cut birch for his father but did not make his first broom until he was 18.

4. " DO NOT ATTEMPT AT HOME " flashed up on the screen as the broom handle was noisily and spectacularly reduced to kindling in the blender.

5. " What I really need is a big broom, " Strong said.

6. Even when I spotted a stray twig from a broom on the ground, it was quickly picked up and put into the trash can by a passing soldier.

7. She asked to speak with Broom but was told that once the process started, it's protocol that attorneys can't have contact with their client.

8. He painted in a way similar to traditional Chinese ink painting, only that he used no brush but a broom.

9. A full UEFA staff meeting will take place on Friday when Platini is expected to reveal how far his broom will stretch.

10. Having failed to scare the animal away, officers eventually chased it from the road with a broom.

broombroom 英英释义


1. a cleaning implement for sweeping

bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle

2. common Old World heath represented by many varieties

low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere

Synonym: heatherlingScots heatherCalluna vulgaris

3. any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers


1. finish with a broom

2. sweep with a broom or as if with a broom

e.g. Sweep the crumbs off the table

Sweep under the bed

Synonym: sweep