

digit:[英 [ˈdɪdʒɪt] 美 [ˈdɪdʒɪt] ]



digit 基本解释

名词数字; 手指,足趾; 一指宽


digit 相关例句


1. The number 410 contains three digits.



2. The number 2001 contains four digits.


digit 网络解释

1. 数位:0 -如果正在被格式化的值有一个数位(digit)所处的位置正是0出现在格式字符串里的位置,那么该数位就会被复制到输出字符串里.

2. 趾:在线版 多国圣经版本对照 多国(种)圣经版本对照(上帝版,请慎用) 电脑版(Windows) 生命之光[多媒体圣经]V2.3 附带多种圣经译本 (推荐) 功能强大的...圣经中的度量衡 一指或趾(Digit)3/4寸,合零点零二米(公尺).

3. 数:除了24.97秒记忆52张扑克,他半小时1800秒记忆的数字(number),二进制数(digit)都很厉害,下面是他在德国赛的成绩. 他用的是一套2704的字母表. 一个物体可以表示2张扑克(52×52=、或者3个十进制数(1000),或者10个二进制数(1024).

digit 双语例句

1. And you thought that Barbara Amiel Black had handbag-itis bad, with her double-digit Herm s Birkins and Kellys.


2. The CVV2 is a 3 or 4 digit value printed on the card, but not available on the magnetic stripe.


3. Narcissus algorithms, Narcissus is the three-digit, each and every one of the cube add up to equal to the number itself.


4. In the adding value that in pluralism is served, for reach every several allusion quotation integration of the resources application of collection, extend service depth and scope, classical-collection of unit, can reduce operating cost, expand the income effectively, in order to as every classical-collection unit follow-up funds source, digitization of work, understand in depth that the commercialized course with commercialized procedure and goods of digit classical-collection has their necessities.


5. In this paper, in accordance with the mixed method, a measuring system, which consisted of a hydrothermograph with magnetic force agitator, a potential difference meter and a digit thermoammeter etc., were used in the determination of heat capacity of short paddy grain growing in the south China, with a special attention to the influence of moisture content upon the heat capacity of rough rice.



6. The major purpose of this study is to operationalize the core and periphery industries proposed by the dual economy theory, based on the unit of Taiwanese two-digit industrial codes.



7. Intelligent lighting electricity-saving control device is of high technology and intelligence and employing the most advanced computer control on the basis of modern control theory. The high-order digit microprocessor adopted in the master control unit of the product samples different statuses of the municipal power grid at high speeds and real times. Therefore, in any situation, the device always provides the optimum voltage in the using process, which is not subject to any artificial adjustment.


8. The new pithy formulas change operation order from high-order digit to low-order digit direct equal result, methods brief, speed fast.


9. digit的近义词

9. In this game, the participant with four draw an item at random's sign choice digit, utilizes each mathematical computation method, who to compete to be able to obtain 24 this result first.


10. Stamp and assign a running number to the received protocols, applying the system of 6 digits with running number of the year in the first two boxes, then slash sign and the last two digit of the year, followed by a dash sign and the month.



11. In the earlier work D. Husinga developed a Matlab computer program that traded adders for delays, optimized scaling and used Canonic Sign Digit techniques to reduce hardware requirements for fixedcoefficient FIR filters.

在先前的工作4 Husinga开发了基于Matlab的计算机程序交易加法器的延迟,优化调整和使用法服注册位数技术,以减少硬件要求fixedcoefficient FIR滤波器。

12. Note, though, that the $ prefix does double duty as a prefix on identifiers (see section 3.1), so a hex number prefixed with a $ sign must have a digit after the $ rather than a letter.


13. digit

13. ResultsThe similarity, digit span, digit sign, picture, picture remembrance, vision renew in patients after treatment were higher than those before treatment (P.05). As to the total number, total error number and persistent error number of WCST (P. 05).DiscussionIn this study, thirty - five patients who took Risperdal treatment have cognitive function disorder in different disagree, after 12 weeks, nine items among twelve items reflecting cognitive function have significant difference, indicate cognitive deficits in schizophrenia are reversible and related to new type antipsychotic drug.

实验结果 35例患者在服用利培酮治疗前和治疗12周后认知功能的测验的比较,在相似性、数字广度、数字符号、填图、图片回忆、视觉再生测验中有显著性差异(P<O.05L在*qT中,总测验数、总错误数、持续错误数均有显著性差异沙<o.05人讨论本研究中35例病人应用利培酮治疗前均有程度不同的认知功能损害,经12周治疗后,反映认知功能的十二项分测验中的九项均与治疗前呈显著性差异,提示精神分裂症的认知功能损害具有可逆性,且与新型抗精神病药物密切相关。


14. In addition, patients who had current abuse and past dependence on alcohol or drugs were excluded. Cognitive functions were measured with neuropsychologi-cal, including understanding, similarity, digit span, digit sign, picture, picture remembrance, vision renew, reorganization, touch memory, and WCST (total number, total error number and persistent error number).



15. Land leasing system, once rolled out in major cities, when the original development of a one-time payment of land-use payments to pay, will be able to substantially reduce development costs, a direct result of sharp price decline in space, inhibiting the country in recent years, housing prices as high as double-digit rise.


16. digit的意思

16. Kuhlman electric has demonstrated a track record of profitable growth with double-digit annual sales growth over the past five years.


17. In the decimal form of a number, a digit that is not significant.


18. digit的反义词

18. Achieve a compilation of several augend, multi-digit addition, search strings, multiplication.


19. digit

19. A combinational circuit that has three inputs that are an augend, D, an addend, E, and carry digit transferred from another digit place, F, and two outputs that are a''.


20. A combinational circuit that has three inputs that are an augend, D, an addend, E, and carry digit transferred from another digit place, F, and two outputs that are a sum without carry, T, and a new carry digit, R, and in which the outputs are related to the inputs according to the following table.


digit 词典解释

1. (从 0 到 9 的任何一个)数字

A digit is a written symbol for any of the ten numbers from 0 to 9.

e.g. Her telephone number differs from mine by one digit.


2. 手指;拇指;脚趾

A digit is a finger, thumb, or toe.


e.g. Many animals have five digits.

许多动物有 5 趾。

digit 单语例句

1. " The attached digit is working well, " the doctor said.

2. He expects banks'earnings to experience a more slackened mid to high single digit growth rather than the high double digit growth seen in 2007.

3. Citi's report added that exterior demand is unlikely to show any substantial improvement this year, with growth in both exports and imports remaining single digit.

4. Russia built a two digit lead early in the first half and enjoyed a 13 points advantage before the half break.

5. The industrial production growth slowed to about 8 percent in the year to October, the first time it has been in single digit since the end of 2001.

6. Seven is seen as a lucky number in most Western countries, but six has traditionally been the most auspicious digit in China.

7. The figures put China on track for a fifth year of double digit growth and to replace Germany as the world's third largest economy.

8. Scientists view that rare solitary digit as evidence that the evolution of dinosaurs was more complex than they first believed.

9. Industry experts forecast that China's vehicle market will grow at an annual double digit rate over the next one to two decades.

10. A majority of US companies responding to a 2011 survey conducted by the US China Business Council reported double digit revenue growth for the year.

digit 英英释义


1. a finger or toe in human beings or corresponding body part in other vertebrates

Synonym: dactyl

2. the length of breadth of a finger used as a linear measure

Synonym: fingerfingerbreadthfinger's breadth

3. one of the elements that collectively form a system of numeration

e.g. 0 and 1 are digits

Synonym: figure