

assessor:[英 [əˈsesə(r)] 美 [əˈsɛsɚ] ]



assessor 基本解释

名词技术顾问; 评税员,估价员; 陪审法官,助理法官

assessor 网络解释

1. 评估者:教师的课堂角色发生了变化,变为组织者 (organizer)、控制者(controller),提示者(prompter),参与者(participant),资源(resource)和 评估者(assessor). 教师的课堂角色由教学机构管理运作、社会文化背景、教师自身特征与教学观以及教师所采用的教学法等多种环境因素影响.

2. 评估人:主宰着课堂的各个环节.教师作为课堂教学的controller,知识源或语言教学的语源(resource),启动或启发者(prompter),参与者(participant),评估人(assessor)辅导者(tutor)等的作用常常是通过课堂教师用语体现出来的.教师课堂用语是指在课堂教学过程中,

3. 评估员:房地产税的多少取决於评估,评估员(assessor)的检查内容有建筑类型、地点、建筑日期、原始价格等. 实际上,评估经常出现差错. 例如,地产评估员应该一家家详细查看,但他们没有时间和资源这样做. 在下列情况下,

assessor 双语例句

1. The assessor's do not tax nor do they assess a tax, the assessor's job is to value property.


2. assessor的近义词

2. However in china, the peoples assessor system is accepted and works well.


3. assessor在线翻译

3. Modern Jury System originated from Great Britain is mainly divided into July System and Assessor System.



4. The assessor's office or local board of tax review can tell you how to file an appeal.


5. By analyzing the questionnaire data gained after the term, and observing a specific classroom activity, this paper summarizes the appropriate roles of english teachers-activity designer and organizer, controller, the material provider, and assessor.


6. Expert opinion in China have two forms: expert evidence and expert assessor, yet, w...


7. assessor

7. In particular, experiencing this special year 2008, insurance assessor played an intermediary role in making a more fair and efficient settlement of claims.


8. Its theory is: evaluate periodical by various methods, and then make the results standardization, select the extreme value of these results as the final score of periodical. The research indicates that it is must been used carefully to calculate weight by combined assessing method; assessing methods based on order can't been used to combine; combined assessing based on extreme value method is propitious to establish harmonious relationship between assessor and assessee.


9. Results of this study suggest:1 There are 7 parts in the Presentation Development: Ensure the aim, Collect the Dimensions, Make the topic, Ascertain the criterion, Confirm the code method, Make the Assessor Training Manual, Make the Project Manager Manual.2 The Presentation Test have a good reliability, but the validity is not satisfied using the self-evaluation as a criterion.3 Some kinds of difference in the assessor and assessee themselves will influence the final result.



10. Therefore, introducing insurance assessor system can meet the gap of information asymmetry. It can improve the insurance information communication, keep fairness and promote credit degree of buyer and vendor's.


11. Both costs will be the less if assessor and assessed can each establish with certainty what is due: uncertainty entails the costs of consultation with experts and sometimes the yet greater costs of litigation.


12. The performance that the scoring rubric describe must relate to the standard and must align with our expectations. Meanwhile the description can tell the assessor what characters and symbols they should seek, and how to assess the performance according to the rubric designed in advance.


13. Applicants who receive a site visit by the Assessor Team are also required to provide the travel and subsistence cost for the Assessor Team.


14. Ministry of justice and ministry of personnel (Grade II registered architect, supervision engineer, registered tax accountant, registered civil engineer, registered electrical engineer, registered lecturer, professor, attending physician, chief physician ministry of health (licensed nurse, licensed physician, licensed Chinese medicine physician, licensed stomatology physician ministry of construction (budgeter, safety man, material scheduler, quality inspector, constructor ministry of labor psychological counsel, optometrist, healthcare and massage master, e-business man, logistic engineer, international business documentation specialist, electrician, welder, electrical welder, household electrical appliance maintenance, cook, hair and beauty maker, nursery governess, vehicle repairer, digital control, machine repair fitter, grinder worker, graphic designer, image designer, indoor decoration designer, planner (advertisement, fine arts designer, environmental arts designer, nutritionist, massager, acupuncturist, pharmacist, Chinese medicine formulator and maker, glass fitter, cameraman, massage acupuncturists, enterprise information manager, enterprise trainer, professional manager, professional instructor, finance planner, hotel manager; ministry of education teacher qualification certificate, grown-up, self-taught examination and private run schools and universities; ministry of finance (assistant accountant, accountant, registered accountant, registered tax accountant, registered assets assessor, economic engineer; ministry of information industry (graphic designer, three-dimensional automation engineer, network administrator, network application engineer, office software application experts, computer assisted designer, indoor decoration designer) and others public affair servant, custom declarer, computer high-tech (OSTA programmer, plotter, electrician, welder, electrical welder, overhead operator with IC card operation permit.

司法部、人事部(二级注册建筑师、一级注册结构工程师、注册安全工程师、注册设备监理师、监理工程师、注册税务师、注册土木工程师、注册电气工程师、注册电气工程师、讲师、教授、主治医师、主任医师);卫生部(执业护士、执业医师、执业中医师、执业口腔医师)、建设部(预算员、安全员、材料员、质检员、施工员);劳动部(心理咨询师、验光师、保健按摩师、电子商务师、物流师、经营师、国际商务单证员、电工、焊工、电焊工、家电维修、厨师、美容美发师、厨师、保育员、汽车维修工、数控、机修钳工、磨床工、平面设计师、形象设计师、室内装饰设计师、策划师、美术设计师、环境艺术设计师、营养师、按摩师、针灸师、药剂师、中药调剂师、验光师、眼镜定配工、摄影师、推拿针灸师、企业信息管理师、企业培训师、职业经理人、职业指导师、理财规划师、酒店管理)、教育部(教师资格证、成教自考民办);财政部(助理会计师、会计师、注册会计师、注册税务师、资产评估师、经济师);信息产业部(平面设计师,三维动画工程师,网络管理员,网络应用工程师、办公软件应用专家、计算机辅助设计师、室内装饰设计师)及其它(公务员、报关员、单证员、计算机高新技术程序员、绘图员、操作员、电工、焊工、电焊工、高空作业等 IC 卡操作证等)。

15. First of all, this part describes the history of the people assessor system.


16. Thepeople assessor system of our country had an important effect at first.


17. It lies in the lack of implemental value and the excessive exaggeration of political value of the Chinese assessor system.


18. assessor什么意思

18. The dissertation analyzes the development of the People's assessor system and certain problems in practice, and brings forward certain suggestions regarding the construction of the system based on the value analysis.


19. assessor

19. It is the first set of detailed provisions in the Chinese history that specialized on People's assessor system.


20. assessor是什么意思

20. As the result of the development of the ancient assessor system, jury system is also the most important part in the modern system.


assessor 词典解释

1. 估价员;(资产)评估师;估税员

An assessor is a person who is employed to calculate the value of something, or the amount of money that should be paid, for example in tax.


2. 专家;(尤指法庭的)陪审推事,顾问

An assessor is a person who is an expert in a subject, especially someone asked to advise a court of law on that subject.

e.g. Two judges and six lay assessors sentenced White to life in prison.


3. (考试、面试、体育赛事等的)评分者,评委

An assessor is a person who judges the performance of someone else, for example in an exam, at an interview or at a sporting event.

e.g. ...external assessors of GCSE exam results.


assessor 单语例句

1. Floats featuring couples in wedding finery followed Newsom and San Francisco Assessor Mabel Teng.

2. It has four offices and has sales or assessor contacts across the country in 19 cities.

3. The township sent notices after each quarterly deadline was missed, the assessor's office said.

4. The collegial group of the Board was usually composed of a team leader, an examiner and an assessor.

5. The examiner gave suggestions and then the leader and assessor gave comments.

6. Real estate records at the county assessor's office make no mention of Schwarzenegger's name.

assessor 英英释义


1. an official who evaluates property for the purpose of taxing it

Synonym: tax assessor