

confront:[英 [kənˈfrʌnt] 美 [kənˈfrʌnt] ]


过去式:confronted;   过去分词:confronted;   现在分词:confronting;

confront 基本解释

及物动词面对; 使面对面,使对质; 碰到,遇到; 比较

confront 相关例句


1. I am confronted with many difficulties.


2. A soldier has to confront danger and death.


3. My house confronts his.


4. confront什么意思

4. The prisoner was confronted with his accusers.


5. New tasks now confronted the working class.


confront 网络解释

1. 面对:关键是要敢于面对(confront)并克服这种心理. 如果我们一味地求安全,就不会有所长进,就等于是作茧自缚(We become trapped inside a shell of our own making). 第二段指出,第二次世界大战以后,人口的流动性(mobility)变大,

2. confront的翻译

2. 使面临,对抗:inflict 自虐,自我折磨 front 面对 | confront 使面临,对抗 | affront 脸一直凑过去-->冒犯,侮辱

3. 第八集:占卜死亡的男人:第七集:黄昏的离别 Good night | 第八集:占卜死亡的男人 Confront | 第九集:战斗的餐宴 Lethal trap

confront 双语例句


1. And on many of the country's beaches, garbage, raw sewage and medical wastes washed up to spoil the fun of bathers and confront them personally with the growing despoliation of the oceans.


2. confront

2. In the new period of history, the party's national affairs confront to many new situations and problems.


3. At a party given to introduce Elsa Schraeder to the Captain's neighbors, the ominous rumblings of the imminent German Anschluss begin to be heard. Some of the guests almost come to blows over the possibility of Hilter's take-over of Austria, and one of them threatens the Captain, who is firmly opposed to the Nazi regime. When Maria tries to teach one of the von Trapp boys the charming Austrian folk dance, the Laendler, the Captain takes over, dancing for the first time with Maria. During the dance Maria is confronted with a sudden realization: she has fallen in love with the Captain. In dismay, she flees to the Abbey, where the Mother Abbess advises her that the love of a man and a woman is holy, and that the Abbey is not a place to hide from one's problems but a place in which to confront them. She urges Maria to reach out to meet life and insists that Maria return to the von Trapp household.



4. These rights include the right not to incriminate oneself, the right to be represented by an attorney, and the right to confront and cross-examine his or her accusers.


5. J! - r: C. r# n, u u * The combined forces of Shattrath have launched an attack on the Isle of Quel`Danas, to confront Kael`thas and the Legion at the Sunwell and surrounding areas.

P; R O; Q*{*撒塔斯的联合力量已经发动了一场针对Quel`Danas的攻击,以在太阳井和周围区域得以面对凯尔萨斯和军团的势力。

6. Less well known, however, are its more recent efforts to confront grave environmental problems.


7. This is what we have to confront.


8. We should confront with hardships in our life, not aviod them.


9. confront的翻译

9. Aimee Mann - Momentum Oh, for the sake of momentum I've allowed my fears to get larger than life And it's brought me to my current agendum Whereupon I deny fulfillment has yet to arrive And I know life is getting shorter I can't bring myself to set the scene Even whin it's approaching torture I've got my routine Oh, for the sake of momentum Even thought I agree with that stuff about seizing the day But I hate to think of effort expended All those minutes and days and hours I've have frittered away But I can't confront the doubts I have I can't admit that maybe the pas was bad And so, for the sake of momentum, I'm condemning the future to death so it can match the past

Aimee 曼-动力哦,为了动力我已经允许我的恐惧比生活大而且资讯科技被带我去我的现在议程因此我否认实现还没有到达而且我知道生活正在很比较短我不能带来我自己设定现场甚至金雀花资讯科技正在接近拷问我已经得到我的常式哦,为了动力甚至认为我同意那一种东西有关抓住那天但是我憎恨想到被花费的努力整那些数分钟和数天和数小时我已经逐渐浪费离开但是我不能面对我有的怀疑我不能承认,也许不好很坏而且如此,为了动力,我正在判刑对死亡的未来因此它能相配过去

10. Jack is convinced it is Dharma behind it. Kate disobeys are parole officer and goes with Jack to confront Sun's father.


11. Who is my accuser? Let him confront me!


12. The industrial-scale use of animals for food and vivisection is one of the great hidden evils of our lifestyle – rather than confront that, it`s obviously best to throw those that confront it into prison.


13. Live life without fear, confront all obstacles and evince that you can overcome them.


14. confront的翻译

14. Besides wiping out any enemy troops it might confront, one army is to press onward as swiftly as possible to Quzhou and areas to its north and west and bring a section of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway and the highways south and north of Tunxi under complete control, in order to cut off the enemy's retreat.


15. This may reinforce the prevailing orthodoxy sense of Confucian scholars to confront the reality and the Buddhist necessity.


16. When the illusions are torn away, and you confront the truth, that`s when you confront your real life.


17. In the new background, Song authors with Confucianism assimulated Buddhism and Taoism to adjust their view and outlooks on the world. As a result, they could confront with the reality when they were in plight and find balance of mind and happiness of life, therefore Song intellectuals came to terms with demotion much more easily.


18. At the same time, the gap has dared us to confront ourselves.


19. This, inverted meaning quite sentimental about the Mochizuki confront, with a sense of the world the meaning of it.


20. How to prevent and lessen the professional listlessness of vocational college teachers is a problem that the educators should confront and solve.


confront 词典解释

1. (问题、任务或困难)降临,使面临

If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it.


e.g. She was confronted with severe money problems...


e.g. Ministers underestimated the magnitude of the task confronting them.


2. 勇敢地面对;正视

If you confront a difficult situation or issue, you accept the fact that it exists and try to deal with it.


e.g. We are learning how to confront death...


e.g. NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions.


3. 使面对(有威胁性或困难的事)

If you are confronted by something that you find threatening or difficult to deal with, it is there in front of you.

e.g. I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.


4. 与…对峙;与…对抗

If you confront someone, you stand or sit in front of them, especially when you are going to fight, argue, or compete with them.

e.g. She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face...


e.g. They don't hesitate to open fire when confronted by police...


5. 与…当面对证(或对质)

If you confront someone with something, you present facts or evidence to them in order to accuse them of something.

e.g. She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt...


e.g. I could not bring myself to confront him about it...


confront 单语例句confront

1. Abbas refuses to confront the militants for fear of triggering a civil war, preferring to negotiate an end to their attacks against Israelis.

2. Police said Nowak drove from her home in Houston to the Orlando International Airport to confront Colleen Shipman.

3. The administration tried to confront rising budget deficits while pouring more money into defense and homeland security.

4. " It's time to confront your own body, " Wang said.

5. Armed groups routinely exhort their members over mosque loudspeakers to confront approaching Israeli troops, despite vastly inferior weapons and considerable risk.

6. If the government genuinely sees the people as its priority, it must better understand the peoples concerns and confront their responsibilities in relation to accidents.

7. Thirty years ago this week an American president arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of estrangement and confront centuries of suspicion.

8. Cordova says authorities have drawn up plans to confront the possible upsurge in cases, possibly including more selective school closures in areas particularly affected.

9. It reminds the central authorities of not only the formidability of the challenge they confront but also the persistence they need to tackle it.

10. Symbolizing an iron made of crystal magnified 165 billion times over, the masterpiece sought to confront the destiny of man with scientific discovery.

confront 英英释义


1. deal with (something unpleasant) head on

e.g. You must confront your problems

He faced the terrible consequences of his mistakes

Synonym: face upface

2. present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize

e.g. We confronted him with the evidence

He was faced with all the evidence and could no longer deny his actions

An enormous dilemma faces us

Synonym: facepresent

3. oppose, as in hostility or a competition

e.g. You must confront your opponent

Jackson faced Smith in the boxing ring

The two enemies finally confronted each other

Synonym: face

4. be face to face with

e.g. The child screamed when he confronted the man in the Halloween costume