

mob:[英 [mɒb] 美 [mɑ:b] ]


过去式:mobbed;   过去分词:mobbed;   现在分词:mobbing;   复数形式:mobs;

mob 基本解释


名词暴徒; 犯罪团伙,黑手党; 民众,乌合之众; 〈美俚〉匪帮,一群罪犯

及物动词聚众包围; 大举包围,围攻; 蜂拥进入


mob 相关例句


1. He was mobbed as soon as he left the house.



2. Customers mobbed the store on its first day of opening.


3. The eager children mobbed the candy man the moment he appeared.




1. The police faced a mob throwing bricks and petrol bombs.


2. He pushed his way through the mob.


mob 网络解释


1. 怪物:Q:我很好奇,当治疗一个被怪物(mob)攻击的人[被攻击者]时,和治疗一个攻击怪物但自身没受到攻击的人[伤害输出者]时,效果有什么不同呢?Q:是不是说消失(fade) 只是将仇恨暂时的减去了10秒或20秒?在fade效果消失后又加回来了呢?


2. 群氓:)在这一点辜鸿明在(春秋大义)中再三表示对群氓(mob)的蔑视,的确是儒者本色. 孔子对樊迟的鄙夷也是同样的意思. 对于自己不感兴趣的事情,没有理由作太多的臧否. 所以,作为一个儒家信徒,我不讨厌基督教.

3. mob:management by objectives; 目标管理

4. mob:mobility; 包括松动度

5. mob:mobile offshore base; 移动式海上基地

6. mob:main operating base; 主要作战基地

mob 双语例句

1. Just as gunfire threatened to break out, William Ruto, an Orange leader, persuaded the mob to back down.


2. mob的翻译

2. Tom joined the mob of skylarking scholars outside.


3. Gehennas is not the only mob that uses this system.



4. Eddie, on the other hand, is a fifty something man with a past that he has long reconciled with. The two discover that they need one another and Eddie becomes embroiled in Lena's past, as well as becoming seduced by her present. He will do anything to help untangle the mess she is in, including protecting her from the hit-man, police detective and mob boss that are hot on her tail.


5. There was mayhem as a roaring mob clambered aboard a truck carrying aid and fought for the food.


6. So go out and find a mob, rinse and repeat the strategy and tactics that work for you!


7. During Huck and Jim's drifting down the river, they witness a series of ridiculous and evil scenes of society: the bodies drifting in the river, the feud between the families of Grangerford and Sherpherdson, rascals like the King and the Duke Colonel Sherburn's killing of Boggs, the mob's attempt to lynch Sherburn.…All these are unfolded before Huck and make him see through the greedy, hypocritical, cruel, cowardly, and vainglorious adults.


8. When you take over a mob, you have access to all their abilities and spells.


9. Seeing the mob and the blood-bespattered smith, the man paused, and the bootmakers with inquisitive eagerness joined the moving crowd.


10. mob的意思

10. Anyway there are 6 quests, you can do one of them every day, they mostly need 2-4 meat from an easily accessible mob in Northrend and different items from the city, like half-empty glasses of wine, cheese from the cheese vendor's shop or fungus from the sewers.


11. mob是什么意思

11. He is the third mob leader to be convicted this month.


12. During filming and at premieres he needs a team of 25 bodyguards to protect him from the braying mob.


13. mob的解释

13. That`s what mob politics is all about.


14. But this, I feel: This is network mob truly!


15. mob的反义词

15. And i have an angry mob...


16. mob在线翻译

16. He was attacked by an angry mob of youths.


17. But then it started to feel as though an angry mob was about to attack me.


18. Something which, when I do it, I get an angry mob on my front lawn.


19. Four days after these words, he was killed at the hands of another angry mob.


20. Even a castle garrison must keep its military skills honed if it is to be any use, and drills are an important part of fighting like a unit rather than a mob.


mob 词典解释

1. 暴民;乌合之众

A mob is a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people.

e.g. Bottles and cans were hurled on the terraces by the mob...


e.g. The inspectors watched a growing mob of demonstrators gathering.


2. 大众(含贬义);(尤指)愤怒暴乱的群众

People sometimes use the mob to refer in a disapproving way to the majority of people in a country or place, especially when these people are behaving in a violent or uncontrolled way.


e.g. If they continue like this there is a danger of the mob taking over...


e.g. They have been exercising what amounts to mob rule.


3. 黑社会;犯罪集团

You can refer to the people involved in organized crime as the Mob .

e.g. ...casinos that the Mob had operated...


e.g. It was a Mob killing.


4. 团团围住;成群围住

If you say that someone is being mobbed by a crowd of people, you mean that the people are trying to talk to them or get near them in an enthusiastic or threatening way.


e.g. Her car was mobbed by the media...


e.g. They found themselves being mobbed in the street for autographs.


mob 单语例句

1. Justice by mob rule will not lead to more fairness and lawfulness.

2. He is soon met by a lynch mob that strings Jed up for being in possession of allegedly stolen cattle.

3. The state government and police had accused a Muslim mob of torching the train and charged more than 100 Muslims.

4. A mob in Urumqi lost all reason and conscience to unleash the worst form of violence on innocent people.

5. Players and coaches wept with emotion and blew kisses to the delirious mob.

6. Mob mentality is not going to stand still for dialog, discussion and reason.

7. The RSS was temporarily banned after a Hindu mob tore down a mosque in 1992 which lead to bloody religious riots.

8. The result is a tendency to build illegally which has been used as an excuse by extremists for mob violence against the Christians.

9. The public is increasingly fed up with mob scenes and price gouging that result when virtually the entire nation is sent on vacation at once.

10. A dispute over mining rights turned into a mob fight on November 18 in Yunnan's Luxi County.

mob的近义词mob 英英释义



1. a disorderly crowd of people

Synonym: rabblerout

2. an association of criminals

e.g. police tried to break up the gang

a pack of thieves

Synonym: gangpackring

3. a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities

Synonym: syndicatecrime syndicatefamily


1. press tightly together or cram

e.g. The crowd packed the auditorium

Synonym: throngpackpilejam