

dilemma:[英 [dɪˈlemə] 美 [dɪˈlɛmə] ]



dilemma 基本解释


名词进退两难; 窘境,困境

dilemma 相关词组

1. be in a dilemma : 处在进退两难的境地;


dilemma 相关例句


1. I am in a dilemma whether to do maths or English.


2. Mary is facing the dilemma of obeying her father or marrying the man she loves.


dilemma 网络解释

1. 进退两难:在逼进退两难(dilemma)的情况下应该如何是好呢?办活动,拘泥於现有的形式;开筹备会,不敢表示意见而显得没有参与:吹口琴,只敢嘘嘘的吹:面对权威时不敢提出质疑;自以为是的唾弃专业:对大场面的恐惧:对大责任不敢担当:不敢想像会有很多新生的加入:大言不惭的阐述目的;

2. 困境:在黑格尔外显形式的基础上建立起了内隐三角,这一思想后被马克思和恩格斯所继承和发展. 请参考右侧图片来比较辩证(Dialectics)与折中(Trade-off)、困境(Dilemma)、疑惑(Puzzle)以及平均(Average)之间的区别.


3. 左右为难:ma)以下是引用青苹果在2005-4-1 10:58:15的发言: 十月三十日 蘑菇(Horse Mushroom) 左右为难(Dilemma)十月三十日 生日花:蘑菇(Horse Mushroom) 花语:左右为难(Dilemma) 蘑菇是被选来献给在「效忠皇帝」及「追随教会」的两种情况下,

dilemma 双语例句

1. After he graduated from the Schola Magistrale, Luciano faced the dilemma of a career choice.

当他从Schola Magistrale毕业后,帕瓦罗蒂面对一个职业选择困境。

2. I want to help you, but now I am in a dilemma.



3. I want to help you, but I am in a dilemma.


4. I really want to help you, but I am in dilemma now.


5. dilemma

5. I really want to help you, but now I am in dilemma.



6. I want to help you, but now I am in dilemma.


7. I want to help you, but I'm in dilemma.


8. I want to help you, but I am in dilemma now.


9. Dr Krach and Dr Kircher used the prisoner`s dilemma because it involves a difficult choice: whether to co-operate with your opponent or betray him.


10. Even if I don`t feel uneasy anymore in such dilemma, these leisureliness will never change my tragic awareness of this psychological reality!


11. Then, a tight money market in the current macro-financial environment, real estate financing dilemma of how to break it?


12. The holistic dilemma of higher education development should been made deep reflection on the aspect of basic idea.



13. One of my friends told me about, they have expanded their Chinese community, blinded by greed, some people naturally breeds greed, to the right name, interests, etc., do everything possible to exclude dissidents, this time there have been the so-called Chuichentingzheng Empress Dowager Cixi, confused emperor, and Clifford Chance and others, the associations for these people into gangs, and members did not establish good communication mechanisms, associations, such as bureaucratic struggle in the ancient palace The temple, also fierce fighting, not members of the internal unity, Gouxindougu it and the other members of the dilemma, a small group of internal disputes, failed to hold a community speak with one voice, we must avoid this vicious competition and guard against with the United States of Envy, and friends into accuser.



14. And since modern times, it could be said that the dilemma is rooted in reason. As a result, aesthetics acts a role to save and sublate reason.


15. So depended on a single nation, actions against corruption will be in dilemma.


16. dilemma是什么意思

16. His dilemma is that nearly one-third of the city's 2.5 square miles is either nontaxable church land or lightly taxed land owned by the utility.



17. It is obvious narrative ethics in contemporary literature, the ethics of the narrative on the ethics of freedom of the individual and suppressed narrative, and the ethics of freedom of the individual narrative deviation heroic image of the proletariat in shaping a major dilemma.



18. Seeing the practical dilemma of customs supervision of Chinese processing trade, the author puts forward a new suggestion of supervision model of processing trade-abolishing present model orientated toward quantity of bonded goods, executing new model orientated toward value of bonded goods on the basic of the orientation of processing trade in macro - economic policy system after Chinese entering into WTO.


19. dilemma的近义词

19. As a result, the intervenor will be in a dilemma and so we must try to find out the best path to the incentive and the mode of the regulation on the basis of the human nature character of the economic man.


20. Gentleman is in a dilemma, afterwards, gentleman an evening hasnot spoken with me, I act like a spoiled brat, act shamelessly, he


dilemma 词典解释

1. (进退两难的)窘境,困境

A dilemma is a difficult situation in which you have to choose between two or more alternatives.

e.g. He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country...


e.g. The issue raises a moral dilemma.


dilemma 单语例句dilemma

1. The dilemma Gao faced is one shared by the growing numbers of Chinese people opting for imported food.

2. " The Cage Man " incident shows the dilemma of grassroots administration.

3. Don't just capitalize a company which is in difficulty and help it out of a dilemma without bringing any benefit to yourself.

4. A new cartoon due to go out last night on the US cable channel Comedy Central could pose the same dilemma.

5. Policymakers across Asia face a dilemma though, fearing too much monetary tightening could choke a nascent economic recovery.

6. Preserving the right to be a mother or pocketing a decent salary is the dilemma facing China's white collar pregnant working women.

7. Menu items are described with concise mouthwatering adjectives making ordering a delightful dilemma.

8. Schools also face a dilemma regarding whether a student's consent needs to be obtained before passing academic performance information to parents.

9. The dearth of young performers is a dilemma most local opera troupes have to face, he said.

10. It reflects the institutional dilemma that the Western media and democratic system encounter during their development processes.

dilemma 英英释义


1. state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options

Synonym: quandary