

scurvy:[英 [ˈskɜ:vi] 美 [ˈskɜ:rvi] ]


scurvy 基本解释




scurvy 双语例句

1. Most of the children had rickets, scurvy, anemia or related diseases.


2. Childhood diseases that can cause knock knee are rickets, scurvy and Blounts disease.

儿童疾病可以引起连锁反应膝关节是佝偻病,坏血病和blount 病。

3. These include beriberi and pellagra, anaemia, scurvy, rickets, bleeding tendencies, severe eye dryness and corneal melting.


4. When the relationship of the nitrogen oxide produced by the angina pectoris treatment glyceryl trinitrate and blood vessel expansion is discovered, it developed the medicine used to treat male sex impotency. and, it is expected to develop medicines to treat scurvy and cancer.


5. When the relationship of the nitrogen oxide produced by the angina pectoris treatment Glyceryl Trinitrate and bloodvessel expansion is discovered, it developed the medicine used to treat male sex impotency. And, it is expected to develop medicines to treat scurvy and cancer.


6. Scurvy:Nutritional disorder caused by deficiency of vitamin C.


7. The human body can store only about 6 week's worth of vitamin C, and when it runs out seamen experience lassitude, rotted gums, hemorrhaging. Some 18th century ships lost half their crew to scurvy.

人体只能储存6个星期所需的维生素 C ,当缺乏维生素 C 时,海员会感到疲乏,牙龈腐烂、出血。18世纪的船队常有半数船员死于坏血病。

8. scurvy是什么意思

8. When the body to add the right amount of vitamin C, scurvy is not a rule and more.


9. When the body to add the appropriate amount of vitamin C, scurvy is not the more the rule.


10. Begin your journey as a lowly Landlubber and fearlessly plunder your way up the ranks to Scurvy Dog, Powder Monkey and beyond.


11. Of or relating to or having or resembling scurvy.


12. Signs of scurvy will appear one to three months after intake of a source of vitamin C stops.



13. You're fine.- Scurvy?



14. Two years later, scurvy distinguished completely in the British Navy.


15. Or crooked back, or a dwarf, or that has a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or has his stones broken

020 驼背的、矮矬的、眼睛有毛病的、长癣的、长疥的,或是损坏肾子的,都不可近前来。

16. Sweet fern and cold, and heat-clearing and detoxifying, laxative diuretic, nourishing the liver and kidney, the effect of insecticide-treated祛feng shi for Rectocele, jing feng children, chronic arthritis, high blood pressure, scurvy, bruises, internal injuries hematemesis, dizziness, insomnia have a better effect on measles, influenza prevention role.


17. Cook was a practical seaman and discovered the importance of vitamin C, at the time many men died of scurvy during long sea voyages.

科克是一位实际的水手,他发现了维他命 C 的重要性,在那时候,由於长期的海洋航行,有许多人死於 scurvy。

18. Captain James Cook had reached Australia`s east coast, and thanks to sauerkraut and citrus juice, he had lost none of his crew to scurvy.


19. scurvy的近义词

19. Iago. Nay, but he prated, And spoke such scurvy and provoking terms Against your honour That, with the little godliness I have, I did full hard forbear him.

伊阿古 可是他唠哩唠叨地说了许多难听的话破坏您的名誉,连像我这样一个荒唐的家伙也实在压不住心头的怒火。

20. Blackthorne was famished and his mouth and body ached from the scurvy.


scurvy 词典解释

1. 坏血病

Scurvy is a disease that is caused by a lack of vitamin C.

scurvy 英英释义



1. a condition caused by deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

Synonym: scorbutus



1. of the most contemptible kind

e.g. abject cowardice

a low stunt to pull

a low-down sneak

his miserable treatment of his family

You miserable skunk!

a scummy rabble

a scurvy trick

Synonym: abjectlowlow-downmiserablescummy