

prophet:[英 [ˈprɒfɪt] 美 [ˈprɑ:fɪt] ]



prophet 基本解释

名词预言家,先知; 倡导者,主张者


prophet 相关例句


1. They listened to the words of the prophet.


2. Mohammed is the prophet of the Muslims.


prophet 网络解释

1. prophet

1. 预言者,先知:6. catechism 教理问答 | 7. prophet 预言者,先知 | 8. on the run 在逃

prophet 双语例句

1. For this cause be a prophet about the land of Israel, and say to the mountains and to the hills, to the streams and to the valleys, This is what the Lord has said: Truly, in my bitter feeling and in my wrath I have said these things, because you have undergone the shame of the nations


2. An infidel spy came to the Prophet while he was on a journey.


3. It is applied to those who believe that, after the death of the Prophet, the Imamate (the political and religious leadership of the Muslim community) should have gone to'Ali - the cousin and son-in-law of the prophet - and his descendants as a divine right.

它是适用于那些相信,经过先知逝世后,imamate (政治和宗教领导人的穆斯林社区),应该走出去'阿里-表姐和女婿的先知-和他的华夏子孙,作为一个神权。

4. A single strand of Prophet Mohammed's hair, kept in a silver and crystal bottle.

先知穆罕默德的一根毛发,以饰银水晶瓶盛放+1 Piety

5. prophet在线翻译

5. According to Chinese statistics villa network, has more than 30 developers in the capital enclosure, ready to launch this year of new villa project, which is located in south-west of Kunming, Dalian Wanda have been rumors in the enclosure near 5000 acres; broad base of local production planning in charge of Mr. Wang, the Dianchi Lake Golf also a few mu of land; the second phase project of the Western Hills villa also has a few acres of land to be opened …… Chunjiang Plumbing duck Prophet.


6. prophet在线翻译

6. The doom of Ninive was nevertheless in itself for Juda an object-lesson which the impassioned language of the Prophet was well calculated to impress deeply upon the minds of thoughtful Israelites.


7. And when he was in the gate of Benjamin, a captain of the ward was there, whose name was Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah; and he took Jeremiah the prophet, saying, You fall away to the Chaldeans.


8. When he was at the Gate of Benjamin, there was a captain of the guard there whose name was Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah, and he seized Jeremiah the prophet, saying, You are deserting to the Chaldeans!

37:13 他到了便雅悯门那里,有守门官名叫伊利雅,是哈拿尼亚的孙子,示利米雅的儿子;他拿住申言者耶利米,说,你是投降迦勒底人罢!

9. This branch claims that there have been twelve Imams who have descended from the Prophet Muhammad.


10. His works now only served to prolong and propagate the evil proposition the prophet proclaimed, and all with great proficiency. M



11. The prophet was drowning men on Great Wyk when they came to tell him that the king was dead.


12. prophet的反义词

12. At their one and only meeting, Salome joyously expresses her passion to the prophet, but is abominated and ruthlessly rejected, for her mother marries with her first husband`s brother who usurps his own brother`s crown.


13. He just fell into the devil`s trap of self-glory, and wanted to be a prophet instead of a shepherd.


14. Before religion in the prophet speak is all thought of the day after tomorrow and realize the truth.


15. Its name is taken from the prophet Hosea, who lived in the northern kingdom between 755 and 725 BC.


16. If I go forth into the fields, behold the slain with the sword: and if I enter into the city, behold them that are consumed with famine. The prophet also and the priest are gone into a land which they knew not.



17. If I walk out into the field, look! those slain by the sword; If I enter the city, look! those consumed by hunger. Even the prophet and the priest forage in a land they know not.


18. He did not see to condense in flame the light of things, he had nothing of the prophet and nothing of the magician about him.


19. But when he was at the Benjamin door, a captain of the watch named Irijah, the son of Shelemiah, the son of Hananiah, who was station ed there, put his hand on Jeremiah the prophet, saying, You are going to give yourself up to the Chaldaeans.


20. prophet的反义词

20. Book 38, Number 4348:A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet and disparage him.


prophet 词典解释

1. 先知

A prophet is a person who is believed to be chosen by God to say the things that God wants to tell people.

e.g. ...the sacred name of the Holy Prophet of Islam.


2. 预言者;预言家

A prophet is someone who predicts that something will happen in the future.

e.g. I promised myself I'd defy all the prophets of doom and battle back to fitness.


prophet 单语例句

1. The offices of a British publisher were attacked in September over a novel about the Prophet's child bride.

2. Saddam then calmly spoke about how the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus Christ asked for forgiveness for those who had opposed them.

3. Anger has been spreading in Arab and Muslim countries since cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad appeared in a Danish newspaper and were republished elsewhere.

4. Muslims around the world were offended because Islam forbids the depiction of any prophet from the Quran.

5. Elective courses of Quran and the life of Prophet Muhammad are made available in middle schools and high schools.

6. The Prophet of Islam's famous exhortation - go in quest of knowledge even unto China - is central to Muslims'quest of deeper knowledge.

7. Islam Prophet Mohammed also declared a Jihad in the seventh day of fasting in his time.

8. Ali was revered as Imam and there were altogether 12 Imams who enjoyed the same supreme religious position as the Prophet.

9. Nietzsche's book focuses on a prophet who reflects on his life as he descends from a mountain retreat and returns to mix with mankind.

10. The drawings have touched a raw nerve in part because Islamic law is interpreted to forbid any depictions of the Prophet Muhammad.

prophetprophet 英英释义


1. an authoritative person who divines the future

Synonym: prophesieroracleseervaticinator

2. someone who speaks by divine inspiration

someone who is an interpreter of the will of God