

decadence:[英 [ˈdekədəns] 美 [ˈdɛkədəns, dɪˈkedn:s] ]


decadence 基本解释



decadence 网络解释

1. 堕落,衰落:devolve 移交,委任 | decadence 堕落,衰落 | decapitate 斩首

decadence 双语例句

1. Avant-courier and Decadence: Two Faces of Sanyu and Modernity of Chinese Fine Arts; Ⅳ.


2. decadence

2. That lonely feeling lonely and has been there, Chong denounced the unrest and decadence.


3. Given the venality and incompetence of our government, the shaky state of our economy, the apathy of our people and the decadence of our culture, I don't think we'll be king of the jungle for very much longer.


4. decadence

4. In the middle age, the history of Braga during Visigoth and Arab times is very obscure and represent periods of decadence for the town.


5. In a long time have the courage to write their own feelings, just a few days after, and all have become like this, will really heart broken, although the use of the glue will be strong Nien debris, but it will leave ugly Pakistan Wang, even if I disguise themselves very strong, but it will be fragile heart pain, I want to go back to my simple world, in this age, I completely changed, the change does not recognize let me out, elegant Decadence


6. He criticized the intellectuals spirit of decadence of the late Ming Dynasty. They were perseveranced in the pursuit of material.


7. To save myself from temptation of the flesh and a fall into decadence, I'm going to Ma's tomorrow in order to avoid Ling. This pain has had me in its grip long enough!


8. But the most rampant decadence today is financial decadence, the trampling of decent norms about how to use and harness money.


9. He was closely associated with the literary movement of Symbolism and Decadence.



10. Several heads were symbolic of decadence and oppression, and also of heresy.



11. He added the modern element of leisure into the scenery traveling. His living in seclusion, traveling and making friends manifested intense popularity and decadence, which made his decadent life become unusual and splendid.


12. Because of its decadence, few want to understand the art taking place in the bullring


13. Although the male singers have female tendency, and confront some decadence together with the female singers, the innate Rex of the male, there is protection and tacitly consent to the male singers. In history, the male singers have the male appearance as some political quality, i. e. to remonstrate with the emperor, to conspire a rebellion, to be an imperial officer and to ingratiate oneself with the emperor.


14. decadence

14. The opportunity gave a lead way to his fame along with the rise of the Hollywood celebrity culture. The surreal artistic images and materialistic, erotic themes have been the signature traits of his works. On one hand, he reveals the luxurious life of the high society; on the other hand, he documents the irony of the modern era: sex, drugs, money, greed, luxurious brands, over-spending and decadence.


15. Gillian is the pay is miserable road Ah, a lot of people to不忍心看Gillian decadence that is the case now, but worse is that Gillian is now a state can only be maintained this way, there is no way to save is now bad situation, but in your own阿sa Gillian also has to pay a lot of effort, but it seems these efforts is not enough, we can only listen to boiling point of the network television audience, but also there is no way around.


16. Corollary to these are increasing criminalities, drug trafficking` prostitution, moral degradation, sex abuse and violence, etc. These economic ills and social decadence are actually being experienced now by the highly urbanized and metropolitan LGUs.

这是必然结果增加criminalities ,贩毒`卖淫,道德堕落,性虐待和暴力,等等这些经济问题和社会颓废实际上是现在正在经历的高度城市化和大都市LGUs 。

17. decadence的近义词

17. We're going to the decadence capital of the world here, boys.


18. I have been fighting the prevailing decadence for years.


19. These are my recent thought, i feel really decadence, but what can i do?


20. He intends in his art, to criticize the decadence of modern society.


decadence 单语例句

1. And while the fashion industry might have a reputation for decadence and hedonism, she has a chaperone on most of her modelling assignments - her mum.

2. No culture in the world is free of decadence and that includes Chinese culture.

3. Of all the sights evocative of the splendor and decadence of old Shanghai, none is singularly more impressive than the Bund.

4. Not everything about their culture may be good, but decadence is not the sole preserve of the West.

5. Or, you may go for total decadence and shave lots of dark chocolate curls on top.

6. SkyCity Marriott Hotel boasts the convenience and efficiency of an airport hotel and comfort and decadence of a luxury hotel.

7. Dessert, raspberry smoothies and a chocolate decadence will positively finish you off.

8. Moral values are much more important where they come from than in the cities, which suffer symptoms of decadence.

9. It is said that all countries on the road to development will experience moral decadence.

10. The Chinese people once experienced a time, when comfort in life was despised as decadence apt only for the bourgeois.

decadence 英英释义


1. the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities

Synonym: degeneracydegenerationdecadency